4644 results found
Schedule invoice to send on future date
I would like to be able to create an invoice, approve it, and then schedule it to send out on a future date.
Currently the only way to do this is with repeating invoices. However, if I have a series of invoices going to the same client, but with different details (items and amounts), then I have to set up an individual repeating invoice for each instance, and set each one to send only once. it would make more sense to just be able to create a single invoice and set a "send on" date.
30 votes -
New Invoicing - Move Save button to bottom of invoice like classic
Please move the SAVE for the New invoicing to the bottom as per old invoicing. When you have an invoice with 30-50 items and then have to scroll back up to save it adds to the pressure of getting things done.
Or Better still
Leave the old there until you've got it together and your Paid subscribers are happy.
We are seriously looking at moving away from XERO due to all the changes you impose on us without proper UAT. More often than not it creates more work for us and causes more stress we just dont need in an…222 votesHi team, while we don't have immediate plans to change the placement of buttons on new invoicing we're interested in staying close to this feedback and I'll move the idea to Under review for the time being. We'll return to confirm any outcomes.
AU Payroll - Ability to apply work patterns to part time employees
Suggest the ability to apply work patterns to part time employees. For example, we have a part time employee who works 7 hours on Mon, 6 hours on Tues and 6 hours on Wed.
At the moment, if a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, it does not correctly work out hours worked.
The same happens if Annual Leave is taken; incorrect hours are calculated which affects AL accruals.
Hours worked have to be calculated and added manually.127 votes -
New invoicing - When sending show organisation's trading name at top of invoice
The email template has changed which accompanies the invoice to the customer. We have a legal name plus a trading as name which people know us by. Currently the legal name is showing up boldly at the top of the email which it didn't before. We would like the trading name to be in this place so as not to cause confusion to our customers, or have the ability to remove it entirely as it has the logo there displaying the correct name.
179 votes -
Navigation - Freeze bar at the top of the page to save scrolling
Can the main pull down bar (Dashboard, Business, Accounting, Projects, Contacts) be fixed at the top of the page? When viewing a screen that has 100 or more lines, it would be a lot more convenient to have immediate access to this than having to scroll all the way back up.
168 votesThanks for your engagement here, Charl. While not a complete solution you may find the use of the 'Home' button on your keyboard helps you quickly navigat back up the page 🙂
New Invoice - Cursor Default Position
In the old Invoicing, when creating a new invoice the cursor would default to contact field so as soon as the screen opened you could start typing to bring up the contact. With the new Invoicing you have to click on the screen in the desired field to be able to type anything.
Please fix this, it is extremely frustrating.
14 votesHi team, rounding back on this one again. Thanks for raising this with us, our team have confirmed they have been looking at this behaviour and are looking to make a change to default the cursor to the Contact field. I'll move to working on it and we'll keep you updated here :)
New Invoicing - Improve History to show when emails are sent
Previously if you emailed an invoice or statemt to a client it showed up as such in History for that client. Recently this appears to have changed and all that shows in History is "Updated". Not very helpful as it is important to know when one last emailed an invoice or statement.
Please fix.
22 votes -
eInvoicing - Tracking
MY e-invoicing requires a tracking category in Xero. As we have clients which requires 2 tracking categories for their businesses, it is impossible to free up 1 tracking category for e-invoicing. Please look into this matter by considering adding a new tracking specific for e-invoicing.
16 votes -
New Invoicing - Add Expected Invoice Payment Date within Invoice
Can no longer add an expected payment date when viewing an invoice, you now have to go to the 'awaiting payment' section of invoices. Meaning more steps involved and lost functionality.
43 votes -
New Invoicing | Tracking - don't override with contact default when copying invoice
Kelly, the procedure to copy an invoice was improved, but it is still erroneous. We have tracking category (department) recorded in customer's settings. But for some customers we issue invoices with the other department tracking category.
New invoicing does not copy that "other" category. When the invoice is copied, all customer's default settings applied to it. In my particular case, it is wrong. I do not want customer's default tracking category; I want a copy of the INVOICE with the correct tracking category. In short, the new invoice is to be an EXACT copy.
Classic invoicing did not have this…
14 votes -
Pricing Plans - Keep Payroll accessible from the Standard pricing plan
I currently pay for the Standard Plan (15/month) plus Payroll (5/month) and use it for 2 payroll users.
Under the newly unveiled pricing plans my business has been completely shafted.
In order to use Payroll at all, I need to upgrade to the new Grow plan (33/month), already an increase of 13/month. But on top of that, that isn't even enough because you're restricted this plan to only 1 payroll user. So actually I have to jump all the way to the second from top plan which is the Comprehensive at 47/month.
