User Role - Restrict access to specific Settings
Ability to customise user roles to restrict some access in Xero.
Purpose: Some staff should only have limited access in Xero.
Hi everyone, we appreciate all your feedback on how we could evolve roles for customers using Xero. As you can see through the ideas on the platform, there are a wide range of combinations of permissions our customers want to see us build. As user roles impact all areas of the product, there are many considerations we must factor in when assessing how to solve for majority of our customers needs.
We’re beginning to conduct research on the current landscape and how we might approach some of the most predominant needs in roles for our customers. Front footing this, the discovery of this work will be long winded and there will be multiple phases of research and forms of engagement with users that’ll help shape the path ahead in this space.
We’d like to invite you, our community to be part of this research and discovery. This may involve interviews and sharing further feedback through direct surveys or questionnaires.
✍️ If this is something you’d be interested in taking a part of please fill in our short form here.
Though we won’t be able to invite everyone into every stage, our research team will be in touch with many of you over the coming months.
We will be back to share on the outcomes of our research and any progress around development of roles in Xero.
Estelle Swart commented
Please give the quotes and invoices user the option to add new products, alternatively, give the option to hide the bank accounts and reports from the standard user.
Rachel Rowland commented
I would like users to only be able to see the History and Notes in the Advanced section.
Joana Capela commented
I would like to be able to set limits on payment amounts that different users can authorise eg For example, one user limited to only authorise payments up to £1000, another up to £5k, another up to £10k and so on.
Kristen Saunders commented
I would like to be able to allow people who work in sales and chase money to have read only access to customers, their invoice history and invoices outstanding without seeing the rest of xero (banks, reports, purchases, payroll) as it would save time if they could look this up themselves instead of having to stop what I’m doing to get the information they need.
Elaine Lassman commented
Users need to be able to perform specific tasks such as customising stationery without being able to access bank account information & other areas of accounting that bear no relevance to what they are doing.
Naomi Gibbins commented
Business unit or area managers need specific access to xero areas that reflect their responsibilities, without being able to access all areas and all reports.
Jordan W commented
This feels like a basic feature that's sorely lacking in Xero at the moment.
Joyce Dass commented
Give options in the standard User rights role where the person cannot have bank account access.
Charmaine Coulston commented
Previously had the ability to assign user roles ie just purchase orders and accounts payable. why has this disappeared?
Surely its obvious when new people start they should not have free reign over everything.
Where is the risk management of users incorporated into this aspect of Xero access?
Thomas Hollars commented
This feature is necessary for adequate internal controls. In the US, accountants learned from their mistakes and now aren't so lax about permissions:
Checkwriting access should be selectable and monitorable. This is taught in accounting 101.
Pieter Jordaan commented
Any ETA on this? This is quite the shortcoming on the programme. Very unfortunate that clients are forced to share critical confidential information with employees.
James Thurlow-Craig commented
Anyone wondering if Xero will implement this... this thread is only a year old, so based on other critical requests from customers, we're probably looking at this being implemented by 2032 soonest.
Louise Flynn commented
We need staff to see client transactions through the bank to see what’s been paid, but not transactions such as staff salaries. There should be a way to have them only view the payments coming in as income.
Greygory Vass commented
Please make it possible for us to limit the approvers for leave.
Currently the list is long and confusing due to Payroll admin and leave approval being inseparable.
Lalit Gopwani commented
Wasted time with a new bills look, but no action on something so critical as having a broader range of user access. Really disappointing
Ali Rezazadeh commented
Xero seriously?
Referring everyone to this link to seek an answer?
No offence but please don't waste your time reading all the comments as everyone's comment is a complaint same as yours probably.
Xero apparently has no customisation built into their software:
"It's currently not possible to customise the user role to restrict specific access""
I hope that saves you a bit of time.
Tegan Bond commented
Being able to modify which bank accounts are assigned to users, please. Staff don't always need to see everything a business does. A very big shortfall in versatility on what access can be permitted.
Marco Brown commented
Critical !! (Umpteenth and counting)
Adam Lim commented
Yes I posted this long ago and saw many users actually wanted more choices to allow certain access but till now no action from Xero. Pls do something Xero!
ACME Batteries commented
Come on Xero. This issue has been on going for a long time now and you don't even have the decency to reply to your customers regarding this. So many other changes happening which don't affect the day to day running of our businesses but you can't address the most important issue of all. That of permissions. Please can something be done about this as it is making things really difficult.
Thanks, Rowena