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  1. AU Tax - Error notifications. When a return is rejected by the ATO and appears in the Error tab of the Returns section of Xero Tax, an email should be triggered to alert the tax agent so that the error can be rectified immediately.

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    Totally understand how notifications of errors can improve efficiency and handling of returns in Xero Tax (AU). Thanks for all your input and sharing on this idea, everyone.

    While we have a few pieces of work underway atm, this is something our team are looking to develop. We're going to move this to Under Review and as we have more info and progress we'll return to share this with you all, here. 🙂

  2. Prefill contact name of partner or manager to the Tax return cover page.

    Purpose: To help with changeover of managers of clients and when there is staff turnover or promotions of staff.

    As currently goes it rolls over from the prior year return and a change in staff or manager require it to be changed manually. Having the contact name prefill from the client details page when the update of a new manager is allocated to the client. This can be set to be either the partner or manager through a check box stating which name to prefill.

    Also even…

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  3. Would it be possible to integrate a feature where the workpapers notify the user that there may be Xero accounts that have balances in the relevant year that have not pulled through to any of the workpapers being used (say for example because the report codes mapping for a new account has not been set up properly)?

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  4. Support documents uploaded to a workpaper are listed at the bottom of a workpaper in the order they are uploaded in, it would be a handy feature to be able to reorganise uploaded documents as needed for ease of review and keeping items in say account or alphabetical order.

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  5. Problem: Xero connected to the ATO for activity statements. Client prepares monthly IAS (PAYGW only), Adviser prepares quarterly BAS (GST and one month's PAYGW). Adviser has to disconnect from ATO to finalise BAS in Xero and import into Xero Tax (to be able to send to the client for electronic signing and then making lodgement to the ATO).

    Solution: make it possible to finalise the AS in Blue Xero without disconnecting from the ATO, allowing Client to continue submitting IAS to ATO from within Xero and Adviser to import into Xero Tax to send for e-signing and lodgement.

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    under review  ·  0 comments  ·  Xero Tax  ·  Admin →
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  6. Under the Doc window on the left, default setting should be REVIEW after you logon, as most Uses are not interested in items that have already been processed.

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  7. Extract tax amount from the invoice. This is required for compliance with VAT amount recorded in accounts must match what is on the invoice

    Extracted Amount requires a manual entry of VAT amount. This is misleading as "extracted" suggests the amount has been extracted from the invoice.

    20% on expenses option calculates from the NET AMOUNT or backwards from the GROSS AMOUNT, this is incorrect as the may not match VAT amount on invoice specifically where there are non or zero vat amounts

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  8. I would like if when setting up clients. Under the "Business" tab, instead of industry being so limited, for it to replicate Companies House & use the SIC codes.

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    0 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  9. Xero to automatically log the time you spend in each client and summarise monthly/ average 12 monthly.

    No stop/start. 10 minute auto logout.

    Advantages: no additional work for the user
    Disadvantages: not an exact science.

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  10. When looking at a list of Workpaper Packs (especially archived packs), the order should be most recent first, not oldest first.

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  11. Ability to send a document to a client through Xero portal, without requiring a signature. I use the Document Packs to send tax returns and financials to clients. It would be good to be able to use this function to send packs to clients that don't need a signature.

    For example: securely sending a notice of assessment to a client through xero, or sending copies of tax returns to clients that have already signed them in person.

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     ·  7 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  12. Suggestion to have the ability to enter 'Ad Hoc' time in the same place you enter time for jobs - i.e. in the Timesheets screen, rather than going through the 'Global Search' screen.

    You would select a client first, then select Ad Hoc Time or a job (if an active one exists).

    Also, when selecting a client, it would also be handy to be able to start typing a few letters from anywhere within the client name, rather than having to type the first letter or scroll down using the picklist.

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  13. Allow files exceeding 3MB to be transferred to Xero. Currently, it just shows the link to the file in Hubdoc.

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  14. Can you take the option of making reports favourites by marking them with a star and allow us to do the same with orgs so that a Client Manager can favourite the clients in their portfolio rather than having to search for their clients among the clients of the whole practice?

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     ·  3 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  15. There used to be a tab where we could check which of our clients hadn't filed their GST returns on time, this has been removed, can you please bring it back as we now have no way of checking if we or our clients have missed filing a return.

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  16. I use 'client groups' extensively in HQ. I need to see which clients are not in a group at all, and which ones are in more than one group, but this is not possible. Please allow us to report on which groups each client is in.

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    9 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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    Hi community, just jumping in here to share that we have recently made an improvement to the groups feature in Xero HQ 🎉
    Within a Client record, you can now see what groups they belong to, and add or remove them - check out this article for more information. Please note, this is not available as a report, but is available on a client by client basis.

    While the team have been really busy working on the single client record, they also hope to introduce a Groups list and group details (similar to what is currently available in XPM) to increase the ability to manage Groups within HQ. We’ll be sure to return & update you here when that’s available.

  17. We have staff accountants who work in teams. Ideally, we want them to have the "Manager Role" but when that is the case they can only see Workpapers they have created.

    We would prefer to have the option to give staff with "Manager Role" the ability to see and edit all Practice current and/or archived workpapers.

    The alternative is to give them a Partner Role which has a lot of other access we don't really want them to have (ie restore/delete, etc).

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  18. Hi there,

    Is there any way you could please add the the balance entered into imputation credits in the "tax provision per P&L" section of Workpaper to flow through to the "Balance sheet income tax reconciliation"

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  19. I have 100 clients (mainly 1040) and they are not in XERO. I would like to import them so that I can utilize XERO ASK feature to obtain documents / answers for Tax Prep at year end.

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  20. Can we have hubdoc detect receipt edges like the Xero Expense app, so we don't have to see the client's coffee table, bed, duvet, laptop, lap, the list goes on

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    2 comments  ·  Hubdoc  ·  Admin →
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