New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?

Sigmatech Accounts commented
Wonderful. All it takes now is a miss-click and once a line item is gone, its saved into the invoice and there's no versioning or way to recover it.
Our line items contain important information which is time-consuming to recover from the source system.
What's more, the user may not even notice they have made the error, costing the company thousands of dollars.
Switching back to classic until autosave can be disabled, or proper versioning is enabled.
Claire Parker commented
@Scott Leonard. How rude of Pat at Xero support. You asked for support on a critical invoicing issue and he/she/they basically told you to ******** and go read something about quotes. This isn't support or customer service. Pat at Xero support needs to go back to school and learn some manners as well as some basic accounting skills. Invoices and quotes serve greatly different purposes in an accounting system.
Olga O'Keefe commented
I can suggest a different aspect of why they do this “detailed” autosave. It is much easier from the coder’s perspective to save every click we do than to save only meaningful info as the classic version does. It turned out that this “detailed” autosave is useful for quotes. Great! Keep it in quotes only and leave the invoice history free of rubbish notes.
Scott Leonard commented
@Laine Ratsep.The contempt Xero continues to show professional users of this software is outrageous. I get nothing from my Account Manager and nothing when I put this issue directly to senior Xero reps at their live events.
Laine Ratsep commented
@Scott Leonard - are they for real?? Quotes =/= Invoices - the legal requirements and ramifications are VERY different between the two functions. Completely leaving aside the dodgy tactic of trying to pit users against one another, they are also deflecting from the main request.
For reference, Pat at Xero Support, that comment was: Put it on a toggle and let an organisation decide whether they want Autosave on any or all functions. that way they are responsible for the legal ramifications, not Xero.
(Reference: "From Pat at Xero Support 29 Oct 24: Hi Scott
I want to make it clear that it is not our intention to remove the autosave feature or make it optional. We've got some very interesting feedback on autosave on quotes, which is yet to be implemented. If you're interested in seeing the sentiment from users around the lack of the autosave feature for quotes, feel free to have a read through the comments on the product idea." sent to that user) -
Mike Johnston commented
I have just read the comments re auto-save for quotes and agree with them - for quotes. Quotes are complicated and take a lot more time to put together - often spread over hours of consideration (what will my competitors quote, what's the customer's budget, what are the costs etc).
As anyone who has worked in a SB one would know, small businesses work very different with quotes than they do with invoices.
Invoicing is quite different, often copied from a a quote (hence double ups, thanks to the auto save functioning), take less time and if not copied from a quote, they are most often for us either repeat invoices or copy from last month's invoice with minor changes to text. Often a different person is doing the quotes versus invoicing at the completion of work or for a step payment invoice.
Invoicing and quoting are very different scenarios.
Scott Leonard commented
From Pat at Xero Support 29 Oct 24: Hi Scott
I want to make it clear that it is not our intention to remove the autosave feature or make it optional. We've got some very interesting feedback on autosave on quotes, which is yet to be implemented. If you're interested in seeing the sentiment from users around the lack of the autosave feature for quotes, feel free to have a read through the comments on the product idea.
Mike Johnston commented
Any chance this will be fixed (ie a no autosave option) before it's forced on us in 20 days' time.
Doing end of month invoicing now and autosave is frustrating & screwing things up. Resorting to Classic for October but November...? -
Mark Mannering commented
Totally agree. Can throw off the numbering system for invoices, you might not know a draft invoice is there (even though it displays 'Draft invoice saved') and you can end up with lots of unfinished drafts.
We, and I, see lots of (unhappy) Xero customers here with their (and my) VERY good reasons for turning off Auto-Save. I run Xero courses here in Albury, and yesterday's class all agreed there should be an option to turn it off.
Jennifer O'Dea commented
I echo the request to turn off auto save, I prefer to save my changes myself when ready & not have the long audit trail that happens when it keeps auto saving.
I use copy invoice facility but that requires minor amendments (such as desc, lead ref & amount) but each time it auto saves & leaves a trail in notes of each tiny amendment I make. I always switch back to classic as it gets on my nerves.
At one point I wanted to preview an invoice & auto save was lagging behind slightly so my change didn't show, other times it's super quick so it saves before you really want it to.
Prefer ability to turn it off please so I can control how often it saves.
Nadine Hyslop commented
YES! Firstly, I actually really like the auto-save feature, as some afternoons our internet gives up for an hour or so.
BUT, I can't count how many times I've been interrupted and thought I copied the invoice then wind up completely clearing that customers one only to find out I never copied it and have now lost the info. This means a lot more work going back through papers to re-create the original invoice (hopefully we haven't lost income from this).Please Xero, if you can't turn it off (or don't want to) at least create some sort of 'undo' feature to avoid these kinds of mistakes happening!
Brian Gaetjens commented
VERY inconvenient that draft invoices auto-save. I usually create invoices by copying from an existing invoice. The first auto-save happens even before I've typed the invoice # I would like to use rather than the one Xero likes to allocate. the continual auto-save also creates a massive history trail which makes it then difficult to see my history of actual changes.
Since at least February 2024, users have been requesting that auto-save be either removed or made optional. Will this happen before the legacy version (without auto-save) is removed?? -
Brian Gaetjens commented
VERY inconvenient that draft invoices auto-save. I usually create invoices by copying from an existing invoice. The first auto-save happens even before I've typed the invoice # I would like to use rather than the one Xero likes to allocate. the continual auto-save also creates a massive history trail which makes it then difficult to see my history of actual changes.
B F commented
Come on Xero pay attention to your users. This is a critical option to prevent lost work and you haven't even acknowledged it with over 250 votes
Mike Johnston commented
So many unwanted blank or half invoices are being created and throwing off the invoice numbering - need to either be able to turn this off or have it not save when exiting.
Sue Packer commented
I edit invoices and will close to reopen to the last time 'I' saved. I understand that some users prefer auto save. But how could this be implemented without the considering the user who don't. Always need on / off option.
Bianca Davitt commented
Its just getting worse..... I was just raising a 4 line invoice in classic (i only use classic as new is not fit for purpose).
When I finished entering all the info, I pressed APPROVE and thought I was done.
But then my production called me and said they cant find my invoice. After hunting for it, I found that my invoice had somehow converted itself into an autosave draft in new invoicing format; and was in the draft folder, MISSING 2 LINES !!!
No idea how or why this happened, but now I'm going to have to check every single "approved" invoice, every time, to make sure it has actually saved in the proper way, with all of it's lines intact.
XERO - please stop screwing around with our lives!
Pyroclassic Fires commented
Please turn this off or give us the option to use. its useless in its current form
Michelle Jackson commented
I cannot use the new Invoicing due to this feature. Please turn Auto save OFF.
We use the Invoice as a job card, entering daily times, materials and details from which 3 of us manage the job until invoicing. Auto save disrupts this ideas phase by saving when not wanted and losing data.
Please get rid of it. -
Matt Cranney commented
A year on and still no option to switch this off? or have I missed something?