This is a complete joke.
This shift in…
71 votes -
New invoicing - Auto adjust the column width when additional columns are added
On the new invoicing, when additional columns are selected, a scrollbar is added to the invoice layout and interrupts the smooth capture process. Having to manually scroll from one side to the other to view details is not ideal.
Consider either auto-adjusting the column widths or allow for the automatic expansion of the invoice layout width when additional columns are selected. This way, users could view all necessary details without the need for manual scrolling.
203 votesHi all, we thank you for all sharing detail on your experience when using new invoicing in Xero. Taking this on board our team have been reviewing the line item grid where you enter details in new invoicing. We have work underway to improve and address points raised such as providing a more compact layout so you can see more at once, showing full account and tracking names, and more direct options to reduce clicks and steps in common actions.
For the time being, small adjustments can be made to your computer scale or browser zooming to see more detail at once, although we understand this is not the ideal solution.
I'll return to let you know when we're closer to release and can share more of the changes.
Bank Feed - Cynergy bank
For Xero to expand their bank feed connections to develop feed that supports Cynergy bank
17 votes -
Bank reconciliation - Add attachment to Find & Match (multiple match) transactions
When reconciling transactions and Find & Match is used, usually for multiple matches, please add an attachment button.
In the example of one payment matched to multiple sales invoices, there is usually a remittance provided by the client that we need to file with the payment.
We shouldn't need to go back to a reconciled transaction and manually add the remittance to each line individually.111 votes -
Bank Feed - Chase bank
For Xero to expand their bank feed connections to develop feed that supports Chase bank UK
17 votes -
New Invoicing - Allow manual typing of a Date in 'Add Payment' screen
When you go to add in a 'add payment' in new invoicing, today's date auto populates. If you click on this field to change the date, you HAVE to use the calendar and arrows, it won't let you type in a date.
Can you please add this feature, like is available in most other areas of Xero?
If you could also please allow any date format to be entered in his field this would be preferred, (yes like bank reconciliation dates, not like fixed assets dates which only allow 1 format of date to be entered)
14 votes -
Remittance advice: more email address options
PO and Remittance advice - separate email address - ability to select different email address for sending PO and remittance advice to supplier. Currently able to add mutiple email addresses to contact, but then required to remove the unwanted email address when sending a PO or remittance advice. This can be labourious when creating a batch payment.
32 votes -
New invoicing - Assign next number in sequence when number removed
We bulk upload invoices in advance with "Draft" invoice numbers as we don't know their ultimate sequence for issue. We then assign a chronological invoice number when the invoice is approved and/or saved. In "Classic" invoicing, if I delete the invoice number it automatically assigned the next number in sequence e.g. #INV-0089, however in "New" invoicing if I delete the invoice number is warns me that I need a number and reverts to the original "Draft" number" and not the next chronological number in sequence. This is a significant backward step in functionality, can you confirm this bug will be…
88 votesHi team, we appreciate the added feedback from you on the behaviours from classic that you'd find useful in new invoicing. The invoice number assignment is still a feature that our teams are continuing to monitor closely. Right now, while we don’t have plans for changing the way invoice numbers are assigned, our product teams are considering future improvements - As part of this they are doing some discovery that we’d love to get your contribution to.
We'd like to invite you to share back though our survey here. Insights from this will help our product teams get a deepened sense of our invoicing users. Thanks
e-invoicing Germany
From 1st January 2025 businesses in Germany must be able to receive e-invoices and this function does not exist in the Global edition we use for our German clients.
We need this functionality setting up as a matter of urgency.
34 votesThanks for raising the idea with us. Our team are aware of the mandate of eInvoicing for Germany. While we don't have immediate work planned at this stage our plan is to support any Peppol-enabled region in the long term and we are paying close attention to the interest from users on this idea. We'll be sure to update of any progress surrounding this for you, here.
The mandate currently states "The new legal regulation currently contains no specifications for the electronic transmission of electronic invoices. An email inbox should therefore initially be sufficient to receive an electronic invoice."
Based on this, currently with Xero an eInvoice could be received by using our Email to bills service, or by including the invoice as an attachment and sending to your organisation's Files library. On agreement with your suppliers you could share your bills, or files library email with them so…
New Invoicing | Files - Ability to attach files before adding contact
This Function is Broken with New Invoicing - It does NOT create a new invoice with the file attached.
56 votesHi everyone, further to my recent update about our teams looking closer into the flows around attaching files to invoices, our product team have also started more research to get a better sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We wanted to reach out to you all here to invite you to contribute through this survey. All your feedback will be deeply valuable to the team.
I’ll keep you updated on any progress around this idea specifically.
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