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  1. The Payroll Journal dates are currently fixed to be the Pay Date, which is incorrect for any business that has hourly paid employees which must pay after end of month, when all hours are calculated.

    Every month all of our P&L figures are wrong because of this. Nobody wants to have to waste time doing loads of manual journals every month, which have the potential for mistakes, when Xero has created a system which is supposed to automate this process.

    Others have raised it but Xero never replied, see link at the bottom below.

    The solution is:

    Create "Payroll Journal…

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  2. UK Payroll - need a P32 report that can be printed/downloaded month by month in addition to the details provided for the whole year. Other payroll software's provide this as it's handy to have.

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  3. We have bureau licences with read only access for clients - however when the bank feed drops they are unable to refresh without upgrading. As they have no other involvement it does not make sense for them to have upgraded access - can we allow them to do this on a slightly improved access level please?

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  4. Bank Rules - Add condition for Transaction Type (and other Statement Details)

    Sometimes loan payments only come through with the loan number as the payee, but the transaction is for Interest only. I want to be able to set up a bank rule based on the "Transaction Type" coming through in the bank feed so that Interest and Principal payments can be coded directly to the correct codes. Most banks have these details in one of "Payee", "Description", or "Reference". ANZ bank does not, there may be other banks that are similar.

    I have tried to add criteria for this…

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  5. The BACS file in Xero has a beneficiary reference of PAIDOK

    Please make this editable

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  6. We need a report that will give us a list of lapsed customers. We as a small business need to be in touch with customers who haven't had any transactions with us for 6 months or a year. It would be great to have a feature or report where we can easily find these customers. On our old accounting system, all of our customers had a " last invoice date" column so we could easily pull a report for any of these customers who hadn't been invoiced for 6 months or more.

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  7. The "Planned Dates" feature in Bills to Pay works extremely well. Key element is that you can bulk update dates as required from a multiple selection.

    The "Expected Date" feature has the same potential but also needs to be able to update invoice "Expected Dates" in bulk.

    Invoices cannot be updated in bulk from Short Term Cashflow if a part-payment has been made against that invoice. Also, you can't update invoices Expected dates if they are not due yet.

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    Thanks for the detail of why the Short term cashflows option is not viable for you here, Karl. 

    We don't have any immediate plans around this but will keep an eye on the appetite here and let you know if there's any plans made. 

  8. The current screen and filters for Xero timesheet is not user-friendly. In particular, firstly, it would be great if the Employee Name filter allowed you to type and search. Secondly, if the Employee Name filter could include multiple names that would be useful.
    Lastly, not in the filters, but the tick boxes for each timesheet - if the tick box was bigger and next to the line, instead of in the timesheet line this would help. The way it is at the moment, it is too easy to accidentally go into a timesheet instead of ticking it to select for…

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  9. Please include the function to translate financial statement from the local/base currency to reporting currency.

    Currently, the PL is converted at month end rate rather than the average rate. This is incorrect.

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  10. I hope xero has the functionality of e-invoicing to approve and send the multiple e-invoices in bulk.
    As this new invoicing does not allow it and make the task slower than the conventional xero way.
    I hope you'll add this suggestion on your product improvement and see xero functioning the next time around.

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  11. After grouping accounts using the 'edit layout' function it would be great to be able to either expand or collapse each group while viewing the report, rather than having to go back into the 'edit layout' section to change the way the group appears.

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  12. Re: Handling of Mutly-currency/translating foreign currency amounts into the functional currency

    Multy currency is currently not fully supported in xero.

    A foreign currency transaction should be recorded initially at the rate of exchange at the date of the transaction and then, at each subsequent balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary amounts should be reported using the closing rate.

    This is true in xero only for Bank accounts, accounts receivables and payables set in foreign currency but not for other account.
    As a result users are required to input periodical manual adjustments at each balance sheet date.

    We ask Xero to…

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  13. Currently the custom Pool creation option does not allow for the specific depreciation requirements of a software development pool - First year to be Nil, the second , third and forth years at 30% and the final fifth year of 10%. Without this function the depreciation for these assets needs to be calculated manually.

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  14. Being able to allocate draft purchase invoices to different users for approval

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  15. There is no warning that states that transaction can be missed when the bank feed is being renewed.

    There should be a warning stating that during the time of renewal of bank feeds you will need to check in ensure all transaction/ stateliness have imported as some could be missed.

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  16. It would be great to be able to remove past employees from the drop-down menus when generating Payroll reports. This would be particularly helpful for businesses who employ a lot of staff members, especially if there's a high churn rate.

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  17. When converting a Purchase Order to a bill it would be great if there was a way of transferring any PDFs attached to the PO to the Bill. At the moment you need to remember to do this manually.

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  18. A report that shows the total paying a supplier in a payment batch, currently we can only produce a Batch report that has individual invoices and a total over all but no total by supplier.

    Optional to have supplier bank details paying to would also be great

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  19. Square & Paypal payment texts.

    Currently if I add square and paypal payment options to my invoice the Pay Now pop up at the customer end is confusing. The 3rd option which is a Paypal guest passthrough for credit/ debit cards does not have paypal branding. So customers might be confused by options 1 and 3 and I might have to pay more for paypal fees when not needed.

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  20. Linking Purchase Order to Bill

    Purpose: To copy the details from the po to populate the forwarded bill from email fields.

    This would enable the ease of processing bills; using the data already on the po and verifying the costs accordingly.

    Also this is vital, so that you can match multiple bills to the same po.

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