New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?

Freya Pieroz commented
Autosaving means that the history of an invoice where all I had to do was:
- import the on-billable expenses,
- import what went on the last invoice,
- copy the text from the last invoice's line items to the new invoice's line items,
- fix the line item quantities and values,
- delete the imported lines from the last invoice, and
- send the invoice
looks like the attached screenshot. Cluttered. -
James Clark commented
I want to disable Xero from autofilling my tracking categories on invoices. I regularly invoice a client but the invoice tracking category differs regularly. I'm sick of having to correct the autofilled tracking category to the correct selection.
There also appears to be a bug in this area. When I delete/amend the invoice tracking category that has been autofilled and then alter any part of the line item it reverts the tracking category to whatever it was originally, which is really annoying me.
this has caused my organisation major headaches now at the end of the financial year and is costing us money to fix.
Melanie Parrock commented
Please make autosave an option, having it may be useful for some users but not for others, making it optional would provide a solution for everyone,
Todd Bryson commented
It does not suit my business. It makes my job so much harder and it causes mistakes.
We should be able to choose the option. -
Lee Daley commented
We do not want auto save either. There should be the option to turn it on or off.
Or there should be the option to cancel the changes made.
I would also like the approve button to be the default rather than approve and email. I prefer to email invoices out in batches. Too time consuming doing one at time. -
Bianca Davitt commented
Autosave is NOT a feature that we want. I regularly open an invoice just to check a price or give a customer a quick verbal quote over the phone so that I don't have to do maths in my head. Autosave means I will have at least 20 or 30 false draft invoices saved every day that I do not want, and I will now have to allocate time to separating them from the real drafts i do want, and delete off the false ones.
Shervin K commented
I don't like this not being toggleable. Too many drafts lingering around and if you delete them, you've already incremented the invoice number.
Why are most of these "improvements" lately not improvements but new quirks? -
Fiona Davidson commented
Petition for Xero Executives Regarding Alleged "Improvements"
Cleanaux Pty Ltd commented
Not happy at all with autosave because I can't go back to my original invoice. This needs to be optional.
We have been with Xero for years and years but I think we will need to explore other options. There are sooo may features that other platforms have but Xero doesn't. i think its time for Xero to move with times as well. Does the Xero team ever seriously ask us (their clients) what "we" really need???? -
Jemma Lynch commented
Needs to have the option to "turn off" autosave or UNDO actions. The history doesn't even allow you to view the previously saved versions so there is no way to track changes. This is incredibly frustrating and causing major issues.
Scott Leonard commented
The auto save is making it impossible to update details in the reference field from repeating invoices. I have been trying to get support to take this seriously since 22 Dec 2022! Now we are about to be forced to use new invoicing. This is such an issue for my day to day work that it may be the last straw for me and Xero.
Jo Adams commented
Agree - especially since you cant see missing stock.
New invoicing is so much harder to work with.. I am seriously condiering changing to quickbooks.. Been a XERO user for 10 years. -
Marco Aveiro commented
I also agree on this. The "auto saving" feature is nice at times, but it is very important to have the ability to turn it off and on and needed. when working especially with draft invoices, it is irritating that there is no undo button if manually editing an invoice, but as soon as you click another item code, or change a description, it automatically over writes what you previously had with no way to recover it. not even being able to review what was previously there to ensure you didnt accidentally remove an important piece of information.
please allow for auto save to be disabled.
Margaret Zdunek commented
On a few occasions I have had to stop processing an invoice to leave it for another day because of lack of information but because it saves automatically the invoice has been generated. I then go to raise another invoice and it gives me the next number. This never used to happen with the old style invoicing. I now have gaps in my invoice numbers. I need to be able to just get out of invoicing without using a number. Also sometimes I go into a draft invoice to try out a revised pricing model but because it saves automatically I now have to print the draft before the changes so that I can revert back to the original pricing once finished.
Ned Ramsay commented
I play around with invoices to ensure they are correct and formatted appropriately for clients.
I am now taking screenshots of the invoice before I work on them so I can go back if need be. -
Steve Venton commented
Agreed. It’s nice having auto save but how do I abort or cancel incorrect changes. Either have a undo or just don’t bother with new invoicing. We hate it.
Freya Pieroz commented
The repeated auto-save uses bandwidth that is at a premium when on the road, and processing power on the underpowered laptop that I travel with. I'd rather be able to minimise the usage of both when in rural and poorly serviced areas (such as just outside Canberra).
Amanda Knowles commented
turnoff auto save or have an "undo" option.
What's the point in having a save button if it saves all changes anyway (irrespective of whether they're unwanted or incorrect).