4666 results found
UK Payroll - Holiday Leave Balances
I would like if xero could include and show statutory days in employees overall leave balance.
2 votes -
Billable Expenses - Assign to repeating invoices
I want to assign the customer to repeating invoices like software subscriptions that we pay for our clients. I have those bills in as repeating invoices but I have to assign the customer to them every month. It would be nice to be able to assign the customer on the repeating invoice and save that time each month.
3 votes -
Category codes
Please could we get more available category codes.
2 votesHi Betty, would this be for more options within a Tracking category? If so I do want to be open that we don't have plans for extending this and you can find out more on this from the idea here.
Alternatively if it's something different that you're after would you be able to share a bit more detail?
Batch Payments - Add notes
Include a notes function on the Batch Payment view, which would enable a note to be made next to any payment line item which might need an explanation for when the payment batch needs to be reviewed by a manager before being captured in the bank.
2 votes -
Bank Rules - Ability to set Date as a criteria
It would be great to have the date of bank transactions as a criteria field when creating a rule. When we are paid by the ESFA, the amounts we receive at the beginning of the month have a different nominal to those received later in the month. In Sage we could set a rule as 'between 2 dates'
1 voteHi Sarah, when a bank rule is applied it'll use the date of the statement line to apply to the transaction it creates so you don't need to set this within the rule itself. Or are you saying you'd like to set the date of the transaction that's going to be created when the bank rule is applied?
Reporting - Undo option when deleting draft reports
The addition of an undo button when accidentally deleting a draft report
3 votes -
Xero central case - Add year to Case detail in My Cases
Xero Central - please add the year that a case is lodged and each response. At the moment it just has day and month but no year. I have found one of mine from Nov 2022 that the last response is that I would be updated when it is resolved but the case is closed and the only reason I knew it was Nov 2022 is that the attachment I uploaded had the date of the screenshot.
5 votesReally appreciate your feedback here, Tanya. I've shared this back with the team as a future enhancement. We'll let you know here if there's any plans made for this.
Projects - Filter project reports by staff member or category
Allow Xero to filter Project Reports by Staff Member or Category in order to get more data for KPIs.
2 votes -
AU Payroll - Ability to apply work patterns to part time employees
Suggest the ability to apply work patterns to part time employees. For example, we have a part time employee who works 7 hours on Mon, 6 hours on Tues and 6 hours on Wed.
At the moment, if a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, it does not correctly work out hours worked.
The same happens if Annual Leave is taken; incorrect hours are calculated which affects AL accruals.
Hours worked have to be calculated and added manually.126 votes -
Payroll: Ability to delete pay cycles no longer used
Being able to delete pay calendars that are no longer used, or at least being able to remove them from being seen in the timesheet drop down.
5 votes -
Fixed assets: Capital Works Depreciation Schedules
We need more flexibility in depreciation schedules to add Second Hand Capital Works Assets for rental properties.
When you buy a second hand rental property, the capital allowances available under Div 43 needs to be calculated on the original cost, however, the total amount remaining to be claimed will be less than this original amount. Fixed Assets in Xero does not currently allow for this. We need to calculate the depreciation on a straight line basis based on the original cost, not what we paid for it and we need to be able to include an opening written down value,…6 votes -
Overall budget report - add annual (and quarterly) total column
In the overall budget report, add column for annual total.
Add additional option to include quarterly or triannual sub-total columns.8 votesHi team, to get a better understanding of exactly where you're wanting to see these columns can I confirm - would it be the Budget Summary report you're wanting to see this?
If so, right you could adjust the period option to 12 months for an annual view or 3 months for a quarterly view.
Stripe - Pass full fee amount to customer
For volume based businesses, we lose money (30c per transaction) on the stripe fee we pay vs what we can pass onto the customer (because there's no option currently to just pass on the full fee, just a %). That % can't legally be higher than what we are charged, and we can't add the 30c fee to the % anywhere in settings. When we're processing 1,000 transactions per month, we lose $300 to fees. For a small business, this isn't justifiable. Most small businesses that have high volumes are low cost, so they rely on volume of sales to…
14 votes -
VAT reconciliation - Show which VAT return transactions are submitted on
Like Sage I would like every item to have the VAT return Date and month it was recorded on attached to it and if/when it was adjusted which return the adjustment was submitted on as well.
12 votes -
Expense claim report for company money
Our company are making use of the "personal money" and "company money" options to submit their expense claims. There is a report to track cost paid with personal money but no report to track cost paid with the company money. This report will be critical for commission calculations.
3 votesHi Hiten, company money transactions are recorded in the organisation as Spend money. You could run the Account Transactions report for your bank accounts, and add a filter for, or group the report by source to only see spend money transactions.
In terms of commissions, we don't have a specific feature for tracking this however you could use Tracking in Xero to set up a Tracking category and each of the employees as a tracking option on that category. This way when they are entering company money transactions you could track it back to the employee by filtering by that tracking option.
Quotes - Create repeating quotes
I note there are repeating (aka recurring) invoices and bills.
I would like repeating quotes as well because every year, we issue a quote to some of our clients for maintenance agreements or hosting agreements. It is basically the same quote every year except that the amounts are adjusted for CPI6 votes -
Bills - Ability to Assign Project or Customer when importing
I have to create a biill with about 60 line items which contain a mix of duplicate and variable information. As there's no way to duplicate line items in bills, I employed a workaround by exporting Xero's inbuilt bills template file 'BillTemplate.csv'. In Excel I was then able to quickly and easily create 60 copies of the same line item, make the changes necessary and import the csv file into Xero which successfully created the bill containing the 60 line items - thus saving me hours of wasted time.
The only issue is that no provision has been made in…
4 votes -
Manual Journals - Formulas in Journal Entries
Allow journal entry fields to have a formula or calculation. it would be much easier when doing manual journal entries.
2 votesHi Josue, Xero has an inbuilt calculator that enables you to enter simple formulas that'll auto calculate when you move the cursor to the next field.
Does this accomplish what you're in need of here?
Income and expenses - Ability to filter by state (Location)
Every company in the US needs to report sales by state. I've been told by support that you require us to use the tracking feature to do this, which I find quite cumbersome, as there is no need to create a tracking category when every contact has a state.
Simply adding the state field to the Income and Expenses by Contact would resolve this.
Please do.2 votes -
UK Payroll | Working pattern - Allocate pay rate and allow multiple patterns per employee
I work for a company where our employees can work on multiple contracts with different pay rates and different working hours for example 2 hours tues and wed at £11.50ph and thurs at £11.75.
It would be useful if you could allocate an hourly rate to a specific working pattern and then be able to allocate multiple patterns to one employee
4 votes
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