4671 results found
UK Payroll - Produce employment intermediary reports
It would be great if Xero produce Intermediary reports that can be uploaded direct to HMRC for agent workers from Zero.
3 votes -
Quotes - Attach PO to approved quote
PO to approved quote. My customers want to add their PO number and possibly an attachment upload to an approved quote when they select approve on the link. This should be very simple to fix. Also, then this would give us more capabilities in the approval process by allowing documentation to be added to the quote directly from the customer. This way it will tell me when I invoice them what PO was on the order. Also, they were asking for a place to put notes as well. They have notes on a reject but not approve.
3 votes -
UK Payroll - Breakdown of SMP calculation on payslip
The ability to be able to print out a breakdown for the employee of their payments for SMP and how Xero calculates them. This is available in other payroll software
6 votes -
Bank Reconciliation - Discuss Tab - Change to a chat module to show User and date
The Discuss Tab should have a history trail showing the user and date that a comment was submitted.
Also registered comments should not be editable or removed once submitted. The ideal situation would be if the tab took on the functionality of a chat system also allowing to tag a user of that particular company in a discussion prompting a notification to the user.
Once a transaction is processed, the notes should be attached to the transaction in the history and notes section for future reference.
9 votes -
Lock Dates - Allow standard users to set lock dates
I would like clients who prepare their own BAS to be able to lock periods - as this is good practice for obvious reasons. Currently if they are a Standard user they are not able to access this area to lock periods. If I make them an Advisor they have access to unlocking prior years and make changes (been there done that - never again).
Please have the option to give standard users the ability to lock periods (i.e. the first lock period date, but not the second date), or provide a solution to address the above issue.1 vote -
Account Transactions - Show details on batch payments in Description column
The bank transaction listing in Xero should have different details displayed for ease of reference.
Batch Payment really doesn't provide enough information. "Payment: multiple items Batch Payment" is pretty vague. It would be better if the Description column showed the Details from the batch payment - refer attached4 votes -
Invoices - Increase attachment size
Current size limit of attachments able to be sent with invoices is 7MB.
Businesses that are required to send PODs with their invoices and that are photographs of the POD's reach the limit of the attachment size after 2 or 3 photographs.Email limits at the moment through gmail, outlook etc are around 20MB+ so there is a work around, however makes it much easier and more streamlined to send via Xero.
6 votes -
Reporting - Show one line per invoice on the Aged Receivables Detail
desarrollar el informe de Aged Receivables Detail para que por linea por factura.
adjunto encabezado deseado.
1 vote -
Branding - Edit templates using Google office suite
Invoice branding is only possible using Microsoft. Would it be possible to make this happen using Google OS also?
I know there are hundreds of millions of Google users worldwide many of which will be Xero users since your software is excellent software.Thanks for listening.
3 votes -
Credit note - Ability to set an expiry date
Hi all!
I'm a one man band IT business, and I've just started being put on retainer by a company which is great, however I'm finding accounting for the retainer to be a bit burdensome.
Currently, my plan is it add the retainer's ammount as a credit note at the beginning of the month, and then somehow nullify any remaining credit at the end. However, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a way of managing retainers separately and more efficiently from credit?
Or even just having the option to add an expiry date to a credit…
2 votesGreat to hear how you're currently using Xero with Credit Notes to manage this process for yourself, Joseph. I've slightly amended your idea for being able to set an expiry for a credit note as it's quite unlikely that we'll look to create a completely new feature for managing retainers.
Having a quick look at some of the other ideas raised in community, it looks like some people maybe using SimPro as a means to manage these, alternatively you could explore apps in the ecosystem that may meet your needs. 🙂
Reports - YTD drop-down in "Compare With" field
Looking out our month-on-month Income Statement is cumbersome. Adding "YTD" in the "compare with" field would be an upgrade to fairly standard accounting.
thanks.1 vote -
Account Transactions report - Ability to see uploaded document in for bills assigned to a Tracking Category
We regularly use Tracking Categories to allocate bills to Projects. The Account Transactions report is great for showing bills and payments by Project. However, each line has to be individually accessed to see the underlying uploaded document.
