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  1. Xero Me App

    When an employee is trying to enter the hours worked it only provides an option to do hours and minutes for the day worked, yet on the desktop it can be done simply as a decimal. For example we do 7.6 hours normal working hours with 0.4 hours going to an RDO bank for every day (except on an RDO).

    It just seems really silly to have to adjust it to an equivalent of minutes instead of the hours total, be it whole or decimal for each and every day. Can this be fixed to work exactly…

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  2. Add the ability to extract data from scanned receipts in the Xero Expense web app.

    At the moment, both the mobile app and HubDoc can automatically scan receipts and extract data (date, amount, payee, etc). This doesn't work in the web app and Hubdoc cannot send documents to the Expense app.

    We use a document scanner to scan multiple reciepts at a time and then batch upload to our expense keeping app (Zoho Expense). Drag and drop multiple receipts into Zoho Expense and the software will automatically extract the data from multiple reciepts at a time. This is more user…

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  3. Projects in progress list must show the total uninvoiced amounts also.

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  4. When creating an invoice for a customer and applying the “items” that were assigned to the customer it would be very helpful for Xero to apply all of the relevant information that was entered for the item to the invoice. Such as sales price, revenue account etc. Currently the billable expense information that is applied is the “cost price” only, which is not relevant on a customer invoice, and you must set the revenue account for each line item. All of the information is already entered in the inventory for the item.

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  5. Would it be possible to create a bill from within the files tab, into a new tab. When you click create bill from within the file tab, it allows you to create the bill but once you click save, it just shows you the created bill. You then have to go back to the files tab and re-find the next file you want to create as a bill. Would be much easier if you could right click and create the bill within a new tab, so that the file tab stays open at all times.

    Thank you!

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  6. Xero Reporting - Please add functionality to Right Align text in custom tables in notes.

    Also, Lots of white space on Depreciaiton schedules making text very small. Add functionality to drag column lines much like excel.

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  7. It would be great if Xero dealt with changing balance dates more efficiently. If the balance date changes it should be able to automatically calculate the opening book value, then calculate the depreciation for the new financial year end as per usual. Currently its very manual and time consuming as it reverses all journals posted since you started using Xeros fixed asset feature. Very odd and very frustrating!

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    Hi all, we wanted to round back here to share for those in the UK that we've now added the ability for you to create a short transition period (between 1 month and 12 months long) when changing the Financial Year End date.  

    To recap for anyone new coming across the idea - Aligning with the UK basis period reforms we've made a change to Financial settings so you can add start and end dates to different periods. This change impacts multiple areas of Xero.   

    • Fixed assets will draw on this information, to prevent any loss of historic information when your year end changes. Everything will automatically be calculated for you based on the period start and end dates you set in Financial Settings.  
    • The same applies in Reporting. All historic reports will be protected. And you’ll have accurate comparison periods even across varied financial years.  
    • In Xero Tax,…
  8. To include invoice link in column fields when exporting invoice details.

    Reason: During times of audit, we will need to extract the invoices and it has to be done 1 by 1.
    With this function made available, we are able to provide the links to the auditors in 1 click of a button.

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  9. A aged report that will show the year end balance but can also update this to remove for payments that have been made/received post year end (something that can be done on Sage and is a very useful tool)

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  10. The ability to have the payroll week number showing on the payslip if it is a weekly payroll, rather than just the tax month it falls into.

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  11. Ability to set up bank feeds for foreign currency Westpac accounts. For those that bank with Westpac in Australia

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  12. Applying Mark up in Quote - Ability to hit 'apply mark up' and select specific costs / folders that the mark up is applied for. Ie labour costs are not based off markup but the products are. If you hit 'apply mark up' the markup gets applied to every single cost.

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    Rounding back on the idea here it sounds like using non tracked inventory could be a solution. 

    In Products and services you can add items and enter a Purchase price and a Sales price for the same item. 

    This means you can add the marked up price for Sales and when you select the item in Quotes or Invoices this price will be reflected for the line item.

    Alternatively, you could add a discount to lines of your invoice if there is a general amount or % by which you would mark up items. 

    Keen to hear your feedback for these options. 

  13. Including additional earnings rates in the annual salary display. At the moment it only includes ordinary hours and has confused some of our emplyees.

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  14. Managers who have the ability to approve leave in Xero Me should be able to view historical leave requests they've approved so they can anticipate when staff are away. Currently, they cannot do this unless they have Payroll Admin access and a Xero account on a web browser. Not all managers are finance people and need to have this access.

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    2 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →
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  15. Be able to run depreciation from 6th to 5th of a month for businesses that have a financial year end of 5 April.
    Whilst you can do this for a 1st year of trading, we have found that you are unable to run it for any year after and after checking with xero, you are unable to run depreciation if the fixed asset start date is not the 1st of the month.

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  16. Ability to approve time and expenses on Xero Projects on a single (one manager) or on a multiple (one manager and one director) level.

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  17. To add a tick box when converting from quote to invoice to keep quote date and not for it to default to today's date. Similar to the option to mark as invoiced or not. It would be great if the date does not default today's date if it is revised but stay on the original quote date. Once the quote is accepted and it is converted to an invoice, we please need the ability for the quote to stay on the original quote date and not to default to today's date.

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  18. Expenses search and sort.

    If you only have access as a user and not full access to the accounts, searching past expenses is a painful experience.

    What a painful thing searching for expenses in Xero is.

    Can't filter by date range, or search for a particular description, or search by account. And they're in some unfathomable order which you can't sort by date.

    Suggestions: Sort by date option to help answer questions like 'did I remember to file that expense 3 months ago'

    Filter on date range: 'Show only expenses between January and March last year'.

    Search on description: List…

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  19. the discussion tab in bank reconciliation is a wonderful tool to communicate issues encountered in doing bank reconciliations. What would make it better would be if there is an option to notify specific users when a new entry or response has been entered in the tab. This would increase productivity for service providers and allow their clients to respond quicker to queries from their service provider

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  20. Currently a new supplier is created in your contact list every time a transaction is made which results in too many contacts considering there could be very small items of spend at multiple stores on card etc. I only want to see key repeating suppliers in my contact list.

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