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  1. I note there are repeating (aka recurring) invoices and bills.
    I would like repeating quotes as well because every year, we issue a quote to some of our clients for maintenance agreements or hosting agreements. It is basically the same quote every year except that the amounts are adjusted for CPI

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  2. I have to create a biill with about 60 line items which contain a mix of duplicate and variable information. As there's no way to duplicate line items in bills, I employed a workaround by exporting Xero's inbuilt bills template file 'BillTemplate.csv'. In Excel I was then able to quickly and easily create 60 copies of the same line item, make the changes necessary and import the csv file into Xero which successfully created the bill containing the 60 line items - thus saving me hours of wasted time.

    The only issue is that no provision has been made in…

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  3. Allow journal entry fields to have a formula or calculation. it would be much easier when doing manual journal entries.

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  4. Every company in the US needs to report sales by state. I've been told by support that you require us to use the tracking feature to do this, which I find quite cumbersome, as there is no need to create a tracking category when every contact has a state.
    Simply adding the state field to the Income and Expenses by Contact would resolve this.
    Please do.

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  5. I work for a company where our employees can work on multiple contracts with different pay rates and different working hours for example 2 hours tues and wed at £11.50ph and thurs at £11.75.

    It would be useful if you could allocate an hourly rate to a specific working pattern and then be able to allocate multiple patterns to one employee

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  6. Please fix the Account setting for the Log in to preference so that it works as advertised.
    Currently the option to log in to "The organisation I was last in" does NOT work as advertised. It will log me in to a seeminly random organisation from the list of my organisations.
    I believe that it is logging me into the "Last organisation that ANYONE was in"

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  7. Many reporting platforms now have the ability to copy reports directly to the clipboard - this would be great to skip the download-and-open-an-Excel-file intermediate step, when in many cases we are looking to drop the data directly into another spreadsheet or workbook.

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  8. Be able to bulk-edit Branding themes, due dates, and Descriptions, assigning projects for invoices

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    Hi Yumei, a few different bulk requests in the one here. 

    In terms of branding themes when you say you'd want to bulk update branding would this be detail within your branding themes, or the branding applied to invoices in Xero? If the latter, perhaps you'd find setting a default from your Contacts record a useful way to edit this? 

    We try to keep individual ideas separate so our product teams can get a good understanding of exactly is being asked, and others in community know what they're voting for.

    You'll find existing ideas for some of your other points below, that you may like to join and vote for. 

  9. Do NOT display an error message and update the history and notes.
    Sending Receipt to Client

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    Appreciate the feedback and including a screenshot of the notifications you're getting on the invoice, Andrew. Just to make sure I fully understand your idea here - Are you saying that rather than seeing the pop up you'd like to have these added as history events to the invoice?

  10. A report that provides details of employees leave to be able to see the leave accruals and leave taken for the pay period.
    This would help as an audit trail and when preparing a salary budget or during a salary review.

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  11. Where an employee takes unpaid leave for more than one week, it would be helpful if you could enter in the date in which the unpaid leave applies from so that the anniversary date can automatically be reset. The current set up is rather antiquated, and needs to be automated to ensure accuracy and ease of use.

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  12. We would like the ability to transfer a GST refund to another tax payer. It can be done if we file online at IR and we would like Xero's GST return to file automatically with this feature. We have associated groups and have refunds that we want to offset against another tax payers GST to pay.

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  13. Find and Recode - Contact Groups: I have a need for recoding transactions to add or correct tracking categories based on contact groups. We need to provide summary and filtered reporting based on tracking categories which we cannot efficiently find without the contact group. Please add contact groups to find and recode.

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  14. Currently Unallocated Expenses in Xero projects just show the item line description Which can make assigning to an estimated expense difficult especially when you have "Delivery Charges" I propose a change so that once an expense is allocated to a project and falls into the unassigned it shows the name of the supplier

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  15. Once a timesheet has been deleted for a given pay period by an employee, both the employee and the payroll administrator should be able to create a new timesheet for this same period.

    We have had instances where the employee has accidently deleted their timesheet after it was declined by payroll administrator (instead of fixing it), and once deleted there is no ability for either employee or payroll administrator to create another timesheet for this period (I submitted a support request to Xero and they confirmed this).

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  16. Sometime in the last week, the order in which data is presented in the Payroll Activity Summary report has changed from
    - Earnings
    - Tax
    - Super
    - Net payable
    - Actual paid
    - Earnings
    - Net payable
    - Actual paid
    - Super
    - Tax

    Put it back, please, it makes no sense to have something other than Wages less Tax equals Payable. Also reinstate the highlighted total lines in this report and in the Payroll Employee Summary, I'm ashamed to send this to my client with their IAS, it's not readable enough.

    The two screenshots I've attached are…

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  17. I would like to suggest Xero to have a highlighter tool, this would be handy when viewing wide spread comparable reports.

    Currently we are exporting to excel to be able to highlight figures/rows.

    There are no certified browser add-ons for this tool, and once the page is refreshed it will be lost at the browser level.

    It would be handy to keep the highlights even after the page/report is refreshed on the browser.

    Thank you !

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  18. When reconciling transactions and Find & Match is used, usually for multiple matches, please add an attachment button.
    In the example of one payment matched to multiple sales invoices, there is usually a remittance provided by the client that we need to file with the payment.
    We shouldn't need to go back to a reconciled transaction and manually add the remittance to each line individually.

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  19. When assigning hours to a specific Job, the current Timesheet feature doesn't have the same search smarts as when assigning a Job in Invoices, Bills, Spend & Receive Money.

    For example, a Job called ABC Studio - Sydney. In an Invoice or Bill I can type just 'Syd' and it will list all Jobs that contain those letters but, in Timesheets it can't. I have to type the first word 'A' before it will show a dropdown list to choose.

    This may appear trivial but why have the Job field operate in two completely different ways?

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  20. Repeating Invoice - Update repeating invoice if contact email address is changed
    Cant add vote to original post since status changed to "Not Planned" so escalated!

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