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  1. Can Xero Auto populate the timesheets section from the standard hours, that you can then review and update there.

    Can the standard hours set on the employees account auto populate the times sheet so when reviewing you are only working through and making the alterations and not adding them all in when this is very repetitive. It is currently faster to run a draft pay run and go into every payslip and make alterations which is frustrating.


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  2. Currently, when an invoice get's sent to Xero, it goes into the Xero inbox. Usually, one needs to go into the attachement itself to view whether it's an invoice or a credit. Once inside the attachment, there's no option to create the bill from there directly. You must go back out, into the list of items in the inbox, click on the three dots to the right to create the necessary document. It would be helpful if we could view the attachement and create the necessary document via that screen, without having to come out of it.

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  3. Project Timer - it would be great when using the timer for it to automatically enter actual start time and end time into the time entry, rather than just a duration.

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  4. Include staff rates / payroll costs / staff hourly costs in the profitability calculation used in the xero projects dashboard.

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  5. Memberships/ Subscriptions/ Portal

    New feature required offering memberships/ subscriptions so that clients pay through Xero weekly/ fortnightly/ monthly etc. They would need to have their own log in portal which shows the subscription/ membership they’ve signed up to. Even if this was a subsidiary company of Xero. Even better if there was a dedicated Xero team who helps draw up legal templates and whom follows up failed payments etc.

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    Hi Emma Rose, coming across your idea, would you be able to share a bit more detail to make sure I share this back with our team correctly? When you say you'd want a dedicated team to draw up legal documentation - would this be to manage Partner subscriptions that your clients purchase from you as the advisor?

  6. Payroll admin create timesheets with start/end/break times on web.

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  7. Please Please put the option to see what branding theme is on the invoice on the DRAFT invoice page -- If you have 50 invoices in a batch with different themes its a nightmare. And then also Step 2 - PLEASE link the email template automatically to the branding theme. It would make our lives much simpler. We process many invoices in batches with two different themes. Not having the ability to even see the branding on the draft page is crazy. How hard can it be to put that field up as a display item - You have others…

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  8. It is really basic, the permission control is not flexible and give more options. How about to give multiple choosing box for permissions. I want to create a user and give him permission to create and print quotations and a purchase order permission to create and submit for approval. Because the purchase approval permission i want to give to the manager levels only.

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  9. The functionality to allow for intercompany reporting when the currencies are different between the organisations - for this we would need to be able to create an asset/liability account in a currency other than the local currency. This would eliminate any Foreign exchange gains/losses on intercompany balances.

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  10. Currently, the stock is not updated until the bill is entered. Many times the deliveries can be part-deliveries or billed on multiple bills. It is impossible to part bill and update the stock for the delivered items
    Also, we can get billed before any order is even processed by the supplier. To match the bill with the purchase order, it needs to be entered through the purchase order, which updates the stock before it has even arrived in store.
    We need the ability to update the stock record in Xero at the time of delivery, not on billing date.

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  11. When sending invoices from Xero to Xero it doesn't attach the actual invoice in the draft bill as an attached so we don't have this invoice for record keeping purposes and can't even see if there's VAT or No VAT charged on the invoice as it is not attached to the bill. This needs to be added.

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    Thank you for all sharing how we could keep improving your use of Xero and it's features. For those that haven't explored yet - we recommend considering if eInvoicing can serve your needs in this space. It's available now and incorporates even more functionality than Xero to Xero offers.

    As we're developing new invoicing, our product team are looking at development to build the Xero to Xero network into new invoicing as well as considering enhancing it's functionality by allowing customers to include attachments when using this feature to send invoices. Right now we'll move to Under review and I'll be back when there's more news on this to share with you all.

  12. Xero provides for only one ATO Branch code to be recorded for an organisation in Settings / Organisation details. Also, Xero does not require a branch code to be recorded for Single Touch Payroll (STP) which would be resulting in a number of cases where the ATO is contacting clients and practitioners regarding incorrect branch codes for STP and requiring correction of STP filings which is time consuming and complex.

    Some businesses have different branch codes for different ATO reporting obligations. For example, a business may have a branch number of 001 for Single Touch Payroll but 003 for Taxable…

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  13. Having the ability to invoice a percentage of each task in a project.
    Our company invoices as a job progresses e.g 20% of one task is completed the first month, and then 50% has been completed the following month.
    At this stage, I am only able to apply a 'discount' to alter the amount invoiced (while still maintaining the full contract amount on the invoice as a reference to clients). When doing this, it also marks that task as invoiced and I am unable to further invoice. The only alternative to this, is invoicing for a project amount and still…

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  14. The Account Transactions tab has very weird information presented. I need to see either the Description from the Transaction or the Expense Account account it's hitting. I see neither.

    In the Description Column of the Account Transaction Tab, you have the vendor/contact, not the Expense Description. In the Reference Column, you have the bank reference, which is fine, but it's a duplicate of the vendor info. You're leaving me with no useful information about the transaction.

    This is something Quickbooks has figured out. I can see how the expenses are being categorized without opening every individual transaction. This is a…

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  15. Remove Employer tax payable of the employee's payslip. I would like this line to have the option to show, I understand the need to show employee taxes, however not the Employer tax part

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  16. We need to give specific users access to specific sales.
    We have made our employee have draft only sales access, but now we cant collaborate invoices and quotes there should be an option to give users access to specific invoices & quotes, not the total sales in and out

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  17. Ability to select multiple/all transactions during reconciliation.

    Purpose: To save users time from having to reconcile the transactions one by one.

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    Thanks for all sharing and supporting how bulk reconciling transactions and suggestions that have been matched to statement lines in your bank would help your business.

    It's great to see the trust you've built in Xero's capabilities to match and help you save time from manually finding and creating transactions to reconcile your bank.

    Along with building on the foundations of our platforms, the teams efforts at present have been on improving the ability to create suggested transactions for more statement lines in your org - With a lot of this being backend logics there's not a heap you'll see from the front side of things but Xero's reconcile engine is getting stronger and overtime you should find even less need to create transactions in your org, yourself.

    With this work underway there is no development for being able to reconcile transactions that have the 'OK' presented option atm,…

  18. It would be great if the placeholder format can be customised:

    i. with all capital letters

    ii. date format "01/01/2023"

    iii. with "JAN" instead of "January"

    iv. with "23" for 2023

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  19. Being able to customize each user role is quite important as every person in every company does something different. Giving them access to systems they shouldn't have because the User Role they need to do their job allows them access to these other areas is a security risk in general.

    Putting in Custom Roles will also allow companies to adjust the Users to their Company Policies for controls.

    This is the main reason I am posting this, as we are soon bringing on a new junior accountant where I will need to give them "approval" rights for Invoicing and a…

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    Appreciate the idea here - Being transparent, developing granular permissions or roles for every feature and action throughout Xero is not in our plans. 

    Understanding more of the permission sets majority of users need, will help understand where the biggest impact could be made. 

    I've slightly adjusted the title to suit the needs of the role you mentioned. We'll get a sense of others that'd like this too. 

  20. Currently you can put titles and notes etc on quotes and invoices etc. However the client does not see any of this. This is critical to be able to add notes etc that don't belong on a line item

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