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    Customer Name search - this is when adding customer name on customer/contact field when creating a new invoice

    In the old version, the dropdown displays the full hospital name along with the contact email address. However, the new version only shows a truncated name (around 26-30 characters) without the email address. It would be better to retain the old version feature for this especially when there are multiple contacts but different departments, as it was easier to find out whether correct department was chosen and not to make additional right click just to be sure…

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  2. In the same way that there are tick boxes for "Exempt from PAYG withholding", "Exempt from SGC" & "Reportable as W1" on Pay Items, can we have a check box for Subject to or Exempt from PTX & Workers Compensation so that a report can be generated for Payroll Tax & Workers Compensation calculations.

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  3. It would be great if Xero Me would automatically blank out the approved leave, and public holiday hours, within an employee's timesheet (manually overwritable of course) so that they cannot (or are warned not to) double up their hours. e.g. they have annual leave approved, to have a Friday off, but they can also enter paid hours on their timesheet for that same Friday, thus enabling double pay for that day.

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  4. Auto Save - Annual Financial Reports
    For Xero to auto save when creating draft reports.

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  5. On the P & L reports, there quite often extra lines at the bottom which aren't required this yr, but may be next year. which we don't need ie: Net loss/ profit before beneficiary dist , nor do we need before tax etc as a loss, just need the bottom line ( net Profit /Loss). Companies also have the same issue. Is there a way to "hide" these lines? if not , can we add this as a suggestion please. Don't want to delete, just hide or disable as necessary

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  6. When writing Cheques or payments would it be possible for an auto infill/ recall of the previous payment made to the Payee/Supplier, this would save time if the details are always the same and only the amount may vary, it would ensure that the correct/same account is always used giving consistency.
    Should any of the details differ then these can be input as currently but an auto infill would save me an awful lot of time as I don't have a bank feed to all the bank accounts I oversee.

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    Appreciate it's been some time since you originally started this idea, John - Just to confirm what you're asking here. Would this be when adding a manually applied payment to a bill? Or when reconciling in the bank account?

  7. Keep the CIS Labour Income Deduction line at the bottom of the new invoice format.

    why has it been moved to the top of the invoices on the new layouts??

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  8. It would be great to be able to copy lines when processing spend money and bill transactions. I need to split costs from a single bill or credit card transaction to locations. Being able to copy data entered to a new line and then change the value if needed and apply the location would save time and limit tedium. Thank you

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  9. Overtime needs to be recorded on Timesheets and be included in pay runs for employees on a fixed annual salary.

    We've been using Xero for 5+ years. It's brilliant in so many ways, and this basic functionality is missing, or rather, I expect is poorly coded.

    We have a number of employees on a fixed, 5 day per week, annual salary, which is divided by 12 to generate their pay every month. However, it's not uncommon for them to work overtime: additional hours here and there and sometimes whole extra days.

    Currently, the flaw (I really think this is a…

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  10. 11 votes

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  11. Just brought on a new client on Xero that runs large number of projects. At the moment, Xero does not provide a facility whereby we can bring forward opening blalances for ongoing projects.

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  12. Report to see when a customer account was opened/set up. When conducting customer credit account reviews it would be handy if there was a report to see what date a customer account was set up. So you are only reviews accounts that have been opened for a year. At the moment the only way to see when an account was set up is to look at the notes/history on each individual account.

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  13. Please stop Suppliers Bills from being published in Xero if the bill date is prior to the period lock date!!!!

    I only found out last night that Hubdocs will still publish a supplier bill with a date prior to the Xero lock date, this is crazy and I'm unsure why anyone would want Hubdocs to do this.

    If you could add the option in Hubdocs to stop bills from being published in Xero prior to the lock date that would be awesome as it will ensure the integrity of end of period reports.

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  14. When checking information on the inventory screen it would be extremely helpful if you could click on the 'In committed quotes' or 'Quantity on order' to see the customer or supplier to which they are assigned. Sometimes I need to chase a supplier for parts but have to waste time trawling through the purchase orders to track down who they have been order from. Likewise it would save time to be able to go straight to the customer quoted once an item has been received.

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  15. It would be great is the credit note number that was applied to an invoice is displayed when sending the invoice to the client. This will allow the client to see what invoice has been used if they have multiple.

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  16. Is there a way to edit the email template when invoicing to add a standard email address in the BCC field? by doing this Trustpilot gets the email details to send out reviews?? i cant find an option for this feature

    obviously you would put your unique Trustpilot email address into the the BCC template field

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    Hi Andrew, there's no way to set a default BCC email when sending from Xero atm. It may be something we look at in the future. For now, we'll begin to get a sense of the interest for this here. Thanks

  17. Add YTD figures for (recurring) reimbursements on an employee"s Payslip, such as non-reportable travel allowances (paid as reimbursements).

    I followed a Xero direction to process non-reportable travel allowances as reimbursements, as it ws creating discrepancies in our BAS (even though include in W1 was not checked).

    For an employee not to be able to see their total YTD renumeration on their payslip, including these reimbursements, is disappointing (particularly as it won't show on their EOFY payment summary).

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  18. Please make the “Save Button” omnipresent, so it hovers/tracks the page and wherever the user is working, while building Quotes & Invoices...

    I keep having to scroll up to the very top of the page, in order to hit “Save” - and found when moving too fast, i can accidentally skip back, losing changes, and then having to start again.

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  19. Adding more banks in Singapore for the bank feed in Xero.

    Example, adding Anext Bank into Xero. Will benefit small businesses who are using digital bank like Anext Bank.

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    Hi Wilfred, appreciate you sharing in Product ideas. It helps to get a sense of interest in the specific bank you'd like us to connect with, so I'll update the title of your idea here for Anext Bank. Welcome to start new ideas for other banks you'd like to see us connect with as well.

    Along with this we'd also recommend sharing this link with your bank to let them know you'd like to see them connect with Xero, and they can fill in the form if they're interested in Partnering with us. While we don't have any direct plans for this atm, we'll share if any are made with you here.

  20. Can the bill or invoice number be added to the description shown when Xero automatically adds it to the short term cash flow. See picture for item added manually where we add the bill number and then item added by Xero where none is shown. This will really help where we have multiple items for the same customer/supplier for the same amount.

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