Bills - Flag a Bill as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag individual bills as in dispute
Purpose | To enable review and ensure the business does not make payment for a bill when it's currently 'under query'

We appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product teams regularly come to better understand and see where they can develop solutions for our customers alongside other priorities they're balancing. You'll see in many places we're beginning to see how we can get our community members more involved in research and testing for ideas early on in the development process.
As soon as there is more news around the teams work in this space we will be back to share this with you all, here.
Antoinette Micallef commented
Hi all
If you want Xero to notice, you need to leave a review on Trustpilot
There are many overseas users leaving a review you might like to see then leave your own review. -
Julie Sutton commented
@Sarah - one HUGE downside of marking a bill as paid before its actually paid is that it disappears off the short term cashflow forecast in Xero ..... I have queried this with Xero and been told "thats how its supposed to work"
Somewhat crazy functionality!
There is "suggestion" here if you would like to add to it
Sarah Verge commented
I'd like to be able to mark those bills that are going to be paid by Direct Debit, so that I don't pick them up in a payment run by accident. If I was approving bills straightaway, I'd add the Direct Debit payment when processing the bill, but all bills go for approval via ApprovalMax, so that's not possible.
Carol HARDING commented
How long does it take to realise this is an important function, once everybody has had enough and found an alternative software package that focusus on what is important not on look.
Yazz Bhatti commented
Any suggestions on an alternative accounting software provider instead of Xero? This software is getting 'beautified' without actually sorting out the lack of features.
Definitely time to jump ship.
Mel Fenemore commented
@janice Mcgrother - 4 months is nothing in XERO world. There are suggestions for missing basic functions that have not been addressed for years if at all!
This suggestions and ideas options feel like another pointless exercise to make it appear our thoughts and opinions as paying users count! -
Janice Mcgrother commented
Hi Xero
It's been 4 months now and no further update. Can you advise if you have made progress with this? It is really causing a problem as there is nowhere on the supplier screen that you can see if the invoice is in dispute despite putting a note on the actual invoice and when you are talking about hundreds of invoices how on earth are we to know if it's disputed? Please fast track this!
Judy Ford commented
Fully agree this is a very important requirement, if you pay an invoice inadvertently that is actually in dispute it it gives supplier impression the query is resolved. therefore makes resolving issue a lot harder
Hope this can be processed soon.
Lu Fan commented
Adding the feature of flagging a bill as "in dispute" on Xero will not only streamlines the process but also enhance control over the payment workflow, ensuring that the relevant invoice is excluded from the payment run, preventing any inadvertent transactions. I believe it is an essential feature of an accounting software, so please do something for it.
Farzana Mughal commented
This is very important so as we don't pay what shouldn't be or if they are duplicated invoices with different invoice numbers for which we await a credit note. By flagging we can cross reference.
Annette Ainsworth commented
If a bill could be shown in red as on hold/inquery that would be very helpful. I hope you can do something for this very soon.
John Anibaldi commented
Hi Hannah,
if Xero developers could just add a "contacts group" column to the bills to pay awaiting payment list, then we users could create our own ON-HOLD or IN-DISPUTE contact groups and assign contacts as required. Then we could filter out these groups from the awaiting payment list prior to proceeding to batch. (refer attached mock up). I know this would mean filtering out all payments to a contact rather than just a single invoice, but I would have thought that it's a relatively quick solution to implement. Also, the byproduct is we can then create batches by different supplier groups, which would be handy. cheers -
yubraj sah commented
Is there any update on this Hannah? This would be a great feature to have
Vivien Knight commented
I would also like to be able to change an approved bill back to awaiting approval. But let's get this small issue of putting an invoice on hold resolved?
Mariete Santos commented
The ability to change a Approved Bill back to Awaiting Approval would help as well please.
Arnis Veisbergs commented
Thanks for the update. Frankly it's just not good enough!
Are we going to wait for another year until the next update?
This is a basic function that should have been available from day 1. -
Julie Sutton commented
Chris - the same across all the main suggestions of what most of us consider "fundamental" basic requirements (this, supplier statements, ability to "pay" credit notes, reports showing debtor days to name bit a few)
These boards are basically ignored by Xero or a cursory response once in a while as "not on the road map" - pointless! And beyond frustrating... to be honest it is just laughable
Chris Curlett commented
Frankly ... I feel with this number of supporters XERO treats users with contempt. This "suggestion site" is a sop to users and from ZERO's possition is merely an unwanted necessity!
Come on Xero - prove me wrong!
Trevor Jones commented
PLEASE ADD THIS TO BILLS AND INVOICES. A simple "check box" / "flag" will suffice so it is easily identified and can be used in "filters" when looing for items to be paid.
Pete Eastwood commented
It does rather feel like Xero have been seduced by the sexiness of the app and on the fly usability, at the expense of developing core features which seems to have ground almost to a stop.
Even more odd when their own instigated suggestions forum here highlights this as a long standing top priority for customers.