Accountants regularly ask for these receipts which need to be individually downloaded and we have to manually create a spreadsheet linking each receipt.
This would be hugely easier if the Excel export of the report allowed a field for a URL linking to the uploaded document, like all good receipt tracking apps allow.
1 vote -
Sales Invoice - View tracking as a column
Our company recently combined all departments onto one Xero account. It would be great to be able to see a 'Department' column on the Business - Quotes / Business - Invoices / Business - Purchase Orders pages so that we can see which departments have raised which quotes etc.
In general, it would be great to be able to customize the overview/summary views to tailor it to which columns are relevant to our business.1 voteHi Janice, appreciate the suggestion in community here. Although each of these areas have a similar page, being open they would each be developed by separate teams and it'd be good to understand the interest in being able to see tracking for each separately to be considered by product.
I've slightly changed the title of your idea here for Sales invoices. We have one for Bills across here you may like to support, and you're welcome to create others for each area of Xero you'd like to see this in.
Xero to Xero - Share item codes
We operate two Companies on Xero - the manufacturing company sells to the retail company - so we use the Xero to Xero function for this.
I understand from the support articles that item codes are not transferred from Xero to Xero transactions. Is there any way to enable this, if we were to use the same item codes in each company? When the sales invoices are shared and received as draft purchase invoices the Item codes and COGS/expenses codes have to be re-entered - we would process about 500 per annum with up to 50 lines per invoice -…1 vote -
Invoices - Enable deduction of withholding tax
A type of tax code should be possible in which the tax is subtracted from, rather than added to, the invoiced amount for that line item.
Rationale: Many countries require that a foreign supplier's invoice be subject to withheld tax if the supplier doesn't have a satisfactory tax treaty entitlement.
We use a reverse-invoice process for our Australian supplier to record payments due to them based on our activity. This activity often attracts a royalty fee that we must pay.
The UK requires us to withhold 5% of this royalty fee, and pay this over HMRC quarterly.
To create…
26 votes -
Remittance - Remove option to Send after creating batch
Remove option to send remittance advice when posting batch payments
1 voteIs there a specific reason you'd like to remove this option from your organisation, Ben. For example would this be for certain user roles, or based on your business processes would you want to remove this for everyone?
User logins - Client to see a login by the practice, rather than individual users
As a firm of around 25 accountants, we all may need access to a particular client at any point in time. Currently however, the client is aware of each individual user (i.e. 25 users) rather than an as a practice.
It would be therefore be good if Xero operated like Sage or QBs whereby the client only sees the practice as having access to their data.
5 votes -
Batch payments - Ability to include credit notes
Allow the inclusion of Credit Notes in Batch Payments where the total to be paid to a supplier is still positive. This would allow a single batch for a Supplier to match their Statement, particularly where credit notes are not related to specific Bills.
778 votesHi everyone, we appreciate wanting to hear from us on this idea and apologies for not commenting sooner. I can assure you this has not gone unnoticed and internally there have been reviews and discussions for how batch payments can be improved. We have the appetite, but as with all developments this must be weighed up and considered against many other important changes needed in product.
We want to be upfront that developing the ability to include Credit notes in Batch payments has not been planned at this stage.
As some may have seen, we do have work going on around being able to include Credit Notes as part of the reconciliation process. We understand for many on this idea the timing of including credit notes when you’re creating the batch payments is crucial, however we hope that when delivered at least being able to reconcile these more efficiently…
AU Payroll - Show Termination Reason in draft pay runs
Termination reason.
Can we please have the termination reason to show in the payslip in the pay run so it can be reviewed without having to post the pay run and go in to the employees settings to check.2 votes -
Sales overview - Ability to view % increase overtime
Sales Overview screen needs improving to show percentage increase in invoices sent, month on month. Attached is an example to show how it needs to be drastically improved to be like. Companies basically could raise capital off this screen - come on Xero! Please improve the screen to be like this example.
1 vote
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