4644 results found
AU Payroll - Allow to change settings for Decimal places for pay items.
pay rates rounding by 4 decimal points causing an underpayment of wages. EG: Base rate is 25.65 x 1.5 = 38.475000 but the award rate is actually 38.48. Need a solution for this ASAP.
7 votes -
NZ GST return - Late claims, Publish & incognito mode
Not a new product idea by any means, just a request to put the GST return back the way it was before the update. So far with the new update, we can no longer see the late claims on a separate tab, we cannot publish the final return in Xero and now we can not be in two different entities at once even if we are incognito mode or in a different web browser.
When querying Xero about this problem, it was suggested that I post it as a product idea, because they are all known issues but can't do…16 votes -
UK payroll - Turn off automatic journal posting for payroll
As the automatic journal for payroll is not able to be viewed before posting to accounts, we should have the option to turn off automatic journals. Currently, we have to post, then go back and do another journal to split out ER NI & Pension for different departments. This system is so unflexible.
15 votes -
UK Payroll - Journal summary
I would like to be able to firstly differentiate my payroll journals from other journals and then produce an end of year report of the payroll journals.
How you could facilitate this:
-Tick box on the journal to identify it as payroll related.13 votes -
Reporting - Option to remove the Date from the Footer of all reports
The print date that now appears at the bottom of reports is useful for some reports and circumstances, and I understand this date is now turned off for Published Reports.
However we do not 'publish' our financial statements - we send our financial statements to clients in a practical and informative pack instead. This is a more efficient, professional and streamlined approach for us.
Showing the print date on these financial statements is of concern, due to various issues including the lag time between preparing and approving the report. It is also not ideal when preparing the directors resolution and…
69 votesIt's good to know the small changes that can make a difference to our customers. Thank you for all sharing with us on the idea, here. Our team are looking into a solution at the organisation level, that'd enable you to remove the Date from footer for all reports exported to PDF. While they explore this we'll move the idea to Under review and I'll be back to share more as this moves along.
Xero Login - Enable Passkeys as a replacement to passwords
Passkeys (https://fidoalliance.org/passkeys/) are rapidly taking over passwords and are infinitely more secure than passwords.
Intuit are already using Passkeys (https://fidoalliance.org/case-study-intuits-roi-from-passwordless-customer-authentication/)
44 votesHi team, we've just launched passkeys to our first group of users. From this week, Xero Me app users who haven't set up MFA yet will be able to use passkeys to log into Xero. Next, we'll be progressively rolling this out to more users over the coming months. We look forward to and welcome your feedback here. As we have more news on the rollout I'll share with you on this idea.
Sales - Export invoice totals due
When you export invoices, it gives you multiple lines for any invoice which has more than one line. It is therefore not possible to easily total up the amounts due because some invoices are on there multiple times meaning the values are overstated.
5 votesHi Stewart, is there a way you see the export being more helpful for you. For example would you be looking for a summary of each invoice? The Receivable Summary and Detail reports maybe useful for this sort of view and can be exported.
Invoicing / Bills | List views - Freeze top row and first column
Ability to see Header rows and side columns on all screens when scrolling
As per Microsoft Office where the top and side ribbons remains static.
e.g. When you're in the Dashboard and scroll down it would be good if the top ribbon is static. It makes it easier to select another item (business; accounting; contact etc) without having to scroll up.The same with Bill Payments; Invoicing; reports etc where the top ribbon and column headers - see attached - would remain static as you scroll down the list.
The same as when you might have a lot of columns…
52 votes -
Contact List - View contact group and last activity date
In Xero, under All contacts, would be great if we & please add had more columns or choices to add certain column of attributes of the contact showing if they are in a group, and possibly a last action date of last transaction, so that any can be easily Archived, when they haven't been accessed in a long while. Thanks!
9 votes -
Email - Ability to cc and bcc sent emails
Ability to cc and bcc when sending emails from xero.
This would be very useful as we have many clients that like to have various other people copied in.
73 votesHi community, we value your engagement in product ideas here. As you may have seen we've recently rolled out a new send experience in new invoicing.
With this new side-by-side view you'll find you can also CC and BCC other emails 🎉
While this feature is contained to new invoicing atm, we'll look at applying a similar experience to other areas of Xero that you can send from in the future, so we'll keep you updated of any further developments for this here. Thanks!
