New Invoicing - Keep Classic Invoicing

Hi everyone, appreciate your continued feedback on new invoicing. As mentioned in my last update we've now added a new Xero Central page for new invoicing.
Along with updates to individual ideas on Xero Product Ideas, this page will become the single source of truth for key feature rollouts including:
- what’s available in new invoicing right now,
- timelines for features and enhancements going live in new invoicing, as well as
- a comparison table between the classic and newer versions of invoicing.
We'll be updating this page regularly.
Relating to some of the more recent feedback there are some existing ideas that may also be of particular interest that you can join, like the ability to see the email the invoice was sent to in the history, or being able to see a timestamp, and reducing clicks and steps.
Angela Willy commented
Hi there
We use tracking on all sales and as many COGS bills as we can. New invoicing is non-compatible with the use of tracking. We process a lot of invoices every day. It is much more time consuming to use the drop down box to add the required tracking category (new invoicing) than the current method where you tab in the box and the category updates automatically (where you have entered the data in the customer set-up). I recommend that you try this yourself and understand the extra time that new invoicing will add to our daily processing.
I agree with the comments below that new invoicing is not aesthetically pleasing to use.
Please do not turn off classic invoicing. -
Jane Skinner commented
I have not yet seen any "improvements" on the new invoicing programme, so I use the classic invoicing because it works efficiently.
We, your Xero customers, have NO CONFIDENCE that the new invoicing will be fit for purpose by 26th February, because it is still lacking the functionality of what it is supposed to be replacing. Until we see this essential functionality in new invoicing, we need to be able to use classic invoicing....... unless Xero wants to start paying us for all our wasted hours, etc..............???? -
Clare Tayler commented
Xero Support just advised me to switch back to Classic Invoicing!!! I Just found yet another thing in New Invoicing that doesn't work properly - Unbelievable!
Beware some of the placeholders in New Invoicing do not work. I've been sending out Jan invoices, but the message header says 'Feb invoice' - because it is rubbish!
I think the fact that people are resorting to swearing, expresses the level of frustration of being moved to a totally inadequate and time consuming alternative. I am really trying to give New Invoicing a go, but every time I do, it fails. I hate autosave, not only is it better to manually save when you're done, but also it's quicker. I have to actually wait for the autosave to kick in before I 'print' the invoice, or it misses the last thing I entered - utterly ridiculous & timewasting.
I also signed up to the research panel, but no-one has bothered to ask my opinion - just a PR exercise I expect, sadly. -
Jody Austen commented
At the moment if there is an error in a sales invoice name you can correct this in contacts but if you print/email the invoice to the client in new invoicing, the error is still on the invoice but correct in Xero. The only way you can amended this is to go into Classic Invoices click on edit invoice - delete the incorrect details in the To field type in the correct Company/Business or persons name. Save this and switch to new invoicing. Then you can email/print the sales invoice. How are we going to be able to amend this when Classic Invoicing is retired?
Sharon Rowley commented
Please keep classic until the new invoicing is as good as the classic and doesn't switch to different screens and gives us an option to approve a draft invoice without actually emailing it.....the only way I can approve and hold it is to stay in classic. Also still not visible on one screen yet
Heather Barclay commented
@Platypus Billing it's fairly straightforward to move to new software at the end of each business' financial year. Sage will even pay for you to use "Move My Books" to make the change. FreeAgent have their own system to help copy data over.
My costs are now significantly down. It's sad that after an 8 year business relationship, things should end this way, but I can't, in all conscience, recommend a product to my clients from a company which treats its own customers with such contempt.
Platypus Billing commented
@Heather Barclay
" The rest are using Free Agent and Sage, both of whom have much better customer service and (bonus) are significantly cheaper and better value for money. The pain of making the change was short term. No regrets."
Thanks, Heather! That's helpful. -
Platypus Billing commented
@Michael Hood
They will destroy those modules as well. Although I suspect that first we shall see the s***ification of bills/expenses. Brace yourself. -
Heather Barclay commented
Kelly Munro - when a significant number of your customers tell you that something like new invoicing that you think is an improvement to your product is actually a dysfunctional mess that makes their working lives more difficult and exposes them to the possibility of serious errors in invoicing, smart companies take notice. They do not ignore, belittle and gaslight those customers. It's time to stop digging that hole (which must be somewhere near the Earth's core by now), step back and REALLY LISTEN to what your customers are saying. Xero has lost its way here, but it's not too late to dig out the map and trace your steps backwards. Better to delay that to commit yourself to a change that is so much less effective that the system it replaces.
It's already too late for me. This time last year, all my clients were on Xero. Now I have only one (who doesn't use invoicing). The rest are using Free Agent and Sage, both of whom have much better customer service and (bonus) are significantly cheaper and better value for money. The pain of making the change was short term. No regrets.
Michael Hood commented
How comes credit notes, overpayments, etc are still in the classic format. If there really is a necessity to totally remove classic invoicing because the underlying "technology" is no longer being supported, then surely this applies to credit notes, etc as well.
Teresa Wilcock commented
Please listen to us, new invoicing is not an improvement!
When adding previous items it only pulls through one line from a previous invoice not all lines. When you click on the company name classic invoicing takes you to the client's account. New invoicing gives you a drop down to then click again into their account. Extra unnecessary steps to name just 2. Please don't take away classic invoicing you are going to loose customers. -
Jill Fechner commented
Classic, I can see the entire invoice on the page. New version, I have to scroll because someone in your design does not understand the basics of CSS.
This is not user-friendly. '
You have been asked repeatedly by so many of us to fix this. Please comply. -
Jenny Draper commented
it has ssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooo much white space !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. it is utter ****
Karen Hughes commented
This new invoicing is causing stress and unnecessary additional costs to many small businesses. A big FAIL to Xero for not being professional or even meeting basic customer service standards.
Karen Hughes commented
The new invoicing is clearly sub-standard in all ways. I suggest you forget it - but by all means, make it optional for people who don't know any better. Alternatively, provide a recommended alternative provider of accounting software.
Tim Sheehan commented
The new 'Auto saving' function is proving to be a real pain. It creates new drafts when none were wanted and creates a lot of extra log entries that are just 'noise'.
Please make this function OPTIONAL! -
Jo Heuston commented
Its difficult to understand why you are not listening to your core customer base regarding the changes to Xero. Reading through the comments its just not working for so many people and we like and work well the way it looks and functions on so called "classic" invoicing. If you are determined to add "new" invoicing could you not at least leave us the choice to switch to whichever works best for us the users?
Tim Sheehan commented
Hello Xero,
Please please DO NOT KILL "OLD INVOICING" !!
The "new invoicing" ruins many of our frequently used day to day business routines that have been refined over 10+ years. Along with being truly terrible, 'new invoicing' will necessitate clumsy workarounds that will take much more time and increase the risk for mistakes.( we have begun investigating MYOB as a replacement system, we hate 'new invoicing' that much )
Sabreena Chanian commented
February is fast approaching and I am dreading this New Invoice being forced upon us.
PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. We want to keep the old invoicing system as the new version is quite simply awful. We need to know whether you will listen or risk losing a lot of cliental.
Edith Svehla commented
Hello Xero - please respond and advise if you will keep classic invoicing and if not why. And why we should stay with you if you will not listen to us?