Payroll: User Roles - Options to give permission to approve/decline leave and read only Payroll reports.
Ability to have more flexible permission in Xero Payroll, especially for read only Payroll reports and to give other users permission to approve/decline leave requests.
Purpose: To have more options and flexibility in assigning users to Xero Payroll.

Hi community, we understand user roles and the permissions a user has across an organisation is important to many businesses. Right now, as some may have seen across other ideas I've updated - we have some research underway to help us better understand where and how we might best tackle the most predominant needs in roles.
To make sure we're getting a good scope across our products - we'd like to offer those interested in roles & permissions for payroll to join the research here. If you'd like to be a part of this, please fill in this short form here ✍️and our team will be in touch over the coming weeks. 🙂
Just to set the expectation, the research and discovery for this project is likely to take a few months. Once outcomes are formed from the research, I'll be able to return and share what the next steps look like. Thanks!
Christina Catanzariti commented
I would like to remove some leave approvers from XERO Me to stop confusion with my employees. They still need access to admin to payroll. I just don't want them to appear in the leave list... some of our admin are external and it is confusing! Fix ASAP
Kelly Leaning-Dalley commented
Would be really helpful if there was a box you could tick to show TIMESHEET APPROVAL LIST as we don't want all "Payroll Admin" people to show in the timesheet approval list.
Wayne Freeman commented
This idea is 'common sense' for any robust functioning interactively used payroll system, so when will Xero advise that it will look at it / implement it / or do we assume the idea gets continued to be ignored!!
Tim Wilshire commented
Why hasn't read only Payroll Report Access be allowed - we have been waiting for 10 years???
Xero Ideas at GT commented
Currently, to be able to access Payroll reports, we need to give staff full access to the client's Payroll system, due to the lack of security options available in this area. This is a significant risk issue. We should not be giving our staff access to client’s payroll due to privacy and risk issues. The payroll system contains personal information about the client’s employees, including TFNs and DOB, which we do not need to perform our services. Further, access to Payroll allows staff to perform pay runs, change employee bank account details etc.
Xero needs more detailed security in this area to allow staff access to certain payroll reports, without access to the full payroll system. -
Karen Lee commented
An employee can select one of our external accountants to approve their leave! I would expect us to be able to determine who each employees approver should be, not leave it up to them to choose from everyone who has payroll access.
It's a big deal. -
Cavelle Batchelor commented
Xero is far too expensive for such a mishap in its software. Once would have thought this would have been seen from the outset when making this part of the software available.
Michele Verrall THH commented
It would be great to be able to stream leave approvals by team so only a team leader gets to see/approve their own team
Lucy Green commented
Our external accountants come up as an option to approve leave for our employees, which is confusing if you forget to select the right leave approver but also just looks unprofessional
Damien Houlahan commented
Require option to remove payroll admins as leave approvers - our staff have the option to send leave requests to those who require payroll admin (ie accountant) but are not responsible for approving leave
Sterling Books commented
There are cases that a former payroll admin is no longer the administrator due to reorganization or some sort of changes in the entity. It would be great if we can remove the authorization previously granted by just enabling or disabling the boxes.
Lorraine Adams commented
GDPR issues aside, Xero payroll....?
Try Bright Pay. With employee & employer portal. Integrates with all main softwares Including Xero (bar employment allowance figs oddly), and MODULR if needed. Good for small practices & bureaus, otherwise SAGE..... -
Jeffrey Cohen commented
I sent this to Sukhinder, the relatively new CEO for Xero
Sukhinder Singh Cassidy
CEO, XeroI am reaching out to you for assistance in resolving a critical flaw with Xero Payroll, in Australia at least.
You do not have the user mix correct. There needs to be an entity’s user that has complete control over the entity’s data and is able to report on all data.
It is the responsibility of the entity to protect data, not Xeros.
Below is the submission I put in today FYI
It is time that Xero management appreciated that it is critical for the entire payroll data to be accessible and reportable by the main HR &/or Payroll Manager.
Reporting on the sensitive areas is very necessary and it is the responsibility of the entity to protect data, not Xero!
If this cannot be accomplished immediately, if not sooner, then I for one, must decide whether to use of Xero for Payroll is to my entity's benefit.
This is part of submissions over the past 2-3 years, from hundreds of your subscribers, that have gone unheeded by Xero and that revolve around.
• Reporting on TFN, Superannuation & Bank details.
• Leave applications and approvals.
• Global Payroll reports for statutory purposes.Would you please pass this on to the respective department for urgent attention.
Get them to update the system as requested by your clients.
Jeffrey Cohen commented
It is time that Xero management appreciated that it is critical for the entire payroll data to be accessible and reportable by the main HR &/or Payroll Manager.
Reporting on the sensitive areas is very necessary and it is the responsibility of the entity to protect data, not Xero!
If this cannot be accomplished immediately, if not sooner, then I for one, must decide whether to use of Xero for Payroll is to my entity's benefit.
Jillian Shedden commented
Similar to the Business and Accounting setup, we need the ability to select sections of the payroll for the different user types.
The current settings available in Business & Accounting are:
Invoice Only / Standard / Advisor / Read Only
In payroll we have only one option. For confidentiality reasons, this is not practical at all. My suggestions for user roles would be:
Timesheets Only - user can process payroll with restricted views: change hours, add overtime, make deductions and add holiday requests - all of these would need to be approved by another user.
Standard - user can process payroll, can make changes to limited sections of the employee details. Cannot make changes to rates of pay, payroll settings.
Advisor - full access, as is standard now.
Read Only -I see on another post recently that Xero don't have any plans for user roles, I would ask Xero to reconsider this for payroll. Please!
Ashley Head commented
It is extremely necessary to have more options for payroll user roles. I work for an accounting firm and we need a read only option so that we can run payroll reports for our clients. There can be multiple accountants in a team working on a clients Xero file and they need to be payroll admin to access reports which is confusing for our clients employees as all the accountants appear as leave approvers.
A few times a month I receive leave requests from clients employees even though I have no involvement in the clients payroll because I am at the top of the alphabetic list of leave approvers.
Joey Lehrer commented
There is only one option for Payroll user permissions - all or nothing.
It would be great to have more granular permissions, eg. view payroll, timesheet / leave request approver, full payroll admin.
Our specific issue is that all users with payroll access permissions appears in the list of approvers for timesheets / leave requests. We want to be more specific about which payroll users in that list of approvers.
Jeanette Taylor commented
I would like this as well. I'm currently in a situation where I have an NFP where certain board members would like authority to approve timesheets and leave but they don't need any other access.
Mark Anyon commented
Yes, the permissions are not granular enough. Payroll admin or nothing. We have managers that need to view payroll info for their staff only. No way to do that currently. Most other payroll software can do this no issue
Megan Wood commented
And to be able to view a list of names of leave approvers please.