Pre-Defined NET Payment Terms for Invoice Due Date
Most businesses use certain payment terms, like NET 30, NET 45, NET 60, NET 90 days. When invoicing businesses with different payment terms, there should be a faster way to calculate the due date, rather than asking Google "45 days from today" or "60 days from today" and entering that as the due date.
It would be great to create pre-defined NET payment terms as part of the Due Date dropdown in Invoices. That way it would instantly adjust the due date based on the payment term selected for that invoice.
Yes, there is a way to set a default…
4 votes -
AU Payroll - Job title to appear on payslips
Can you please look at adding a feature to payroll templates which allows Job title to appear under 'Employment Details' on payslips.
8 votes -
New invoicing - Set default for 'save'
When invoicing, i usually do in large batches. The save and close function should be second, with save and add another first. Or have the option to edit so it comes first for me?
21 votesHi community, we've recently released shortcuts in new invoicing that cut down the number of mouse clicks and help you perform actions on your invoice with the use of your keyboard.
We've added small prompts to highlight these shortcut combinations in product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can view them all on Xero Central.
While save options were explored as part of this work, the only keyboard shortcut right now is Save & close (Alt-Shift-C).
Another option you may want to test for yourself is the '/i' keyboard shortcut. As new invoicing has auto save when you're ready to add another invoice, you could simply type '/i' on your screen. This will open the global search in the blue header with options to go to All invoice, or Create new invoice which you could either click or use Tab to select.
New Invoicing - 0.00 values appearing in the invoice summary on invoice emails which should not appear
There is system wide error in the back-end template that you use to generate invoice emails. Please refer screen captures attached. You will see that I have two lines in my Invoice 005614 that are text descriptions of services only so are effectively subheadings and have no account code and no "value". They appear correctly in the PDF invoice with a blank in the "Amount NZD" column but they appear incorrectly with a value of "0.00" on the email the customer receives. I'm annoyed at myself that I have never noticed and reported this bug before because it looks these…
4 votes -
History and Notes report - Contact details
It would be really useful to see the contact name on the History and Notes report.
We use this report to track bank account changes but we also check newly added supplier bank account details. Seeing which contact each line relates to would help us group them and know if an 'Edited - Bank.....' relates to the same contact as a 'Created' so we don't need to go into each line5 votes -
Invoice - Recurring invoice reference for a contact
When a new invoice is created, have the reference number auto fill from saved data. Just like you can save what sales account and tax to use for a contact. I have customers that give me a blanket PO for the year and I use it on every invoice I create for them.
4 votesAppreciate the feedback here team. We'll track the interest for this here, however not something we have direct plans of right now.
Perhaps, right now the Contact Account Number could be used for this?
New Invoicing - Edit item code without changing Description, qty or price
When copying an invoice, we need to be able to copy and paste in the item code without it deleting all of the description, qty and cost.
You can do this in classic invoicing, but when you do it in the updated invoicing it removes all the data on the line.5 votes -
New Invoicing | Billable expense include Item Code and details
Please keep the current feature of adding item codes to billable expenses so that the preset charge out rate and account pulls through. In the new system adding an item code wipes out the billable expense.
22 votes -
Payment Voucher – Generate Payment Vouchers.
Provide users with a streamlined way to create official payment vouchers, including payment details and supporting documents, for improved record-keeping and transparency.
7 votesHi team, just wanting to make sure we understand the idea correctly here. When you'd like a payment voucher - would this be for accounts payable or receivable?
On the payables side, perhaps purchases orders could facilitate the record of this in Xero, and you can upload attachments to keep track of files related to a voucher. Alternatively, for accounts receivable, quotes maybe able to support what you're in need of here.
Support - Schedule a phone call using online chat
Would appreciate if the bot can confirm a schedule conference call. Made an appointment but no confirmation. In the end kept waiting for call to start. Of course nothing happen….
44 votesHi everyone, we appreciate seeking urgent help, however right here you're in Xero Product Ideas. This is where you can join and vote on ideas for change at Xero, this is not a direct line to support. This is a public forum where anything you post is visible to others - Please keep this in mind when sharing your details.
While we don't have an inbound number you can contact our Xero Support team, you can reach them anytime by raising a case through the Contact Xero Support tile found at the bottom of most pages throughout Xero Central.
If you can provide a little detail on your questions or what you're needing help with we'll be bale to get you in touch with someone with the best skills to help, and generally our specialists are happy to arrange a phone call at a time that suits you.
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