4665 results found
Xero Projects - Time tracking browser extension
I use Xero projects for freelancing and invoicing my clients and I track my time with the time tracker. For that, I need to open Xero or my app which takes time. Freshbooks had a time tracking extension which really worked great and I miss it so much. Is super easy and I can pause/ start the counter with just one click.
4 votes -
VAT - Ability to track late claims for Non-MTD filing orgs
Track late claims on VAT returns submitted in Xero but not filed direct to HMRC through MTD.
This is needed in order for VAT groups to be able to prepare returns in non-submitting companies which can then be consolidated.
The only alternative if the VAT group stays on Xero is to run journal reports and manually find late claims, in all non-submitting entities in a VAT group, which is a very manual process.
5 votes -
Chat - Insights and actions
I'd like to see a chat /conversational interface like ChatGPT where we can ask it questions like
What was our profitability last month?
Where is our biggest opportunity to cost cut?If I want to get profit to $*** with the same revenues what areas should I focus on cutting the most?
The goal here is to have conversational chat with Xero to dig through the data that's there and find action items to improve the business finances.
3 votesInteresting idea - Thanks for sharing, Carl.
Not something we have in the plans atm but we'll begin to get a sense of the interest surrounding this here.
In the meantime, if you'd like to get a view of insights from your org, you might like to look into Xero Analytics and Analytics Plus with Business Snapshot and Short term cashflows, two dashboards that give insight into your business information.
Xero Tax - Tax return feature for SMEs
A feature for businesses to submit their own tax returns would be great. I already prepare and submit my own GST returns via Xero and it's really easy - just the push of a button. A similar feature to enable me to prepare and submit my own tax return, without needing to go through an accountant, would be really good as the technology is now here for us to not need expert advice so much in this area now and this will only increase with the rise of AI.
3 votes -
Reporting | Copy custom report - Editing Shortcut
When selecting a published report to copy for the next period, it would be ideal if there was a copy and edit option in the shortcut options. This would allow users to create a copy of the report from the main menu instead of being required to open the report and then selecting the option.
6 votes -
AU Payroll - Award change projected cost
A tool in Xero to calculate the cost of a shift change for employees using the award that is set up in Xero. This would greatly assist in understanding the financial impact of such a change.
1 vote -
Find & recode - Support payroll transactions
I have a particular client where we use tracking categories. We have set up a tracking category called jobs so hours and expenses can be allocated to these jobs. However, errors occur, and it would be great to be able to reallocate find and recode just like you can do with other times to move those hours or expense from one job to another.
4 votes -
Projects - Set date for change of charge rate
Staff members gets pay reviews each year, which means their cost change. But we are unable to get the change to commence from a certain date so reporting for prior year projects won't be accurate. any way we can put a change commencement date so reporting is more accurate?
7 votes -
UK Payroll - Holiday balance on final payslip
When an employee leaves, it would be really useful for Xero to calculate how much leave they have left or have over used and then calculate and add/deduct the value from the final payslip. Currently, I have had to do the calculations manually, and then I add to add the holiday to the payslip and change his departure date to cover the leave period - a bit of a messy fudge.
23 votes -
Invoice - Project address appears on invoice
Project Address to appear on sales invoice - feel like this is critical for business's in the construction industry
16 votes -
Email to Bills: Support for HEIC format
i recently got a new phone and all its photos are saved as HEIC format however everytime i forward this type of image to xero for bill forwarding it fails as xero doesn't recognise the format.
can you please update file formats asap as all newer mobile devices are moving to HEIC as it is a higher quality file and a smaller size overall, and samsung i found out do not offer an auto change of file before forwarding so it will not be easy to convert back to a jpg or png etc. before sending receipts to Xero
13 votes -
Customer statements (Exclusive of tax)
Would like to suggest that Xero adds an option for the user to be able to extract activity statements exclusive of any taxes on the invoices listed on the statements.
This would assist calculating the costs of projects less the tax implications, especially for tax vendors.
3 votesHi Zolani, is there any reason you'd like this specifically within the customer statement?
Our Receivable Invoice Detail report may be of help to calculating the costs you're after, instead?
You can select to include Net, Gross or tax columns in the report so you can see the breakdown when the report is run. If you only need to view for a single contact you'll be able to add a filter where you can select the contact you'd like to run the report for.
GST Returns - Next and Previous period options in return
We would like to be able to go next and back through GST periods/returns on xero. At the moment you have to got back into the GST report tab to see the next/previous period. You should just be able to click next or pervious off to the side
8 votes -
Bank Reconciliation - Reconciliation history in the bank feed section
In the bank feed section. Please make the vendor history available when going through bank feeds. QBO has a button in the bank feeds called Categorization History. This way to do not have to go into a contact page to view how something was coded in the past. This is for things without rules.
1 vote -
Inventory - Report to see variances in cost price
I need to run a report in Xero that sees the variance in purchaser cost price on a month by month basis for a product group not based on sales/bills
Otherwise the only way is by an Excel spreadsheet1 vote -
Contact | List - View 'new' contact and contact group allocation
Currently there is very limited information on the contacts main page. All it has is the name and if they owe or we owe. It would be so useful to see if they are allocated to a Contact Group and what date they were added, and perhaps the last transaction (so we can quickly bulk archive contacts that have not been used for a while). This would make contact management so much easier, as currently we need to click into each contact one-by-one which is just not feasalbe, therefore resulting in a contact system which is very unorganised.
27 votes -
Files - Create bill in new tab
Would it be possible to create a bill from within the files tab, into a new tab. When you click create bill from within the file tab, it allows you to create the bill but once you click save, it just shows you the created bill. You then have to go back to the files tab and re-find the next file you want to create as a bill. Would be much easier if you could right click and create the bill within a new tab, so that the file tab stays open at all times.
Thank you!
14 votes -
AU Payroll - Option to split base rate and casual loading items
Please give us the option to split the base rate and casual loading items WHILE working with a timesheet. At the moment this has be manually done in every pay run if we want to show the loading separately.
17 votes -
Account Transactions Report - GST period date range option
Would be great to have an option under account transactions date range for last two months to select to review transactions for a GST period.
1 vote -
Xero Accounting app - Customise description when adding a receipt
There should be the option to overwrite or set 'default' descriptions when using the Xero app to upload receipts. When it says 'What was it for', a list of suggestions appears. At present it only shows the following options, none of which are applicable for a lot of businesses. Even a small adjustment to show 'Purchases' or 'Materials' would be useful
9 votesHi Jamie, just to confirm is your idea here for the Xero Accounting app or Xero Expenses?
- Don't see your idea?