New Invoicing - Move Save button to bottom of invoice like classic
Please move the SAVE for the New invoicing to the bottom as per old invoicing. When you have an invoice with 30-50 items and then have to scroll back up to save it adds to the pressure of getting things done.
Or Better still
Leave the old there until you've got it together and your Paid subscribers are happy.
We are seriously looking at moving away from XERO due to all the changes you impose on us without proper UAT. More often than not it creates more work for us and causes more stress we just dont need in an already busy environment.

Hi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
Pyroclassic Fires commented
We need this at the bottom. If you have 50 lines in an invoice, having to scroll all the way to the top to Save is a pain in the proverbial.
Michelle Poulton commented
Agree, we have long invoices, and having to scroll back to the top each time is annoying and inefficient. Please move it back to the bottom, or have both top and bottom
Jane Phillips commented
Helena Dovey-Walker commented
Putting a save button at the bottom and the top would be very useful to save scrolling!
Tropical Waste commented
After all why would you listen to your paying customers???????The whole autosave function needs looking at - our Invoices are raised and then checked before sending by a second and sometimes third person who often have to edit/adjust.
Andrew Syme commented
Can someone please explain this request to me ?
New Invoicing has Auto Save. So All changes are automatically saved unless there is no Contact. Xero will not save an Invoice without a contact.
When does anyone intend to use the Save Button ?
As for Save and Close, What point ? Just click on the Breadcrumbs to get back to Invoices. -
Lee Clark commented
Scrolling all the way back to the top of the invoice to SAVE is time consuming, Would be more beneficial to have another SAVE & CLOSE button, at bottom of page. THANKS
Sarah Jacobs commented
I can't find the save button either
Sarah Jacobs commented
Product development needs to focus on how efficient they have made the new screens. Unnecessary scrolling is inefficient. Please try to think of the user when developing positioning for placement of buttons.
Brooke Gowen commented
I 100% agree with having the save button at the bottom (I can't even find a 'SAVE' button by itself in the new invoicing.
Now in the new invoicing I'm not 100% sure if it is saving - I just tested it quickly and it didn't save my last action. I would rather physically hit a save and continue button as this will be frustrating when doing multiple invoices.
Joelle Nebbe commented
How about then making that action bar at the top STICK to the top as you scroll down?
Annie Thorne commented
It's crazy that the buttons are at the top. Makes no sense at all.
Elizabeth Mpilias commented
Action buttons should remain at the bottom - it's still at the bottom in the Bills entry and having the button at the bottom is much more functional
Julia Berry commented
Efficient workflow involves going from top to bottom. There should not be any need to scroll back up again. Please ensure all "Save" or "Approve" options are at the bottom of the invoice.
Belinda Buckley commented
I would support you investigating putting the save buttons and approve and email buttons to the bottom of the invoice. We are a smaller business but have lots of items on our invoices for certain customers and this drives me crazy having to scroll back up, I feel for the businesses that have hundreds of invoices they have to do this for. I am sorry but it makes no sense at all to have them at the top! Please please reconsider this
Pyroclassic Fires commented
So you'll just do as you please yet again
Leave the invoicing alone!!! From the user feedback being submitted, can you not understand this, your business analysts don't do a great job as we constantly get what Xero thinks is best not what is actually beneficial to our business.
Dianne George commented
New Invoicing: Keep the Approve button at the bottom of the invoice.
Most of the invoices I need to approve have significant line items and long descriptions, and with the new invoicing, I must return to the top to approve an invoice. Time is money and scrolling back to the top is a waste of both of mine.
Pyroclassic Fires commented
New invoicing
Put the save at the bottom like before. Its a pain having to scroll up on an invoice that in very long (50plus lines) to save.Why does XERO think they know best and not ask users how things should work, user experience counts!!!!!