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  1. In old invoicing, you can just drag and drop the file into the window and it uploads. In new invoicing, you have to drop it in the box at the bottom of the page. Fair to say this is tedious!

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    Hi team, returning to confirm that the ability to drag & drop files anywhere on the page in new invoicing has now been released to everyone. We hope you find this enhancement helps speed up and make attaching your files more efficient as you invoice.

    Just a reminder that you'll need to add a contact to the invoice first, and if you'd like to include files when sending to your customer, select the 'Attach files to email' checkbox once uploaded.

    Thank you all for your engagement, votes and staying updated with us through this idea.

    We understand some customers workflows mean they would like to attach files before adding contacts and while this isn't something that's available right now, I'd recommend making sure you've joined this idea for any updates.

  2. Please change the new invoicing so when we copy the invoice, the previous contact automatically appears as default

    We should not be choosing the customer each time we copy an invoice

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    Hi everyone, we've introduced a change to new invoicing so you now have the ability to copy an invoice to a draft invoice and keep the existing contact. 🙂

    When you select this option, you'll see a pop up where the current contact is selected by default, however you can choose another contact or leave this blank if you'd prefer.

    Thank you for all your support and sharing back on the idea for this feature, here.

  3. Xero, it is another shocking mistake in new invoicing. To do the job I had to switch to classic invoicing.

    I had to correct a "GST on income" amount in the locked period. So, I had to record a zero-balance invoice. I hope that somebody in the production team does understand accounting and knows why this correction is done as a zero-balance invoice.

    An error message popped up in new invoicing: Zero balance invoice can't be saved.

    It is a joke, right!?

    Please fix it as soon as possible.

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    Hi team, thanks for all adding your interest and following the idea here. Our product team have recently taken a closer look over the root cause of the error users were receiving when trying to approve a 0.00 invoice with negative tax.

    They've released a change that resolves this, so you should no longer receive an error when trying to approve invoices of this nature.

    We appreciate the feedback raised on this through the idea. If you do run into any scenario where receive this error again, please raise a case with our specialists at Xero Support who can deep dive in with you to investigate.

  4. The ability to add a tracking code from within the 'new invoicing' bills.
    Classic invoicing has this ability and it would be excellent to have it in the new invoicing also.

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    Hi everyone, we've now released the ability to add a new tracking option within new invoicing to all customers!

    Just like classic, you'll find using the option +Create new tracking opens a modal within the screen that allows you to easily add a new option for that tracking category on the fly.😊

    Thanks again for all your feedback around this improvement and it's meaning to you here.

  5. The new invoicing email sends a detailed summary of the invoice as part of the email. We would like the option to opt out for this like the old email template. We like to breakdown our invoicing internally for reporting purposes but the client does not need a breakdown of line items, just a total. We use custom invoicing templates so that we dont show line by line breakdown and the new email overrides this. Please do not switch off the old invoicing module until this is fixed. Downloading an invoice and sending it through my emails is time consuming…

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    Hi everyone, we appreciate all the attention this idea has received and while I know this has been mentioned by others earlier in the conversation we wanted to confirm it is currently possible to remove the detailed summary from showing within the invoice email.

    This is controlled within Email settings and updating your email templates for sales invoice.

    If you open your template you'll see an option for 'Include action to online invoice and detailed summary'.

    Having checked in with our team we have no plans for changing this flow in the short term, however this is a one time action so once you uncheck and save the template you'll find this removes this formatting from any invoices you send with the template applied.

  6. New invoicing is missing the ability to select the default due date that is against the customer. I had to change the invoice date for a customer with set payment terms of 30 days from the invoice date and there were several suggestions listed but the old option to reset to default date was missing.

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    Quick roll out here 😊 the improvements for the date selector are now live to all users including the ability to Reset to default due date.

    Just remember the default will be based on the setting in the contacts record, or if there is none saved this will default to the options set in your Invoice Settings.

    Appreciate all your feedback and sharing with us through the idea here.

  7. Provide the ability to directly save invoice as a pdf like it did in classic invoicing, rather than opening it in Chrome and then having to click the download button etc, the old way was more efficient.

