1404 results found
Xero Tax (UK) | Add 'Other' category for PPE
It would be great if there was an 'Other' category tagging option under PPE.
We have PPE in our ledgers that doesn't sit under any of the options currently available.
2 votes -
Practice Manager - Customise reports with more fields
Would like the ability to run a report with any fields that are available for the client - not be limited because a certain field is tagged as a job or tax field. Example is having a report with client, job and tax fields all listed
5 votes -
AU Tax: CGT - Option to copy and transfer
Capital gains tax worksheet - where an capital assets is owned by more than one person say husband and wife 50:50. If the worksheet has been prepared for one taxpayer, have an option to have this copied/ transferred to the other taxpayer similar to rent schedule.
For property generally there could be just one item but for shares there may be huge number of CGT events.
273 votesHeya everyone, thanks for your input to Product Ideas and letting us know the value of the CGT worksheet for you.
We're going to move this idea to Under Review as this is something the team have planned over the next 12 months. There are a few other pieces of work lined up before this, so we'll share news when this progresses. Thanks
HubDoc - make the subscriber of the Xero file the owner of the HubDoc file
At the moment there is a glaring issue with Xero files and HubDoc files, that the subscriber/owner of each can be different, even though the HubDoc file is integrated with the Xero file and is "paid for" by virtue of the Xero subscription.
This means it's possible for someone to lose access to their HubDoc account, even if they are the subscriber of their Xero file. Nightmare.
4 votes -
Xero HQ - Add incorporation date
When a business incorporates we cannot add the date of incorporation and therefore cannot print reports for the first year correctly without further work. For first year accounts can you look to make it so that we can have an extended first year
7 votes -
Xero Tax (UK) - SOIRE for FRS102 s 1A accounts
Love Xero Tax for FRS105 but don't use it for FRS102 s1A accounts. Are there any plans to be able to select to include a SOIRE (not just a SOCE)? This is critical for a potential switchover to Xero Tax for these accounts for me.
8 votesThanks for your feedback and support in ideas, everyone.
We've been exploring opportunities for expanding UK tax capabilities for our partners and are considering the ability to include a SOIRE for FRS102 1A accounts. We'll shift to Under review and share more when there's updates with you here. 🙂
AU Tax - Ability to cc another contact
When we send out an Activity Statement, a tax return, an fbt return, etc... is it possible to CC another contact? (one that isn't required to e-sign but is required to see the return and payment information and just be kept in the loop in general)
15 votes -
AU Tax: Activity Statement - Ability to clear failed statements
Failed Activity Statements appear to be unable to be cleared so continue to sit as an action item.
Need to have mechanism to clear as lodged rather than having continue to sit as an item needing action forever.
6 votes -
XPM - Add graphs to the dashboard for manager
XPM Graphs - please add a dashboard for managers to see the graphs similar to the one presented to each user for all the people they manage
4 votes -
Hubdoc - Bulk update document as 'Mark as paid'
Can we select multiple receipts at the same time to add the same tag or the same status such as Mark as paid?
12 votesHello Trang, you can tag multiple documents at once by holding ctrl/cmd on your keyboard. Note that you'll need to create the tag first before you can do this - Read more on our article for more information.
Because Hubdoc can't bulk update the documents to be "Mark as paid" right now, I've changed the title of your idea, so we can see the interest from the community here :)
NZ Tax - Keep the sorting order
Where the notices are the same screen. It would be helpful if it held your sorting order. When you click on a date to accept the assessment, when you return to the list it is back in date order. I'd like to keep it in client name order.
5 votes -
AU Tax - Business and depreciation schedule
We would like to have the following additional schedules:
Company Tax Return - business schedule
Individuals - Depreciation schedule allocated against partnership income
28 votes -
Practice Manager - Filter jobs by clients whose files are ready to prepare
The ability to filter whether a client has coded their file to a certain date. Filter through XPM list of jobs (eg BAS) by clients who’s file is ready to prepare.
4 votes -
Document Pack - Ability to cancel without client receiving notification
Document packs that are cancelled, send a notification to clients. it would be good to be able to cancel the document pack and have the option of whether or not to notify the client.
32 votes -
AU Tax - Import dividend and shareholder details
For PSAR, you can import an empdupe file to populate everyone's PSAR information (address, tfn, dob, name, etc.)
We want a similar function using csv import for company tax return when importing the shareholder details whom received dividends from the company in question. It was painful to manually enter 27 shareholder details and their divdiend payment through your company tax return schedule.
7 votes -
AU Tax - Apportioning Motor Vehicle Schedule
The Ability to Apportion the "Motor Vehicle Schedule" to different item labels in the tax return. It would be really handy if we have that option.
25 votes -
Xero Tax (UK) | Ability to switch between FRS 102 to FRS 105
Needed: an option button in Xero Tax which switches the Accounts between FRS 102 and FRS 105.
The majority of our Clients only require FRS105 Accounts to be submitted to Companies House but they all ask for FRS 102 Accounts to provide to their Bank or for applying for mortgages etc.
We also want them to sign FRS102 Accounts since they have much more disclosure and if Clients simply see the FRS105 version of Accounts, they question the fee we charge them for such a small output (not realising the amount of work behind preparing them).
TaxCalc (which we came…
28 votes -
Practice Manager - Warning message when timesheet entries overlap
It would be great to get a prompt or warning message that will appear when adding overlapping timesheet entries in XPM. Currently an 8hr day and end up more if time has been entered in twice....
43 votes -
Hubdoc - Increase Decimal Places when entering multiple line items.
When entering line items in Hubdocs it would be so useful if we could enter the same number of decimal places that are available in Xero. When we split invoices into line items it is very clunky having to make rounding adjustments because we only have 2 decimal places in Hubdocs, yet 4 in Xero.
19 votes -
Workpapers - Ability to add a note function to each account
Add a note function to each account. Similar to the queries button but just for general notes about what's in the account that doesn't need a resolution. This would be helpful near the account rather then just at the start in the job note section as it would allow quick access for others to see the note when looking at the specific account.
52 votes
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