New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?

Annie Thorne commented
Yes, yes, yes! I'm in agreement with both of these points.
Debra Stott commented
Please listen to your customers Xero, and fix the problem with Autosave. It is slowing everything down, and as previous writers have said there should be a check button that you can uncheck if you do not want autosave. Also when entering a customer's name, we cannot see what we are typing as the box is obscuring the view and if we have misspelt the customer name a new customer is automatically saved which is soooo annoying. Please Fix This!!!
Charlotte Watts commented
Creating too many drafts which then have to be removed. Also cannot change the contact once started...if you mis-type it creates a new contact which is then going to sit in contacts and keep coming up when typing in future....please can we remove auto save....or at least have an option to turn it OFF!!
Sarah Zwickl commented
Yes please make this an option, it stuffs up my invoice numbering, slows the whole process of entering in the details.
Now takes me twice as long to enter in an invoice which cost me time and money
Chris Curlett commented
Autosave is a real issue.
Come on, XERO, we all know how simple it is to have an ON/OFF setting in the defaults.
Please make this happen to help users!
Jacky Hollins commented
I assist a client with their bookkeeping; he sends notes from harvest, which I refine and move lines around until they're in the format he requires. When I'm fininshed with one section, In the classic invoicing, I'd save and continue edit and check totals etc. - If there's an error I'd simply cancel and go back into the draft and it would carry on where I'd left off from my last save. now it saves over potential errors and it takes longer to fix up mistakes or look for them. I have to print a pdf of the draft and work from there, but this doesnt always show the item code and tax excl amounts so it's actually not a great solution. PLEASE LET US TURN OFF AUTO SAVE!
Olga O'Keefe commented
Autosave in every field is an OVERKILL!
As it was discussed in the community, just do a reminder option "you have an unsaved job" with two options to save or cancel when you are closing the tab in the browser.
Also, please restore "a beautiful" history of classic invoicing. We need to have just two lines: invoice was approved and invoice was emailed instead of 5 lines:
Invoice Sent
Invoice Unsent
ApprovedThe most bizarre is to see unsent when you click the Approve & email button.
Trina Noda commented
Gggggggrrrrrrr, why aren't Xero listening to their customers?!?!?!
I mean I'm no IT guru but surely it can't be that hard to have an option where if you want Autosave on, then you turn it on and if you seriously don't want it on (like me) you should be able to toggle it off in the settings???
I am actually getting so fed up with this bloody autosave and the fact that we're not getting a response from Xero!
Our company has spent hours setting up the product codes, in such a way that the most common product we invoice out, shows up first and if I need to select the product below it, if I'm not fast enough in selecting a line below the first one, before Autosave kicks in, I end up clicking on the option to create a new bloody Product Code so I feel like it's a race between me and Xero so that this option doesn't get the chance to see the light of day!
Aaaaaaaannnnd if I type in the wrong customer name by accident, obviously, Autosave creates a whole new contact. I hate to think how many of these so called new contacts I have had to Archive because of this issue.
When is Xero going to respond to this, what seems like, simple fix???
Deborah Mohr commented
I concur with all that has been said. This could be a useful feature but it completely kills my monthly invoice which is 200 lines long - old invoicing system handled it without issue. Now I'm going to have to start splitting the invoice into 4 or more just to get it completed. Such a waste of time. An option to turn it off would be ideal.
Jules Breese commented
Auto save on invoicing is unnecessary and should be turned off. time wasted when you've made a mistake and you need to cancel all the drafts and the work put the sequential invoice numbering which gets screwed up as well.
Helen Mallett commented
It just slows down data entry and loading a draft invoices takes forever! Please turn this off. It is not required.
Fritz Kamstra commented
If I decide not to complete an invoice or quote and close it, then I will have no wasted numbers. Only when I save the number will stay just like the invoices 🧾 did in the beginning. So please don’t do auto save it’s not needed. If you send it then yes it should save but otherwise no. Please make it our choice. Can I change it please 🙏🏼
Suzanna Rose commented
(a) i need the option to turn autosave off (it creates too much edit history, and it automatically allocates a new XERO generated invoice number. I REALLY hate that.
(b) for users who elect to turn autosave off, please update the background programming NOT to autosave the incremental invoice number generated by XERO. 99% of the time I override this with my own generated invoice number. I'm not happy for the the solution to be that I have to enter my own invoice number first (although that works, it's not intuitive - I want to work left to right.)
Maybe this will happen by default if you implement the option for users to turn autosave off? But the biggest problem for me with this autosave feature is the way it increments the XERO invoice number each time. I need to track those XERO invoice numbers and use them sequentially for non-core business purposes. It is OK for XERO to suggest the next incremental XERO invoice number, but if I override it during input (at whatever point, before I hit approve), please do NOT increment on the next invoice. Please offer that same XERO invoice number.
Jim Morris commented
Autosave is a pain. Either get rid of it or let us turn it off. I just created a 12-line invoice and because this stupid system needs to autosave each time I enter or change data in a cell of field, I now have a file history on the invoice that is 35 lines of useless drivel. What a joke!
Not only does it save things that you don't need, it makes the process slower as it won't register the 1st time you click into a field, or the second, or event he thrid sometimes. Copy and pasting into a field is 50% success too depending on it you click in correctly and Ctrl+v...
Seriously took me twice as long as it should have to make this invoice.
I seriously hate "new" invoicing in it's current form and capability.
Mathi Rai commented
And option to copy to po.
Tim Rutter commented
Be told by (Natascha - Support specialist) to vote here again.
As Xero will not be fixing the bugs I've reported with Autosave. -
Tracey Parsons commented
Agree with all the comments - remove autosave immediately.
Not sure why it has not been done so already with all the negative feedback. -
Adrian Hillary commented
I am having constant issues with the auto save causing invoice to freeze.
The only way forward is to refresh the page and loose all the entered data.This happens for almost every line that is inputted.
Please, remove the auto save function.
Mark Larrington commented
Its an utterly useless feature for us.
IMO, Xero are not wanting to deal with larger office based businesses going forwards but focus on small peripatetic businesses like gardeners, plumbers and electricians that wander from job to job and house to house and rely on flakey 4G service on the mobile app. They create an invoice on the fly at a customers house so Autosave on the mobile app means they dont forget to save it.
Anyway please scrap it.
Jim Morris commented
I already didn't like Autosave as it causes such a slowdown in operation but now that I see it logs each and every time you change something it makes the file history utterly stupidly verbose and completely useless.
Seriously, either give us the option to turn it off or get rid of it completely. I cannot state strongly enough how dumb it is.