1398 results found
Report Templates - Notes to the financial statements - Going Concern
Would be good when using the Xero report templates that when net assets balances are negative that a Going Concern note is included in the accounting policies to the notes to the financial statements.
This seems to be an automated process on most accounting packages that we have used but very much a manual process through Xero.3 votes -
AU Tax - Filter returns by client group
Need the ability to be able to add a filter in the Returns page to look at a client group.
Predominately will be used for bulk status updates, but I'm sure others could find more uses:
- approval of a group (sometimes approval from each individual return is not appropriate)
- "out to sign" once a pack is sent via FuseSign etc.
Would also be useful for a quick snapshot of where the group is up to instead of having to run a report or open the taxable group to see.
thanks! :)
3 votes -
Tax worksheet - re-order lines
Change the order of lines entered into worksheets. Either by drag and drop to re-order or having the ability to sort alphabetically.
4 votes -
Xero Tax - Bulk ability to move filed to archive
There is an issue with AIM reports going direct to filed tab and have to be individually moved to archived.
There should be some bulk ability to move filed to archive
2 votes -
Xero HQ - Bulk remove users
We have lots of Xero systems that belong to one client, one of their admin employees left and we had to remove their e-mail address from each Xero system manually. It would be much easier if we had users' directory and be able to filter by e-mail address and remove people much easier from the associated companies.
4 votes -
AU Payroll: Seperate leave loading rates for weekends
Add the option for differing annual leave allowances (weekend rates) that deduct from the overall annual leave accrual.
Currently the workaround Xero has advised is setting up a "weekend annual leave" leave type with the correct leave loading for weekends and manually adjusting the leave accrual.
Alternatively, a possible solution is adding an allowance leave type "O" for reporting.
7 votes -
Practice Manager | Actual time reports based on actual time (not rounded)
If you have your firm time billing set to round up then all of the reports - even actual time reports, report the rounded hours and not the actual minutes worked. This is really inaccurate and makes it really difficult for me to get a good gauge on employee billing and performance. Please look at amending any reports using a rounded time figure that should be actual time.
In addition and also critical to this issue XPM timesheets for payroll but I am also pretty certain that if you are using XPM timesheets for your payroll it pulls/exports the rounded…
3 votes -
XPM - Sort timesheets by column headers
Would be great to be able to sort the timesheets by the column headings. They are blue but don't actually do anything when you click on them.
1 vote -
Xero Tax (UK) | Ability to file amended financial statements prior to previous financial year.
It would be great to have the option to prepare amended financial statements prior to previous financial year as this option is not available now.
3 votes -
Practice Manager | Jobs Manager - Ability to add or delete columns
Practice Manager - Edit Jobs Manager screen to add or delete columns that are relevant to a practice The ability to add notes would be very helpful.
3 votesHI Sally, jumping back on your idea here our team are working on providing more flexibility to the info you view from Job Manager.
Right now, we're developing columns for Staff, Manager and Partners. Around the same time we expect to deliver these additions, we'll also enable you to hide detail you'd prefer not to view. So, you can decide and only see the information relevant for you when viewing Jobs.
We'll return to share more when this is available🙂
Xero Sign - Reviewer vs Signer
We have a numerous comments and feedback from clients and staff, that it would be great to have an option to include a reviewer of the documents even though their signature is not required. It would be nice to be able to share this information to group entities where the information is required by other individuals/entities within the group.
1 vote -
Xero Adviser Financials - Farming | have multiple P & L's for different farms/orchards in group
For large farms/orchards or multiple businesses in the group, needing a P & L each for each Farm and Orchard. Then a combined statement P & L bringing all the totals together with the group overhead expenses. Currently have to do separate custom reports in Xero then paste in, would be good to have it all formated in one spot not doing multiple reports and copying and pasting. Currently using another accounting software provider to do the financials and only using Xero to collect the date, would be good to have it all in one spot
1 vote -
AU tax - Split husband and wife interest income
It would be wonderful if we could transfer interest, dividends, annual trust distribution information, and capital gains between a husband and wife (or partners etc) when the accounts are held 50/50 or 1/3 25% etc without having to re-enter the schedule into the other party's tax return.
Link the partners together like it does with a rental schedule.
10 votes -
Xero Search - Ability to search clients from Xero Tax(AU)
And before someone tries to tell me XPM is a premium product and that's why it has additional functions like search 🥴 search is not a premium feature. We just want to be able to search for a client without changing from Returns to Clients page.
1 vote -
NZ Tax - Edit the name of PDF attached in tax payment letter emails
Would be cool to be able to edit the name of the PDF attachment sent with the Tax Payments emails from "PaymentLetter" to a name that is more specific to the client.
Would be particularly helpful where a client has multiple entities to pay tax for.
Possibly use XPM merge fields for the pdf file name? for example "{Client} Payment Letter due {PaymentDueDate}"
3 votes -
Xero HQ - Bills Due for Payment
On the Xero HQ screen a column to show if there are any bills due for payment
1 vote -
NZ Payroll - Report on list of Payroll employees earnings at the EOFY
We would like to be able to do a list of Employee at the end of year with total earnings, PAYE, Employer and Employee Kiwisaver etc.
You can list now but it lists every date and you then need to drop out to Excel and do all the additionals. Very time consuming if you have a number of employees.
1 voteThanks for providing that extra clarity, Kay - apologies for the confusion!
As you've found, the Annual Earnings Certificate displays the information required, but splits each employee in to a seperate page.
I've updated your title to reflect that you'd like this report in a list format, and shifted it back to 'submitted' so we can keep collecting votes and feedback.
UK Tax - Xero Files Preview to be available on Cash Based VAT Returns.
Currently there is the ability to click on the file preview within an accrual based VAT return and this will pull up the attachment on that transaction. This doesn't work on the cash based return unless the attachment has been attached to the payment itself rather than the bill/sales invoice entry.
It would be helpful if the cash based return could pull the attachments from the same bill/invoice area as accrual based returns.
4 votes -
XPM - Be able to look up client based on their client code
The ability to look up client by entering their client code. Currently we have to go to groups and find the client belonging to the group. Our admin system is based on client codes and it would make it easier having the client code look up option.
27 votes -
Xero HQ | Tax (UK) - View filing dates
Could you add the ability to track client filing dates for CT, VAT, Companies house etc all in one place?
3 votesThanks for contributing to the community here guys. We will soon be releasing a new solution in Xero HQ which provides one central place to manage your VAT, personal tax, company accounts and corporation tax deadlines. I've shifted this idea to 'working on it' for the time being and we'll let you know when it's available.
- Don't see your idea?