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    Hi everyone, as of today we have released a change to this process. Rather than opening the PDF in a new browser window, now when you click Print PDF in new invoicing the file will automatically download for you to Print from your device. We thank you for your feedback on this.

  8. Thanks for allowing the contact to remain when copying an invoice over - but please can you allow the defaults for the contact e.g. Tax rate to pull through as well?
    I have found when changing the account, or just adding a new item, that it is not bringing this in (as the little warning states when you are copying) but this is a real pain as you have to keep checking the Tax rate and amending when it isn't correct for that contact.
    Please can this be fixed as it was not an issue in the previous version of…

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    Quick spotting there, team. Thanks for staying engaged through this idea. I can confirm that this was a bonus change that has been implemented with the release of other improvements in the Contact field.

    As you've noted, now when you copy an invoice and select the same contact it will auto apply that contact's defaults.

    Our team are working to remove that warning that defaults won't be applied so you should see that go soon.

  9. In new invoicing, please revert the ability to edit the postal address 'attention' box, back to the same as classic invoicing. Property managers want the owner's name included in the invoice address, so for each invoice I produce, I need to change the person's name in the 'attention' box. Previously this could be done by clicking on 'edit address' within the invoice, but in new invoicing, I need to edit the address by going into 'contacts', 'edit ', 'addresses', 'edit address', 'update address', 'save'. Once this is done, the ability to email the new invoice disappears, and I have to…

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    Hi everyone, thanks for continuing to tune into updates of the idea here. Taking feedback on board on information that's most helpful to our customers we've released improvements to the ‘Contact’ field within new invoicing. 

    We heard being able to edit and add the 'Attention to' for a contacts address was important, and we've now added this capability into the contact card so you can edit this in the billing or delivery address detail, on the fly. 

    Along with this; there's now a look up tool so you can easily search and select a contact's addresses, and we’ve added more lines to enter a contacts address if needed. We appreciate your engagement and letting us know what matters to you through product ideas. 

  10. Can the New Invoicing Template have a the original way to change the date instead of opening the date dropdown to then have to open the "Pick another Date" option if it's not today or yesterday.. If it was today it would already have that day selected, so why is it an option? just added extra steps to select the correct date..

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    Hi team, the improvements to the date selector are now live to everyone! Thank you again, for all your feedback.

    Along with this change, we also recently released an update to date entry shortcuts so you can now enter the same shortcuts that you had with classic invoicing such as +0 or 't' for today's date.

    With copy and paste you'll find you can copy and paste dates however these will currently need to contain a '/' or '-' between the day-month-year to appear correctly.

    We appreciate there are other options when selecting dates that our customers would like to see and there are other ideas that you may also like to vote and join for updates.

  11. The email invoice button on the new invoice template has moved from a main button to now being in a sub menu in the three dots, adding a click to the work flow.

    But Print PDF is still a button on the main invoice template.

    In an era where email is preferred over a printed PDF in the post, it would be nice to retain both EMAIL and PRINT as main buttons on the new invoice system. Seems extra work when you are sending a whole load every day for bigger companies.

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    Not a separate button in itself, however we’ve released some new shortcuts that’ll save you all the clicks here! 

    Thanks for all sharing your flows and the efficiency you found in being able to easily select to email your invoices. Listening to our customers feedback we know improvements to reduce the amount of clicks for actions in new invoicing is important. 

    We’ve just delivered a range of keyboard shortcuts to new invoicing, that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with some simple keyboard entry. 

    Now you can easily bring up the send modal within a Draft, Awaiting Payment or Paid invoice by typing Alt-Shift-M (or Opt-Shift-M on a Mac)

    While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of…

  12. I've noticed in the new invoicing that the account column disappears when it is saved. While I don't want the account column shown on the actual invoice, I use this saved version in Xero to check that the correct account has been selected. I will not switch to new invoicing until this option is available as it would be extra time to edit the invoice to see which account was selected. Classic invoicing is a much better experience in my opinion.

