1406 results found
AU TAX - Show if Xero totals are imported cash or accruals in Xero Tax
Show on xero tax form if you have imported the data on a cash or accruals basis. I often have no idea on initial viewing of a tax return.
3 votes -
AU tax - Relodge tax return without removing from document pack
When the ATO rejects a submission (where the return does not need to be edited), we have to unlock the return. This removes it from the document pack, and the client gets notified.
This a terrible customer experience, when we just need to relodge. Example being tax returns lodged on 15 May.1 vote -
Xero Tax - tax return disclaimer
Adding a disclaimer & changing the substantiation declaration on the tax returns - our old system used to have this that the client could sign which we would like to make adjustments to but we have to manually add this on to tax returns in Xero tax.
8 votes -
NZ Tax - IR3B Business Schedule with Fixed Asset Schedule
Given Xero has an IR3 Rental Schedule form and Home Office Work Papers why does the business schedule workpaper only have line by line capability and not a business schedule equivalent to IR's IR3B business schedule? Why is this helpful, it means we have the ability to put in front of the client not only the income and expenses relating to their small enterprise (i.e. usually don't warrant an accounting product) and provides traceability for fixed assets and depreciation claimed.
12 votes -
Hubdoc - Support Access to Multiple Xero Orgs
Enhance the App to allow persistence of multiple Organizations. Currently if you log into Xero with different credentials for different organizations, you can not do the same in the Hubdoc mobile app.
Instead, the lucky few who have admin access to one of their Hubdoc organizations can invite their username from the other organization. This workaround only works if you are an officer of both, as inviting external users is probably a no no for most organizations. This was almost a showstopper to using Xero for myself for a 2nd org, and I am sure there are lots of people…
2 votes -
XPM - Option to rename and/or disable unwanted "Business Structure" types
There is currently no functionality to either re-name or disable the standard business structure types provided in XPM. For example "Not for Profit" is technically an entity classification - a NFP classification could apply to a Private Company, a Public Company or an Incorporated Association to name a few examples. We have used custom fields to profile these types of classifications separately. Currently, we have to manually review business structure profiles & update these where types outside our guidelines have been applied. It would save a great deal of hassle if unwanted types could be re-configured or disabled at practice…
2 votes -
Xero Tax(AU ) | Business Schedule - Individual Worksheets
We have some clients that have multiple businesses under their personal names. Can we please have individual worksheets for each business to input income and expenses which then automatically totals into the business schedule in the main form?
At the moment in XERO tax, we need to put the grand totals into the business schedule, then split the amounts across the businesses for each expense/income line item. This is not practical as we generally receive separate figures for each business, not a grand total.
73 votes -
Xero HQ - Use API for Document Packs
Would be great to have ability to GET document packs stored in Xero HQ so the files can be also hosted externally in other document systems (Suite Files, FYI, SharePoint, Google Drive etc).
3 votes -
Reports - Add currency information to Journal report
The Journal report does not show any currency information, it would be very helpful to chow to currency and the debit/ credit source amounts.
6 votes -
Practice Manager - Dashboard for client bank feed status
I'd like a dashboard showing all clients listed under our organization with all banking details as well as in the moment bank feed status (ie: is the bank feed active, does it needs to be refreshed, has it dropped). This would enable those that have many clients under their organization to work smarter to fix bank feeds as soon as they're down without delays.
91 votes -
Depreciation Schedule - Include fixed asset numbers
Please add in the fixed asset numbers in the new depreciation schedule. The old report had this and it made it very easy to review and reconcile. This feature is very much needed. Thanks
7 votes -
Workpapers - Import client Trial Balance
Enable use for non-Xero clients
For non-Xero clients, it would be very useful to be able to use Workpapers by importing client trial balances. Kindly update when this feature will be available.
5 votes -
Personal Tax (UK) - Tax adviser details
Ability to auto-fill tax adviser details for all clients (as agents) rather than manually adding the details for each tax return/year.
11 votesThanks for raising this idea, Abhaas. The tax adviser details will roll forward into the next year for each client, once added. But we totally understand that entering them in one place for all clients would be a big time saver.
For full transparency, this is something we'd love to solve for you, but we currently are working on other items like importing HMRC data and supporting the SA107, so it isn't currently something that is planned right now.
We definitely see the positives from auto-filling the tax adviser details so we'll continue to monitor interest in this idea and consider how this fits into our plans with making tax and practice management more integrated.
Income Tax Client Report - ITCRPT - Extra field request to show progressing status with ATO
We have an Income Tax Client Report (ITCRPT Report) which links to the ATO and shows us who still needs to be lodged and their due date. We would like to add jobs to it so we can see the progress of their associated tax return job. Xero Support have advised currently, it is not possible to include any extra details to the ITCRPT Report.
2 votes -
Xero Tax(NZ) - Losses carried forward
Losses carried forward have to be manually entered into XPM tax each year. It would be great if the information flowed through automatically from the tax return so that all we have to do is confirm it matches the IRD assessment. At a minimum it would be great if the losses to carry forward figure from 2023 automatically rolled forward to 2024 once it has been confirmed.
68 votes -
Hubdoc - Extract & compare bank account information from invoice documents
I would like to request that HubDoc extract bank account and GST Numbers from uploaded invoices and compare the information to the information stored in the contact in formation in Xero.
Suppliers provide us with their bank account information on each invoice for payment, I'd like to make sure we know if they change their bank account information.
I've attached a sample invoice
5 votes -
Permissions | Provide bank admin access to staff from HQ
All other access roles can be done from HQ, except for this one.
Frustrating when this access has not been given to the staff member (overlooked) and staff member needs to create ABA file and cant.4 votes -
Xero HQ - Activity Tab in Xero HQ
Please bring this back. It was very useful to see which clients had not yet posted their pay runs and which GST returns were yet to be completed
1 vote -
Practice Manager - Bulk update ITR due dates within tax return
Practice Manager - Bulk update ITR due dates within tax return
If we request the income tax client report through Xero, the due dates update in the client detail level, but not in the tax return if they have already been created.
Being able to bulk update the due dates within the tax return, especially when deferrals are requested and successful with the ATO would be helpful as manually updating them all can be time consuming.8 votes -
XPM - Flag clients
Is there a way to flag a client, ie Warning/Ban or make them Inactive but keep their history in Xero?
We have a system that have a number of clients with similar/identical names and we would like flag a client for particular reason, ie account terms etc or ban etc.
3 votes
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