New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?

Melissa Fowler commented
Keep the possibility to revert changes (no autosave triggered all the time). For those of us who work heavily on complex and lengthy invoices, please allow us the ability to turn off auto-saving as this is going to cause huge issues when you don't want to save the changes made.
Angie Crawford commented
Autosaving is a NIGHTMARE. We should be able to have the option to turn this feature off. It slows down inputting, saves when you are not wanting things saved - grrrrrr can we please turn this option off?
Kevin Hales commented
Hi team
I get the benefit autosave brings to the bulk of the users for entering invoices, but reading through the comments below I can see some have the same issue I have, where the autosaving is slowing down my invoicing process.
When I create an invoice for a job, I continually find myself having to wait for the autosave to complete before I can attach a pdf of the job details that needs to go out with the invoice. As a workaround I try to remember to attach the file straight after the contact has loaded, but this isn't always possible and often I just forget to do it :)
Even if it's not possible to turn it off, maybe something that doesn't update every time you move out of a field in the invoice form?
Not a show stopper for me compared to the impact it's having on some of the other use cases in this thread, but something that is still frustrating, so thought I'd take the time to comment. -
Amanda Hubley commented
It makes far more sense to have the option to save and continue or save and close. I have already run into an issue where I made changes on and invoice and realised it was wrong but had no way to cancel the changes I had made. Making it automatic to save changes before you can send would be sensible.
Tropical Waste commented
We have hundreds of rolling monthly Invoices where daily or weekly charges are added over the month. THIS. IS. A. NIGHTMARE!!!!! Again productivity has not been thought of at all with this New Invoicing - slowing down a Business's office like this is nuts.
Joelle Nebbe commented
You cannot have autosave without undo!
Faye Willmott commented
autosave slows down the inputting of data so much, I dont think i can use the new invoice system. When I want to add an item to my invoice it takes too long to load because the web page is saving itself. PLEASE have the option to switch off autosave (or scrap it all together!)
B F commented
Came here after trying the new "improved" invoicing and found I lost a tonne of data. My invoices get created by a quotation program when they are accepted and when there are only a few line items being invoiced each month I copy to a new invoice and delete the invoiced items off the original. Just made a mistake and deleted 20 incorrect lines, but where I used to be able to just hit refresh to reload the origianl, autosave made that very much permanent for me.
Xero really sucks these days -
Julie Taylor commented
We use a different sequence of invoice numbers for our three different services: decorating, landscaping and garden maintenance. We are getting missing numbers by changing the details each time.
Geoffrey Unger commented
When I save, close and then reopen my draft invoice a number 1 appears in the qty column when it still needs to be blank as in the original version. I use draft invoices as large product templates so I then have to delete all the ones to keep my template and customer invoice correct.
Heather Palmer commented
i would suggest you go back to the classic invoicing, new invoicing is **** and missing functionality
Sue Rhodes commented
I agree with comment made by Margaret Zdunek
On a few occasions I have had to stop processing an invoice to leave it for another day because of lack of information but because it saves automatically the invoice has been generated. I then go to raise another invoice and it gives me the next number. This never used to happen with the old style invoicing. I now have gaps in my invoice numbers. I need to be able to just get out of invoicing without using a number. Also sometimes I go into a draft invoice to try out a revised pricing model but because it saves automatically I now have to print the draft before the changes so that I can revert back to the original pricing once finished.
Andrea Darlington commented
Ive gone back to the old version until September! Hopefully someone may decide to let us toggle it on and off.
I use cut and paste into my invoices and if I don't change the invoice number quick enough it auto savs as something else and I have to start again! Too time consuming!
Mathi Rai commented
I too would find it difficult to continue with Xero if this isn’t fixed. PLEASE DO NOT DISCONTINUE OLD SYSTEM. let the users decide what they would rather use. There is too much wrong with new invoicing and it is being hurried through with no choice
Aana Ngatoro commented
The autosave feature should be chosen by the user if they wanted it on or off. This is so frustrating when you are splitting Invoices or have progress invoices in your drafts. Also no option to cancel data entered and go back to the original invoice if a human error occurred, and lets be real ....they occur so if it doesn't get looked at by xero techs and give the option to turn off then their must be better accounting systems that offer all features ..... who made the decision to put this feature in their in the first place "seriously" !!!
Peter Brown commented
Autosave is a useful feature but I wasn't aware it was on, so made some temporary changes to an invoice then exited WITHOUT saving, and then found I had lost the original invoice
Must be something that can be toggled by the user
Freya Pieroz commented
Autosaving means that the history of an invoice where all I had to do was:
- import the on-billable expenses,
- import what went on the last invoice,
- copy the text from the last invoice's line items to the new invoice's line items,
- fix the line item quantities and values,
- delete the imported lines from the last invoice, and
- send the invoice
looks like the attached screenshot. Cluttered. -
Melanie Parrock commented
Please make autosave an option, having it may be useful for some users but not for others, making it optional would provide a solution for everyone,
Todd Bryson commented
It does not suit my business. It makes my job so much harder and it causes mistakes.
We should be able to choose the option. -
Lee Daley commented
We do not want auto save either. There should be the option to turn it on or off.
Or there should be the option to cancel the changes made.
I would also like the approve button to be the default rather than approve and email. I prefer to email invoices out in batches. Too time consuming doing one at time.