4667 results found
AU Payroll - Bulk delete/mark inactive pay items.
Bulk delete/mark inactive pay items. We use deputy Awards integration and every time an award is updated we have to delete/inactivate so many pay items.
10 votes -
MFA: Remember 'Trust this device' setting after 24 hours
I understand the ATO requires you to enter 2FA daily, but that doesn't mean the tickbox should uncheck itself every day.
If I tick trust this device on Monday and login using 2FA, I can then login without 2FA for 24 hours.
After that 24 hours, I need to login using 2FA again AND I have to tick the trust this device box again to get another 24 hour reprieve.
Let us tick the box or another box that will remember our choice ongoing. So each day I only have to login using 2FA again but my choice to trust…
10 votes -
Receivable - Ability to add notes for debt collection
Add a Colum to aged debtors to view notes added re debt collection
10 votes -
Tracking categories for bank accounts
i need tracking categories for bank accounts - my client has three different branches within the organisation and all have their own bank account. i have managed to create tracking categories for income and expenses but Xero hasnt provided the function for bank accounts. So when drawing the Financials the bank accounts dont reflect with each relevant branch. Is there a way that this function could be created/considered or has anyone have any recommendations on how to bypass this problem?
10 votesAppreciate seeking options from your community here too.
Trying to think into this one - when you draw funds these statement lines would be reconciled to an equity account in the business? In theory the Tracking would be recorded when the item is reconciled to this account ?
Please do let me know more detail if there's something I'm missing in here?
Management report pack - Add Activity Statement
It would be great to be able to add to a Management Report pack the Bank Reconciliation and Activity Statement for the client.
10 votes -
Xero Accounting app - File CIS returns from app
To be able to use CIS on the mobile app and on an IPAD.
When you are not able to use a laptop and you need to work with CIS.10 votes -
User roles: Restrict access to Invoice Settings
For internal control reasons the 'invoice settings' section should be only accessible for certain access types. Anyone with Xero access (excl read only) can go and adjust the bank account manually entered on the invoices sent to customers.
It would be great to have this locked the same way bank account admin is for supplier payments.
10 votes -
Quotes - Approval process similar to invoices
Require functionality that allows quotes to be sent to management for approval before they can be sent out to customers.
Purpose: to reduce business risk and ensure prices / vendor terms are agreed and approved.10 votes -
Expenses - Prevent users from submitting expense claims for locked periods
Xero should not allow employees to submit Expenses for locked periods. It must have a Posting Date & Document Date to facilitate this. The document date should always be what's on the invoice/receipt
10 votes -
AU Payroll - Option to add PayID for bank payment details
Xero Payroll - Bank payment details - is currently restricted to BSB & Account Number.
This needs to be expanded to allow for PayID details as more and more employees utilise this.
10 votes -
Bank Reconciliation Find & Match - search for multiple invoices
Find & Match function under Bank Reconciliation only allows to search for individual invoices to then pick invoices one by one. Please introduce the option to enter multiple invoices in the search field using a delimiter to then pick multiple invoices to reconcile. This would improve the reconciliation process materially.
10 votes -
AU Payroll: Track who approves leave requests and timesheets
As with the financial side in Xero and their history and notes section, it would be very useful to be able to track who has approved leave or timesheets in Xero Payroll. We need site on which manager has approved the leave application or timesheet to mitigate any risk of the wrong people approving these.
10 votes -
Sales Invoice - Select "reply to" email address from dropdown
SO annoying that when we want to send an invoice using a different email address we have to always go into "Settings > Email Settings" to change the email address and then go back into it to change back once done. Why cannot we select the "reply to" email address from a drop down just like the "email template"?
10 votes -
Projects Reporting | Ability to report on multiple projects
Pull a report per bank account(s) with transactions indicating to which accounts the transactions were reconciled to
Projects; how to group similar projects together when pulling reports
Projects; report to see project expenses grouped by similar account allocations
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Invoice - Show Domestic Reverse Charge VAT on Invoices
Show the total amount of Domestic Reverse Charge VAT on an invoice, to make it clear to the customer what is due by them.
It is not necessary to show the VAT amount on each line, when it is the same for the whole invoice.
While Xero may be compliant with HMRC, it is not right for businesses who are being repeatedly asked for this information to be shown on invoices. It would be a simple fix for Xero as the functionality is already in place.This is on a discussion thread with plenty of users requesting the same thing.
10 votes -
Be able to see all transactions within a P&L report
I would like to send departmental P&L/spend reports to my managers. For eg, send all marketing spend to that team showing the act v bud figures AND all the transactions making up the actual fig
I reckon it would be best to add the Act and Bud figs at the top of the account transactions report for a particular chart of accounts10 votes -
Email Template for Payslips
We need to change the subject line for our payslip email template to include the word Confidential so that we meet our ISO standard
10 votes -
Invoice/Bills - Edit contact details (name, email, BSB, Account no.) when creating a bill
At the moment when entering a bill from a new supplier I can only enter the name of the supplier in the bill, then go into contacts to add their details.
It would be more convenient if there was a button to add contact as new, and have a pop-up page where I can add more details of those suppliers from bill page.
Sometimes when working through many invoices from new suppliers it's hard to remember which contacts need to be revisited to add details especially contact details and bank details for batch payments.
10 votes -
Billable Expense - Copy billable expense details when copying a bill
Xero to copy billable expense lines when copying a bill or entering a new bill using 'add last items'. At the moment, the nominal lines and split detail are copied but if each line has previously been allocated to a customer as a billable expenses, this is not copied and needs re-entering line by line.
10 votes -
Xero Me - Employees able to Add Kilometers
Employees cannot enter the number of kilometers to be claimed back in timesheets. A fix is to use the unit Hours instead of Kilometers. However in the Xero Me app they are only allowed to enter up to 24 Km (hours).
More than 24 units are allowed to be entered directly into Xero but not through the Xero Me app.10 votes
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