4664 results found
Report templates - Only show 'Ready to use' in a client organisation
When at the client level and adding a new report to a report pack generated from a Practice level report template currently the reports from the Xero report packs show up as well.
The reports that show in this list should be only the reports from the Ready to use list in the Report Templates of Xero HQ
4 votes -
Bank Account - Add "Difference" field to show the actual amount of the difference between statement balance and balance in Xero
On bank header screen where it shows "Statement Balance" and "Balance in Xero" could we have a simple "Difference" calculation to show the actual amount of the difference.
4 votesHi Valerie, while not shown in the Bank header, you can run the Bank Reconciliation report which will show you the balance out by figure. If the Imported statement balance hasn't imported or doesn't match your actual bank statement ending balance, you can enter this yourself at the top of the report and update so Xero will show a calculated balance out by amount.
Bank Rules - Tab and select functions when entering detail
Xero UX designers seem to be under the impression that users want to select accounts by scrolling though a list of 100 entries every time.
You removed the ability to search for the appropriate account by typing the account name when adding payroll categories a while ago. Most recently, you've removed this from the Bank Rules screen without having to use extra clicks.
Anywhere we're supposed to select an account, either tabbing or clicking into the field and typing the name of the account should search for and select the account, as it used to everywhere and as it still…
4 votes -
Projects detailed report - Adjust formatting of expenses in report
The projects detailed report shows the estimated expenses on separate lines to the actual expenses incurred against that estimate. It is a manual process in excel to move the expenses around so that the report can reflect Total estimate less total spent and balance remaining. While this information is available on the projects page, it can't be pulled out as a report which is frustrating.
4 votes -
AU Payroll - 3 weekly pay calendar
This is needed to accommodate a 2 week on 1 week off cycle.
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Branding - Add DOCX merge fields for the organisation's Phone Number and Email Address
DOCX - Add merge fields for the organisation's Phone number and Email Address in all templates
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how to track sending emails
I dont think this feature has carried over properly from the old xero - when I email an invoice from drafts, 'awaiting approval' or paid, it doesn't always show that I've sent the email over to my customer (in the history and notes section) Is anyone else experiencing this?
3 votes -
New Invoicing
Add default bank accounts for adding a payment. Old invoicing automatically brought up your bank accounts. New invoicing-you have to sort through or search your whole chart of accounts for the bank account/s.3 votes -
Expenses - Chart of accounts list
Need to ability to limit the list of accounts for each user and then allow the approver to have access to all chart of accounts to re-assign the expense.
Staff don't understand accounts requirements to be able to choose the correct account.
Also need to make it simple for users.3 votes -
AU Payroll - Include a comparison field in Payroll Reports
Payroll reports - it will be good to have a COMPARISION field on payroll reports just like the P&L - to compare with previous n number of months / periods.
While the grouping / summarizing features are good - they are limited to just reporting on a particular period.
Hence any Comparisions are tedious to run / export and consolidate on excel.
For. eg. I'd like to run a report to display :
Afternoon Shift Loading & Overtime work for a month OR the full FY with monthly columns.
Is this something we can get to without having to export…3 votes -
New Invoicing - 0.00 values appearing in the invoice summary on invoice emails which should not appear
There is system wide error in the back-end template that you use to generate invoice emails. Please refer screen captures attached. You will see that I have two lines in my Invoice 005614 that are text descriptions of services only so are effectively subheadings and have no account code and no "value". They appear correctly in the PDF invoice with a blank in the "Amount NZD" column but they appear incorrectly with a value of "0.00" on the email the customer receives. I'm annoyed at myself that I have never noticed and reported this bug before because it looks these…
3 votes -
New invoicing - Increase Transaction lines in invoices
Currently one can only post 50 lines in an invoice. It should be unlimited as some clients have at least 200 lines or more depending on their line of business.
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Reports - Add planned payment date direct from reports
It would be really helpful if there was the option to add a planned payment date for all invoices listed on a particular aged creditors report. Having customised reports so that only invoices on particular job sites are listed, it then seems very inefficient to have to access 'bills to be paid' and manually, individually search each of the invoices listed on the report to schedule a payment date for them. Could this not be a function, whereby you can schedule them all for payment directly from the aged creditors report?
3 votes -
Send Invoices - Ability to Copy and Edit the Email Address
When I'm in the email invoice page, there's no way for me to copy the email address. I can't hightlight the email address or right click on it.
I also cannot edit the email address. Sometimes instead of sending to the default invoices@company.com I want to send to john@company.com but I don't want to change the default email address on the contact and I don't want to have to type out the email address (and potentially have mistypes).
3 votes -
Automatic Late fees
There should be a function to add automatic late fees and or interest on a contact-by-contact basis or just at all especially since you can't apply a late fee after a partial payment without reversing that payment. Xero needs to add the option to add either a fixed/one-time, daily, weekly, or monthly late fee OR interest percentage or a combination of both.
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UK Payroll - Set the date for when payslips are available
It would be useful if payslips could be scheduled to be posted to Xero Me on a date after the payroll is run. Eg you may run the payroll mid-month but want employees to be able to see their payslips on the date the payment is made at the end of the month.
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Bills - Upload bills with New Bill and shortcut keys
When you go to add a bill it does not give option to upload.
Can shortcut keys not go on top to show add new bill upload new bill? it would be much handier3 votes -
Be able to set minimum stock level
Against each item of stock have the facility to list what the minimum stock level should be. Items that fall below the stock levels can be populated on a report. On Sage, you could access your stock list and any items that had fallen below the required amount were in red. If you have hundreds of lines it isn't easy to see what needs ordering and staff who process the orders don't necessarily know what critical levels are.
3 votes -
New invoicing - Use '.' as separators in the date field
New invoicing - ability to type "." between numbers (like you can in bills) i.e 24.6 then becomes 24 June after you press Tab.
Right now it only seems to accept 24/6, but I'm sure you used to be able to type 24.6 Tab and then it would convert to the date. If you use "." now, it will default to todays date
3 votesUnderstand our customers have different habits when entering dates, Emily. Atm you can use '-' or '/' to separate n umbers in your dates, however as you've found '.' isn't an option. We'll begin gathering interest in this here, and I'll share if there are any updates planned.
Sub Clients for Invoicing
Many of our clients have multiple project specific groups, so that for a given client we might have "project A" and "project B" - individual projects for the client may have different payment terms, and will almost certainly have different specific email addresses that invoices need to go to - however they use the same entity.
We currently can't create a separate entity (as the invoice would then not be made out to the correct legal entity), and this means we then have to modify the addressee and payment details each time we invoice this client.
A few possibilities:
- add…
3 votes
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