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    Thanks for staying tuned with us through the idea, here. As you may have seen when recently invoicing, we've released a new line item grid when the invoice is saved, and in view mode.

    Along with other enhancements this encompasses moving details into their own columns including the Account column. We appreciate your feedback and sharing on how this change could improve the experience for you.

  13. New Invoicing - Due Date: entering +0 currently records the due date as 7 days from invoice date. This feature is useful when due date is same as invoice date. All other numbers work (eg +5, +6, +7 etc) but +0 does not. Please fix this.

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    Hi everyone, we appreciate your patience while we worked on developing shortcuts into new invoicing.

    We have now released an update and you'll find you can use the same shortcuts you used to in classic such as +0 or 't'. Thanks for all your feedback on this here.

  14. open attached files (especially PDFs) in the current window (same as old invoicing), not in a new tab which is automatically happening with new invoicing.
    is frustrating as you now need to go back and forth between tabs if you want to transpose info from the attachment into the invoice.
    Much more user friendly the old way with a resize-able/move-able viewing window within the same tab

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    Hi team, thanks for staying tuned into the idea here for update of files preview. Our team have released a change, and you'll now find when you 'view' a file attached to an invoice this'll now show a side by side view so you can transcribe any detail as needed from the attachment to your invoice. ✨

  15. Having "quick find" on the billing address when entering a new contact through an invoice.

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    Hi community, we appreciate your ongoing engagement with us through the idea here. We've now released updates to the ‘Contact’ field within new invoicing - With the changes we’ve made, you can now look up and quickly find a contact delivery or billing address as you’ve been requesting. Other improvements we’ve made include; being able to enter more address lines, and an Attention to for each address on the fly. 

    Thank you for sharing with us through product ideas, here. 

    Add default bank accounts for adding a payment. Old invoicing automatically brought up your bank accounts. New invoicing-you have to sort through or search your whole chart of accounts for the bank account/s.

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  17. In Classic Invoicing there is an X to delete a line. In New Invoicing I have to click on the 3 dots then select Remove from the 2 options that are displayed (Save to inventory or Remove). Please can the function of a single click on the X be retained.

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    Thanks for your feedback and tuning into the idea here, everyone. Our team have been doing a lot of work in this space to iterate on new invoicing and improve the experience for our customers. 

    With one of our most recent updates the team implemented a change to the way you delete lines of your invoice. You'll now see a small 'bin' icon at the end of each line enabling you to easily delete lines as needed, without any extra clicks. 🙂

  18. Why has this been removed? I genuinely can't understand any good reason for doing so from a Xero user perspective. Please reinstate as soon as possible! It is such a helpful, immediate visual tool to be able to qet a quick insight into a client, or suppliers, payment history and patterns of behaviour. It highlights immediately where there may be gaps and is something I (and others in our business) make use of on a daily basis. Additionally, as someone who benefits from visual learning, to completely take this option away is hugely disappointing. I'm now faced with a page…

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    Hi all, if you hadn’t already spotted, the Money in/out graph is back 🎉

    It shows the cash in and out over last 12 months, and you can still mouse over the graph to show the actual amounts. The bars now have a minimum size for visibility! In the old graph depending on the difference in cash amounts the smaller bar would sometimes not be visible.

    With this updated version you can switch to a table view that was added for our accessibility users/ those who prefer seeing a table rather than a graph. You can also choose to show or hide the graph entirely, just use the overflow menu above - see screenshot for illustration.

    Thanks again for all your feedback on this change, we’re glad to be able to bring back an improved version!

  19. The new invoicing system no longer shows the invoice number on the tab. It's handy when going between programs to use the said invoice number

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    Appreciate you all staying tuned into the idea with us here, everyone. We've made a recent update where you can now see the invoice number in the browser tab when viewing an invoice with new invoicing. 

  20. In the "New Repeating Invoice" section, Sub section "Repeat This Transaction Every" only has weekly or Monthly. A lot of employees get paid Fortnightly (Two weeks) and would be a great addition to add the "Fortnightly" option. Also adding the "Fortnightly" option in the Reference, Place Holder area. Please see the attached image as these area are highlighted.

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