4644 results found
Login - Enable Windows Azure Active Directory Single Sign On
Ability to use Azure Active Directory for MFA.
Purpose: It makes Microsoft users easily log into Xero.
448 votesHi community, we appreciate many businesses have adopted single sign on with providers like Google, Microsoft Azure/Entra, and Okta to easily streamline logins to many applications and manage operational risk. Our team are staying close to votes and feedback of the idea here, and though we can't commit to development at this time, we will be sure to let you know of any progress toward enabling single sign on
Xero Files - Rename files once they are attached
Ability to rename the files in Xero Files once it’s attached.
Purpose: To make other users in Xero (the one that doesn’t upload the file) can easily identify the file without having to click it.
28 votes -
Sales Invoices- Flag as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag an invoice or bill when it’s in dispute or query.
Purpose: To ensure users do not pay an invoice/bill when it is currently 'under query/dispute' in error.
468 votes -
Manual Journals - Assign Contact name to journal
The ability to assign contact in manual journals.
Purpose: To enable to track journal entries with contact name
196 votes -
Inventory - Add default tracking options to items
Adding default tracking option for inventory items in Xero.
Purpose: To make users don't have to think about or forget to add the correct tracking.
74 votesAppreciate the interest in being able to set default tracking options against inventory items.
While this isn't possible at an item level atm, it might be useful to some here knowing that you can set default tracking for your contacts.
To be open we don't have any immediate plans for extending default tracking set up against items, however we'll keep a pulse on the interest here and if there are any plans made we'll be sure to let you know.
Tracking - Ability to bulk add and delete tracking on invoices
Ability to bulk add and delete tracking options on invoices
Purpose: Ease of updating old invoices and purchases.
56 votesHi everyone, appreciate the interest in the idea here.
We do want to highlight the ability to bulk recode transactions from one tracking option to another through Find & Recode - while only available to those with the Adviser role this will allow you to accomplish what's being asked here.
We'd recommend having a try in the demo co. if this is a new tools for you. 🙂
Contacts: Statements - Allow to be sent to Contact Groups
Ability to send statements to contact groups.
Purpose: To make users’ easier to send statements rather than sending it individually.
202 votes -
Contacts - Permanently delete if no records
Ability to delete contacts who have no related records/activity.
Purpose: Because some contact that has no record shouldn’t be visible in Xero and can just be deleted.
133 votes -
Xero Network - Include PDF of Invoice when sent with Xero Network Key
Automatically include PDF of invoice when sending it via Xero Network Key.
Purpose: Some clients need to see the attachment of the invoice. It’s also good for audit purposes.
82 votesThanks for your interest in being able to send a PDF of an invoice via the Xero Network.
While this isn't something we're looking to develop atm. For those in AU and NZ you could look into sending e invoices via the Peppol network.
Through e invoices you can attach and include files as well as a PDF of the invoice - See more on Xero Central
Notifications - Alert when an invoice has been paid
Ability to have an alert in Xero when an invoice has been paid.
Purpose: Users can easily be reminded. Which will make it easier for them to order the product/stock for their business when they know that they have been paid.
141 votes -
Xero Mail - Send as @company-name.com not message-service@post.xero.com
Ability to make an email sent from Xero appear as @company-name.com instead of message-service@post.xero.com, when users send an email to their client/customer.
Purpose: To provide more validity when sending communications from Xero out to clients/customers and avoid items ending up in Spam/Junk mail.
182 votesHi community, thanks for sharing your continued interest here. We appreciate the importance of having assurance that mail you send from Xero is being received, and that being able to send from your own company email would increase confidence in this process.
I can confirm this idea has been regularly reviewed by our product teams, and being able to send from your own company email is on their radar. Currently there are other priorities, and platform work that requires their attention, before they can consider this more deeply.
We'll move the idea back to submitted so we can continue to gauge the interest through votes here. When there is opportunity to pick this up, I will share any news with you all here.
Organisation Settings: Email Templates - Add a default CC email address
Ability to add a default CC email address in the email template.
Purpose: Users can easily input another email address when they have to add they create an email template.
61 votesHi everyone, a few different asks within the idea here and I'd like to confirm what is currently possible to help clarify.
We have recently released a new send modal with new invoicing - with this update you now have the ability to cc and Bcc emails when sending individual invoices from Xero with new invoicing.
While it's not possible to set default cc and Bcc email at the email template level at present this may be something we look into further down the line and we will keep you updated of any planned improvements through this idea.
For the time being, if there are other people for a contact that you'd like to ensure also receive emails you can add them as additional people to the Contact record and select to 'Include this person in emails sent to this contact'
On the other hand, if you'd like to ensure…
Chart of Accounts - Add a clearing account with Bank account type
Setting up a clearing account in the chart of accounts.
Purpose: Users can use it as an actual bank account rather than creating a fake bank account in Xero. As this is important in some Payroll cases.
6 votes -
Invoice: Invoice Templates - Custom Fonts for Standard Invoice Themes
Ability to add custom fonts for standard invoice themes.
Purpose: To have a better branding for users’ business.
41 votes -
UK VAT - Ability to enter VAT scale charge
Ability to enter VAT scale charge on VAT returns.
Purpose: To easily enter and calculate VAT scale on charge in Xero.
8 votes -
History & Notes - Xero Mail - Log of mail sent via Xero
Have a log or register of all emails sent from a Xero organisation with detail of content, recipients, senders, and date of send.
Purpose: Validity when being queried by customers about a transaction, verifying payments and collecting debtor payments. Proof of interaction.
387 votes -
Organisation settings - Copy a 'Live Xero Organisation’ details into the Demo company.
Ability to copy/duplicate details into Demo Company.
Purpose: To easily test any changes in the Demo Company rather than implementing it directly into ‘Live Xero organisation’.
38 votes -
Contacts - Allocate a contact as a supplier, customer, or both
Ability to make a contact as supplier, customer and both.
Purpose: To make bills cannot accidentally be entered as sales and vice versa
36 votes -
Invoices - Multiple due dates for payments/deposits along with the ability to offer trade terms
Ability to set up multiple due dates for payments/deposits.
Purpose: payments and deposits can be spread throughout different dates.
167 votes -
Bills - Automatic Bills sequential numbering
Ability to automatically create a sequential numbering.
Purpose: To make filing invoices quicker.
32 votes
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