Hi everyone, appreciate your continued feedback on new invoicing. As mentioned in my last update we've now added a new Xero Central page for new invoicing.
Along with updates to individual ideas on Xero Product Ideas, this page will become the single source of truth for key feature rollouts including:
- what’s available in new invoicing right now,
- timelines for features and enhancements going live in new invoicing, as well as
- a comparison table between the classic and newer versions of invoicing.
We'll be updating this page regularly.
Relating to some of the more recent feedback there are some existing ideas that may also be of particular interest that you can join, like the ability to see the email the invoice was sent to in the history, or being able to see a timestamp, and reducing clicks and steps.
Chris Curlett commented
I went on a webinar run by XERO yesterday and was not left with any level of conference regarding the new Invoicing system.
Can XERO tell me WHY this change is needed. On the surface it seems to be really driven by MBIE - XERO please respond!
Sharon Flint commented
If the purchase order link isn't fixed before turning off classic invoicing we will be leaving Xero
Chris Curlett commented
I am so over ZERO now I am looking at INFUSION as a alternative. https://www.infusionsoftware.co.nz/?ref=xranks
I know others are as well and they are very responsive to user needs/requests
Have a looK
Jacolyn Warner commented
I so dislike Xero now. I didn't like it much before, but what is the point in this feedback if no notice is taken of the comments?
I/We don't like New Invoicing. I/We don't like you can't delete supplier accounts etc opened in error. I/We don't like that you can't bulk download the expenses/purchase invoices. I/We don't like that you can't bulk download sales invoices.
There are many, many other features of Xero that are hugely irritating, time consuming and impossible to use in comparison to other packages. I/We will just have to vote with our feet. -
Nigel Godfrey commented
Thank you for the update page detailing everything. It is helpful. Two thoughts:
1/ It looks like you have key features that may not be coming until sometime in September, after your current proposed date for closing down the existing invoicing page. Why not delay shutdown of the currently working system that your customers bought in to until after all the features listed have been completed?
2/ It does not address the user interface which in my opinion is the root of the dissatisfaction. If your team cannot see how awful it is to use and don't believe your customers please can you get an external designer to look at it.
Chloe Walker commented
The fact that it says the new invoicing is "time saving" is a complete lie though. It does not save time and one of many examples of this would be the entering of the date. You can't type the date anymore and you can't "+0" or "+30" or "+any random number" anymore in the due date!
Jenny Mackenzie commented
Whilst I understand the point around the tech that that platform is built on you should not switch off the old invoicing until every bit of the current functionality that classic invoicing gives the users and your users love has been completed in the new invoicing - so your plan should be to replicate the system in the new tech, then add your new features then release a new version. Releasing a new version that is a half hearted attempt which then annoys and causes you to loose users is surely very poor business practice. I have been working in this game for long enough to see the same thing happen to software systems over and over again. Make sure everything is there before you turn off the classic!!!
Andrea Skene commented
The New invoicing system still does not specify the 'Time' an Invoice was sent by email in the History & Notes section. The date & email address of who it is sent to has now been added but the 'Time' is still missing. This is crucial to us as we often are asked when a document was emailed to a customer/supplier. Its just so unprofessional when I can not say to them yes it was emailed to 'this' person at 'this' time. Please add this if you are insisting of keeping this 'New' Invoicing
adrian walker commented
New invoicing is creating more work for my already busy day...
By making me click through more levels just to get the data I want on the invoice, whereas the old invoice works just fine!!! -
adrian walker commented
it doesn't bring account data through on certain transactions when I use my items but it works fine on the old invoicing..
this adds to my workload as I have to then remember the account it was assigned to and then manually update it...!!!Also it is creating work by making me click through more levels just to get the data I want on the invoice, where as the old invoice works just fine!!!
Accounts Admin commented
What a load of ****! The old invoicing is working with Xero now, No Bugs, Easy to Use. Darren and his team should be sacked (fired) for trying to fix something that isn't broken. We have already started the process to remove Xero from our organisation.
It should be an interesting AGM when the shareholders want to know why Xero has lost so many customers. -
Chris Curlett commented
BUT why change something that is not broken when there are so many user requests that get ignored.
