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  1. Create a accept quote button/link within the quote email template so clients can hit the button within their email client to accept quotes instead of having to view it online or missing it within the attached PDF quote.

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  2. show tracking options in Payroll summary report

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  3. To be able to view at a glance the 'period taken from a customer to pay invoices' from the Due Date to when the funds have reached the supplier's bank account. This is instead of exporting the Xero report in an excel sheet and then adding a formula to calculate the difference between the two dates. Surely with all the information already stored in the Xero account, this option shouldn't be too difficult to add. Thank you.

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  4. I need to report on employee timesheets against my tracking categories. For example how many hours have employees recorded against Job A, Job B, Job C etc in any given timescale. In the transaction/payroll activity report it only gives £ and not into tracking categories.

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  5. It would be great if we could pay our employees similar to how we can process a batch payment in XERO for bills. At the moment I am having to go into the bank account at the end and pay each employee individually.

    Is there another way to do this ? I may be missing something.

    Thank you

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  6. Please can Xero consider adding a Customer Statement option that shows payments as totals (not splits per invoice allocation) as found on the bank statement.

    Many businesses have customer accounts that are paid towards or caught up regularly in round bulk amounts that do not neatly match individual invoices.
    In these cases customers getting statements showing their payments as splits cannot easily or intuitively see the amounts that they paid on specific dates.

    In dealing with queries ourselves we find that many customers find the Activity Statement format frustrating or confusing, especially when we have to capture part of a…

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    Hi Jessica, it'd take some customisation of the Statement advanced docx. template but it is possible to remove fields from showing that may cause confusion or are unnecessary for your customers. 

    You could look at removing the 'PaidAmount' field if this is not required and just keep the 'Balance' and 'Amount' fields. 

    There's a discussion over in Xero Central where there are others in community who often help with making changes ti advanced templates and maybe of help here. 

  7. Cost analysis by group type, e.g. we have a group for DD suppliers. It would be useful to analyse how much we spend by group over a set period. We are looking at setting up other groups soon so this would be very helpful.

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  8. A warning or prompt should come up when an employee has no bank details recorded - similar to when an employee's bank account is updated when a payroll is posted.

    This can be acknowledged by the user and allow them to move on.

    When the ABA is exported - this prompt should come up, every time an ABA without bank details is exported - as the payment could fail and the employee will not be paid.

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  9. Accepted Quote Report

    Great to see that we can now look at a report for accepted quotes but the report is not filterable by the accepted date - please can this be added to the date search for quote reports within Quotes through Receivable Invoice Details and Summary reports.
    At the moment the report isn't right as you can only search by due date and created date which is no good - the accepted date needs to be a searchable date or the quote filtered by accepted quotes is useless if you ant to see what quotes have been accepted…

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  10. We need to be able to export SAFF (ATO super compliant files) to Superannuation clearing houses. I am unable to upload a file as Xero is not SAFF compliant.

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  11. When importing a text block report from Figured into Xero annual accounts template, we have no control over the page breaks. This often results in undesirable page breaks. An ability to add page breaks into a text block would fix this.

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  12. Can we have both CIS deducted by clients and CIS that we deduct from sub-contractors on the P32 report. I use the P32 to tell me what I need to pay across to HMRC but then have to do a separate calculation for CIS that I've deducted from subbies. The way Xero handles CIS deductions from sales invoices is difficult enough already!

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  13. It would be great to be able to edit text on a payslip. For example, one of my clients would like to hide the percentage of leave loading on their employees' payslip. Currently the payslip would read "Annual Leave - Leave Loading (17.5%, exempt from SGC)" for each time leave is taken, and they would like to hide the "(17.5%, exempt from SGC)" part.

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  14. Hope the cash summary can select Bank Accounts so that I will know the cash movements within particular bank account.

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  15. Transactions posted after a period end affecting prior periods

    Lock dates had not been set and as a result, there has been a few entries in to the last financial year.
    How can I locate these entries?

    I have tried a transaction report, but there are no parameters that I could enter.

    Example -
    Our year end is 31st August.
    I would like a report that looks for transactions entered between dates 1/4/22 - 21/9/22 that have a transaction date up to 31.8.21 (last year end)

    In other accounting systems, you could take a unique reference number (URN) at…

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    Hi Kellie, you might find History & notes useful for getting the insight you're after here. 

    Though it's not possible to filter by the transaction date - You can set a date range like you've mentioned to view activity that has occurred post your orgs year end and ability to filter by Item types so you just view the item types you're interested in. 

    Keen to hear if this helps. 

  16. Require functionality that allows quotes to be sent to management for approval before they can be sent out to customers.
    Purpose: to reduce business risk and ensure prices / vendor terms are agreed and approved.

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  17. Since the new contact layout was introduced, you cannot save an attention name without there being an address in the address field. Sometimes we do have a company name, contact name and no address.

    Please review and correct.

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  18. Actual vs Accrued Leave on Payslips
    A report to support this leave
    Employees are submitting leave as per there payslips and have no knowledge that this is not actual leave. They may not have been with our company 12 months or it's accured leave which only becomes actual on their anniversary. We are finding some of our employees with negative leave balances, which causes both confusion and problems on them leaving.

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  19. Enable to invite a user into an organisation via the Xero App interface.

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  20. Projects currently only allows hourly rate, fixed price or non chargeable time. It would be great to be able to select a daily rate option

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