Settings and activity
26 results found
195 votes
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
8 votes
Hi team, to get a better understanding of exactly where you're wanting to see these columns can I confirm - would it be the Budget Summary report you're wanting to see this?
If so, right you could adjust the period option to 12 months for an annual view or 3 months for a quarterly view.
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
33 votes
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
4 votes
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
154 votes
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
42 votes
Understand you'd like to level up to the Overall budget in an org, Sherry - Just in case you hadn't come across you may find the estimates within a Project useful for now.
We'll track the interest of this here.
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
367 votes
Thanks for your continued engagement with us on this idea, everyone. We understand there are many different ways business work and conduct business with customers, and that you need more flexibility in the way you manage and receive payments for invoices with Xero. While pockets of research have been done in the past we’re getting a fresh lens and conducting a broader piece of discovery to deeply analyse and understand where our efforts could be focused in this space to alleviate existing hurdles in receiving payments for majority of Xero users. We’d like to open the invite to be a part of our teams research pool, where you’d get the chance to share more on the importance of managing payments for your business. This may involve being interviewed, or helping answer questions through short surveys or questionnaires.
✍️ If this is something you’d like to be a part of, please …
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
853 votes
Hi community, we value there are many different aspects within new invoicing where our invoicing users can see small changes to flows and actions could make a big difference to your workflow and experience.
I can assure you we’re engaged, we’re listening and we’re taking all your feedback into consideration as we keep building on new invoicing.
While we’ll continue to keep you updated on specific releases that relate to things that’ve been mentioned in this idea, our teams have also begun some research to get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d like to connect with you all in this idea, and invite you to share further feedback through our survey. Your insights will be invaluable to the team as they continue to plan and prioritise in this space.
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
323 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
Account Transactions: Receipts - Send automated 'payment received' e-mail when payment is reconciled
342 votesHi all, appreciate and understand the support in being able to automate processes such as communication of payment received with a customer.
Though seemingly simple there are a few complexities that'd need to be accommodated for when considering the solution here - such as behaviour for re-reconciliations (Remove & redo has been used), split transactions or Mark as reconciled is used.
Our product teams in this area are working on building on beautiful experiences throughout Bank Reconciliation, which you'd have have experienced this first with the Reconcile tab and they are now moving through other pages and features in Bank Rec - This'll take some time and with that at the fore-front right now we want to be upfront that we don't have immediate plans to add an automated email when a transaction line is reconciled.
As we embark work on the Account Transactions tab we'll be able to revisit…
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
339 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your input and letting us know your appetite for being able to set the Reply to address for your Xero organisation, here in the idea. As many will have seen with new invoicing, our team have begun testing and making small change to the send experience. While we've been able to make these changes when developing other areas of Xero, we want to be upfront that we don't have a timeframe of when we'll upgrade the email settings page just yet, but this is something we will get to in time - when we do our team will also review the Reply to address options as part of this. So, though there is no movement to share on this just yet please know we will let you know here as soon as there is.
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
385 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate all your feedback on how we could evolve roles for customers using Xero. As you can see through the ideas on the platform, there are a wide range of combinations of permissions our customers want to see us build. As user roles impact all areas of the product, there are many considerations we must factor in when assessing how to solve for majority of our customers needs.
We’re beginning to conduct research on the current landscape and how we might approach some of the most predominant needs in roles for our customers. Front footing this, the discovery of this work will be long winded and there will be multiple phases of research and forms of engagement with users that’ll help shape the path ahead in this space.
We’d like to invite you, our community to be part of this research and discovery. This may involve interviews…Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
480 votes
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
489 votes
Thanks for sharing and showing interest in how we can develop user roles to suit your needs when using Xero.
With many varying ideas for roles and permissions in different areas of our products, user roles impact all areas of the product. There are many factors we must consider when addressing how to solve for majority of our customers needs.
We’re in the process of conducting research on the current landscape and how we might approach some of the most predominant needs in roles for our customers. This being one of our highest voted ideas surrounding roles is a specific focus for the team. too.
Discovery of this work is its first stages and will be long running. There will be multiple phases of research and forms of engagement with users that’ll help shape the path ahead in this space.
We value our customers input and would like to…
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
469 votes
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
485 votes
Hi community, sometime on since my last post we wanted to provide an update for your all here and appreciate the continued attention this idea is receiving.
We want to be upfront that at this time focuses for the team are in other areas of bank reconciliation and we don't have any current plans for developing the ability to import and export bank rules from an organisation.
We understand and know this is important to everyone that has voted for the idea and will continue to review and pay close attention to the feedback and votes here. When there is more opportunity for the team to refocus efforts here we will keep you informed of any progress.
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
563 votes
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the possible solution we shared a few months ago. After careful consideration taking all feedback on board, we will not be moving forward with this solution.
We're still considering how we might solve for the issues presented here over the long term and there are other pieces of work the team are currently delving into such as duplicate bills detection that may also help solve some needs here.
That said, we'll move the idea back to Submitted and continue to keep you updated on any progression that can help the needs expressed through the idea here. Thanks
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
537 votes
Hey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I’m pleased to let you know that this has been delivered for UK Payroll initially! It includes the ability to select the date range you’re interested in, and check boxes to either select all results or multiple. Then you can download your selection as a single PDF of multiple payslips.
For users in AU and NZ we know this is a highly anticipated feature, however to be open this is not any immediate plans for those teams so we’ll leave this idea open. While we appreciate it doesn’t help employers needing bulk downloads, employees can be invited into the Xero Me portal to self-serve payslip collection.
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
637 votes
Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been shared with, and considered by, our product team - so they have an understanding of the work that would be required for this.
We'd like to confirm that, at this stage, the automatic generation and sending of reports is not something we have plans to develop in the near term. We are still interested to get a clearer understanding of demand for this feature, and we'll continue to track this through the conversation and votes on this idea. If there's any change we will let you know!
Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·
610 votes
Hi everyone, leading on from my last update we have now released improvements to eInvoicing for those in the UK! With the latest change you'll now find we've made it easier for you to opt-in to receive your Xero subscription bill via eInvoicing. You can now do this from your online invoice (My Bills page) instead of through the Billing contact page. Helping save you time and reduce manual data entry every month.😁
We understand there are other regions that'd still like to see this functionality developed and we'll shift back to submitted and share when there is news of moving this further afield.
We also wanted to address the recent comment of data sharing - We'd like to confirm that Xero do not share data with We use the Peppol network and the subscription invoices are sent using our wholly owned provider, Tickstar.Carolyn Hess supported this idea ·