Fix the issues that the users want fixed before arbitrarily break something that IS working.
And then INSULT users by trying to sell the update that is not wanted to them.
XERO - Listen to your users - they are your best sales team - by not listening to them and going off on your own tangent simply results in loud, disgruntled uses not supporting XERO - if this is your objective then you are doing well to succeed in creating a lot of negative users who will work against you.
Wait for the next Company AGM to see what happens!
Craig Byron commented
Another hugely unpopular change going ahead regardless of feedback, there's simply no point using this platform.
Rae Stanton commented
I've been told to comment here rather than reaching out to support ... yet another infuriating way to get something fixed with Xero! So here it is ...
In the old invoicing (what I'm currently using) I can delete the invoice number and save the invoice. I will then get an error saying "invoice number can't be blank so next available invoice number has been assigned" ... which is exactly what I want it to do. This is because I sometimes generate invoices from another app (Moxie) that assigns it's own invoice numbers. I don't want to use the Moxie-generated numbers, so I delete them, and Xero takes control and updates it to my next sequential number (without me having to know where I'm up to).
I just switched to New Invoicing to see what it's like. I don't like it. I don't like the way it looks, but I know I will get used to that. What I REALLY don't like though ... is when I delete the Moxie-generated invoice number I get an error saying the invoice number can't be blank, and then Xero just pops the old and unwanted Moxie-generated invoice number back into the Invoice Number field. What happened to using the next available invoice number?! This is a deal breaker for me. My workflow will be severely hampered if I am to then look up what the last invoice number was manually, when Xero knows it automatically. Why would you change this functionality? Is there a setting somewhere in New Invoicing that will keep the old functionality??
I logged this ticket back in December 2023 fyi.
Chloe Walker commented
I literally hate the new invoicing. We need to keep the classic - much much better and easier to use too!
Yazz Bhatti commented
People! Xero don't read these comments.
It's jus useless gas.
Someone at Xero had the bright idea of 'beautification' - something that NO ONE asked for. They went ahead and steamrolled it, just like they 'beautified' the bank reconcilation page. Useless changes and a waste of resources.Meanwhile, the features are being crippled whilst they put up their fees.
There's only one solution - migrate away from Xero, when their bottom line is hurt, that's when they'll perhaps realise that they're investing in the wrong things.
Nicky Brewer commented
New invoicing is a step backwards. I am unable to put attachment to the side and view as before. Also unable to upload it without putting in contact. This is ridiculous as I need to upload and who the contact is!
Absolutely dreading the new invoice rollout as will not be workable. -
Anthony Gyemi commented
The whole point is to make invoicing easier, quicker, clearer and ultimately save customers money. The New Invoicing does not do these because:
1. Does not retain Client and Reference when copying invoices. This makes more work to have to enter this information each time when I did not have to to this before.
2. Commands are hidden instead of obvious. Previously green default buttons told you visually and clearly what stage you were at (ie. Green APPROVE button means you are in the process of making an invoice. Green MAKE PAYMENT button means you have already approved this invoice and it has not been paid.). There is no ambiguity if you look away to make a call and come back. You clearly see what you were doing.
3. Commands are easy to find and access, and their location makes sense in Classic Invoicing. New Invoicing hides many commands such as Copy, Copy To in sub menus normally thought of for functions unrelated to the immediate task of making an invoice. The Invoice commands should be available and visible on the invoice screen. -
Craig Byron commented
New invoicing, going the same way as the new reports and new coke. An unnecessary change that appears to only have been made to drive customers away and make the product worse not better. And of course someone has to pay for all this, so up the subsription fees go. There has to be a breaking point where you destroy the product enough to drive customers away for good, for the life of me I can't understand why you are **** bent on trying to get there as quickly as possible.
There are a bunch of great ideas you could be doing, instead you are solely foucssed on wrecking all the good bits of the software. It's at the point where I can no longer in good conscience tell people Xero is the go to product, it's just not anywhere near what it was.
Chris Curlett commented
I so agree with you Kim.
It would be better if they put the effort into some of the suggestions by users with 100's of supporters. The problem is this would be constructive.
Perhaps it is a case of break what is working rather than fix what is not.