New Invoicing - Keep Classic Invoicing

Hi everyone, appreciate your continued feedback on new invoicing. As mentioned in my last update we've now added a new Xero Central page for new invoicing.
Along with updates to individual ideas on Xero Product Ideas, this page will become the single source of truth for key feature rollouts including:
- what’s available in new invoicing right now,
- timelines for features and enhancements going live in new invoicing, as well as
- a comparison table between the classic and newer versions of invoicing.
We'll be updating this page regularly.
Relating to some of the more recent feedback there are some existing ideas that may also be of particular interest that you can join, like the ability to see the email the invoice was sent to in the history, or being able to see a timestamp, and reducing clicks and steps.
Paul Zisson commented
I prefer the layout of the classic invoicing. Its easier on the eye, simple to use & not too much going on. Not sure if the new does it, but i use the xero to xero invoicing & messenging to avoid external emailing attachments & rekeying in the other entity. Too many cyber fraud issues around over manipulation of invoices via external email. I invoice between xero entities all the time for clients & related entities so this feature is a must!
Moira Soppet commented
Keep the Classic Invoicing - I've had PO numbers drop off the reference field and don't notice. Then customers are rejecting invoices and payments are delayed. All the things we've said are wrong with the NEW invoicing haven't been fixed and it's time consuming for us your CUSTOMER to have to do the workarounds - so why rollout when it's still got system defects. You can change your go-live date! I've been there done that!
Wendy Sherwood commented
The new invoicing is really a step backwards and like most users I would prefer to keep the classic invoicing. I feel the change has been made by the programmers not the users.
Shae Claverie commented
Please don't switch to new invoicing, it is not user friendly, it takes more time, its not appeasing to the eye, please keep old invoicing.
Yvette Woodall commented
Keep classic invoicing as a permanent option, not everyone wants, likes or needs your new invoicing and it still does not work properly.
Xero you are not listening to your customers. :(
And all these tweaks you are making are not beneficial, it was fine the way it was.
Nick Unwin commented
+1 keep classic invoicing
Jill Fechner commented
The option to turn off Auto Save is critical.
Tim Sheehan commented
'New Invoicing' frequent autosaving creates so many entries in the invoice history & notes as to completely ruin the usefulness and purpose of the log. Now it is just noise
- see attached. -
Andrena Miles commented
Dear Xero Development Staff,
I appreciate that you have a new platform for Xero, is it not possible to have classic invoicing on the new platform? Surely the new platform can cope with the classic style instead of the new style?
Morgan Hopkins commented
I'm with everyone else here: Xero, PLEASE do NOT remove the Classic Invoicing function! It is much quicker, simpler and easier to use than the new invoicing function. Have the new invoicing function available for those who wish to use it, but please keep the old invoicing function as well for those who do not wish to use the new invoicing function.
Edith Svehla commented
Att Xero, they last update from you on this is on 2 April 2024. Can you not see the comments and requests not to change this? why are you not reading our requests or answering. Please just leave classic invoicing alone and available to us.
Danie Nell commented
Tina Palmer commented
What is going on with the entering the address for a new customer? It has search address or edit address. Either way when I use either one & click save is doesn't save it & I have to reenter it into contacts.
Very frustrating!
Tina -
Paul Rosser commented
Keep classic invoicing until all its functionality is transferred to the new invoicing.
It is childish to break the functionality of classic invoicing while you are still telling us to use it to resolve the bugs in the programming of the new invoicing.
Jane Skinner commented
Sabreena Chanian commented
I'm with everyone, I keep writing on here and have no idea if anyone from Xero is even reading what we have to say but........
*******Listen to your customers*******
Jo Heuston commented
I'm with Wayne PLEASE PLEASE can we keep classic invoicing
Wayne Brophy commented
Can we please KEEP classic invoicing!!!!
It is miles better than the new version. Please KEEP, KEEP, KEEP
Dongyan Liang commented
The old version of invoicing is more user-friendly compared to the new version. The new format is quite difficult to use, making the process less efficient.
Could you please consider keeping the old version of the invoicing format? It would be much more practical for our workflow.
Tim Sheehan commented
Some suggestions for 'New Invoicing' - if we must use it, even though we most certainly do not want to as 'Classic Invoicing' is working perfectly well.
1) - Auto saving needs to be optional
2) - More control over email templates as the tone of current presentation 'demanding money' is awful and does not suit our other applications for invoice emails (ie dispatch notes to our 3PL partner or quick sales reporting. Where 'money' references are not wanted ).or you could just keep 'Classic invoicing' as an on going option.