Bills - Flag a Bill as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag individual bills as in dispute
Purpose | To enable review and ensure the business does not make payment for a bill when it's currently 'under query'

We appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product teams regularly come to better understand and see where they can develop solutions for our customers alongside other priorities they're balancing. You'll see in many places we're beginning to see how we can get our community members more involved in research and testing for ideas early on in the development process.
As soon as there is more news around the teams work in this space we will be back to share this with you all, here.
Arnis Veisbergs commented
I totally agree.
We are actively exploring options to move to a different solution -
Christopher Moore commented
@JimAlexander I agree totally with @ArnisVeisbergs and @WillBroome that, however good your add-in is, this functionality is so fundamental to any competent accounting system that it should be provided within the Xero basic subscription.
Someone elsewhere has pushed their addin (Statey) for getting aged totals in statements - another fundamental feature, and another I'm not prepared to pay money to get. At this rate if we buy all the addins needed to make Xero competent, we'd end up with a bill that'd make a fully fledged Microsoft Dynamics implementation look cheap!!
I don't know what add-in developers get charged by Xero as commission for selling their products, to provide functionality Xero can't be bothered to include?
I'm increasingly believing Xero have changed their model from selling a competent accounting product for a monthly subscrtiption, to selling a basic framework and making money from developers by taking commission for all the other bits Xero doesn't provide. Shameful and an approach that won't wash.
Our year end is coming up in a few months and I'm likely to decamp - I've had enough of the abuse we're being delivered from Xero.
Xero - Xero competence for non-Xero cost!
Arnis Veisbergs commented
Hi Jim,
Thanks but no - thanks!
This is a basic functionality and should not require a 3rd party add-in. -
Will Broome commented
Hi Jim
Great though your 'tool' maybe (and I am sure it is) I do notice that you have to pay
Why should we have to then pay for yet another piece of software - when actually this functionality is something the existing software should have built in years ago and is not, dev-wise, that difficult.
Just Xero taking the ****
I wouldn't offer my services to help bail Xero out of their self-made position.
Jim Alexander commented
Hey all,
I'm a developer / director of a tool called InBill. This is one of the features the app has to give your company better management of your Xero bills.
Mark bills Urgent, Disputed, prompt users to approve etc.
If this is something you're interested lets talk!
Chris Conroy commented
I can't believe that this is still not sorted! I posted months ago saying how important (and surely simple!) this was, and there was already a stack load of similar comments. Since then I keep seeing more and more users join in.
Come on Xero, this must be embarrassing for you, missing one of the oldest functions in any accounting software. I had it when we first started using Pegasus almost 30 years ago...are you really suggesting that this is not a run of the mill function which should've have been there since day one?
Please listen to your users, otherwise why bother with these idea forums. Kelly, can you please, please, please explain WHY this is not something you have plans for when clearly it's frustrating users? I had a new member of staff start recently, new to Xero, and all the credibility went out of the window when she found out that you couldn't put a supplier bill on hold or under query when the "awful old fashioned Sage" she was used to using could. She thought it was a joke.
Come on - you can do better.
Stuart Isbister commented
Hi Kelly
As Denise commented this is not a helpful response. You need to say WHY you have no plans to to develop - particularly as it is clearly need by so many and is a feature of other systems. You need to remember that the vocal ones on here are just the tip of an iceberg. -
Denise Wilson commented
Not a great response Kelly.
As users we require our software to be FUNCTIONAL. We don't care about how beautiful it is.
We need to flag Bills under Query so we don't accidently pay them. How hard is that? -
Neil Phillips commented
Just had a pop up asking me what I thought of the new Bills layout.
Replied that as a customer I would prefer to see investment in functionality than cosmetic changes. If anyone else gets the feedback request maybe make similar comments and refer back to this item. Might get back to the programmers -
Sacha Pettitt commented
I've got to say - "We'd like to confirm from a bills side of things that this is not something we have plans to develop at this time" is an incredibly poor Customer Service attitude.
This is part of the fundamentals of running a purchase ledger. It's not a nice to have, or optional, it's vital.
Just another nail in the coffin for our strategic view on accounting software choice. -
Molly Crookall commented
I agree I hate the new Bills update its so much harder to read, doesn't feel clean and tidy.
Love the automate bill entry which if it was there before I never noticed but put the old layout back! Please do not touch Invoices!!!! -
Freya Pieroz commented
@Lynn the workaround I've been using is to add the reason why it's in dispute to the bill reference, because that shows up when I'm reviewing a batch payment. Doesn't help if the bill reference is really long, but it's helped save me a few times :-)
(example from a couple of weeks ago: " - query ANZAC Day" because the bill showed a contractor as working on a public holiday, which was outside the scope of the contract)
Bethany Mence commented
Also agree new layout of bills is much less user friendly!
Luke Abbott commented
The latest update was very aptly described by a colleague : "This new 'accessibility' update has now made it possible for even more Xero customers to see which functions are lacking!"
@Xero, when will you realise people are screaming out for a "Focus on functional" rather than "Building on beautiful"!!
Julia Bastin commented
New bills layout is horrible and clunky, the compact view is not compact. PLEASE DONT do this to the invoices layout too. Horrible and unnecessary "upgrade" that seems to be designed to make us think you are actually doing something, yet useful ideas, totally ignored. Frustrating in the extreme.
Adele Hewitson commented
agreed New bills layout was not needed and is worse than before get on with the stuff people actually need!
Lynn Davidson commented
Agreed about the new layout. Its awful
Louise Bagatelas-Allen commented
There has been a new Bills layout - but not what is needed!
And the new Bills layout is worse than the old one - massive text, bold text, busy screen - horrible! -
Lucy Barker commented
I logged direct with Xero as to why after so many comments this still hadn't been actioned (at first I was told this was a new idea and that I should add to this product idea site) and below is the response;
We receive large volumes of wide ranging requests from our customers, which are all regularly reviewed, analysed and prioritised by our product team.
A rarely submitted feature request might be superb and very valuable but may be competing against a common request that may be perceived to be less valuable. We do try to take all elements into consideration.
The reason we don't make our Development Plan public is so that we can retain flexibility regarding features included in releases. We do mention some planned features on our blog, but as others are more susceptible to change, we'd rather under-promise and over-deliver than vice versa.
We really hope you understand the complexities involved and don't feel we're ignoring you even though the features you've requested aren't immediately included. We also hope you continue to submit your feedback, suggestions, frustrations and comments as this really does help us to improve Xero.
Feels like an automated response to me.
Ildiko Mora commented
It seems that the Xero support team is not taking us seriously when as loyal costumers we are requesting an improvement to the system with regards to the disputed bills. However we got a new " bill " layout which seems to be more important. I would very much like to know what number of votes this thread require in order to be taken seriously ?
Or we will only be taken seriously when we are moving to a different software !