AU Payroll - Restrict which earnings rate an employee can select in timesheets
Ability to restrict which pay items an employee can view in Xero Me to only those that apply to that employee. Without this ability employees sometimes choose pay items that do not apply to them. Most often this is picked up at the authorisation stage but why allow the possibility for error in the first place.

Kath Swallow commented
There is the ability in Xero to create pay templates for each employee so why does this not reflect in XeroMe. They should only be able to see there own pay rates!
This is huge and breaches privacy for every employee. This should be high on the list of fixes! -
Kath Swallow commented
I have multiple pay roll categories and different levels for each employee. Even though this is set up correctly in Xero, in XeroMe, the employee can select any category or level. I not only have to check that hours are correct, but they have selected their own payroll level.
This is very confusing for staff and makes payroll harder for me.
Each employee only has their level setup in their Pay template in Xero, why can't this be reflected in XeroMe? -
Caitlin McCloud commented
I think it is absolutely essential that when using Xero Me employees are only able to view their own individual pay items. Being able to view the pay items of other employees in the organisation is a huge breach of privacy, and could cause a myriad of problems within employee groups. This needs to be fixed as an absolute priority.
Julie Robertson commented
I believe this is critical. I gave a pay rise to one of my staff members as he has more responsibility, unfortunately every one of my other staff members can see, that he has a payrise.
I did not know 1 of my other staff members clicked on the wrong pay rate and has been paying the pay rise. -
Melanie Pearce commented
For privacy and error reduction, please do this. Thanks
Jon Cover commented
please do this we should be able to select for each employee whether this applies or not.
David Vanderjagt commented
I don't understand why this is not locked, it makes no sense, causes confusion, potential for errors and considers how different everyone's rates are. I realise in the timesheet they can't see the rate but it feels close to breaching ethical privacy considerations.
Andrea Reynoso commented
Please fix ASAP!
Please lock it according to what is set up on the employee pay template -
Tim Heading commented
Fix this ASAP. It would be a minor coding correction in Xero Me.
Limit the visible pay rates to what is on an employees pay template - SIMPLE.It has caused major issues in our business with employees questioning each others rates of pay.
Andrew Dezelak commented
This fix is urgently needed. Organisations that use award rates need to update those award rates in one place in payroll each year. You can only adjust rates across multiple employees by setting up extra Ordinary Hours earnings pay items, but then all these pay items show up as options on every timesheet, giving employees visibility across the organsation as to which award rates are being used in payroll. Completely unacceptable breach of privacy for a payroll system. Fix immediately.
Gurpreet Singh commented
The employee should only be able to select the pay rate assigned under their pay template, rather than any pay rate available. Please fix.
Daniel Bromley commented
Absolutely ridiculous you can choose a pay rate not relevant to to you. Surely this can be fixed quickly.
Aileen Pennington commented
This is really important. I am sure amny of us would be happy to accept the subs increases we have been receiving if more time was put into Payroll as a whole.
Sarah Scoble commented
We would like to restrict which leave types are displayed to employees in the MyXero app. For example, we don't want employees to be able to choose leave without pay, but we need it in case they negotiate LWOP with their manager and with HR's approval.
JGA Accountants commented
This would be a great idea as I have employees selecting supervisor to get a hirer rate of pay, as this shows as an option on their xero me app. I would just like the pay item that is assigned in the template.
Krystal Ciaglia commented
I have 30 odd clients using xero for payroll, and most avoid using the timesheet function because of this issue.
The employee should only be able to select the pay rate assigned under their pay template, rather than any pay rate available. -
James Stevenson commented
100% agree, especially since selecting anything from the My team options stops the timesheet from being able to be accepted. It is completely useless and only causes issues and confusion.
Amy Carter commented
Xero Me - Hide all pay items and only show relevant categories.
Currently on Xero Me, when going to submit a timesheet, you can choose any pay item that has been set up on Xero.
These options are divided into "Self" or "My team" to identify which items an employee has been set up with on their timesheets.
Why include the "my team" section? Please remove all other options so employees can only view and select from the pay categories they have been allocated on their employee pay template.
There is no need to have that added confusion whatsoever for the employees and have people selecting incorrect, higher paying rates.