Settings and activity
16 results found
674 votes
Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been feedback and taken seriously by our product teams.
Currently, there are ways to record a bad debt in Xero, depending on your tax registration status and how you want the transactions to be recorded in your reports - We have help for this on Xero Central you can draw into.
We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality to develop a button to write off invoices or bills as 'bad debt'. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
70 votes
Appreciate the interest in being able to set default tracking options against inventory items.
While this isn't possible at an item level atm, it might be useful to some here knowing that you can set default tracking for your contacts.
To be open we don't have any immediate plans for extending default tracking set up against items, however we'll keep a pulse on the interest here and if there are any plans made we'll be sure to let you know.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
319 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
74 votes
Hi community, we understand how being able to add a persons job title in contacts would help distinguish and identify within a contact.
Being open, this isn't something we have plans of for the time being. Right now, though not the ideal solution you could possibly use the notes feature in contacts to add detail of the differentials. We know this won't solve the needs for everyone in the idea but may help for some scenarios.
If there is any plans made around this we will update you of this, here.
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
307 votes
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
158 votes
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
531 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your engagement and sharing how custom fields would be advantageous to you here.
With lots of work for 'building on beautiful' underway atm, we want to be honest that custom fields is not planned in the near term.
Some in the idea here, may find the recent addition of Notes that can be added within the Contact Details section of a contacts record useful in being able to record and view specific detail relative to a contact at present - More on this shared here
We'll continue to evaluate the viability of largely voted ideas such as this when there is resource, however this unlikely in the next 12 months.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dean Richardson commented
@kelly I would suggest the 'building on beautiful' is a vanity game and a complete waste of your money.
It achieves nothing practical other than upset your customers specially when it keeps turning out rubbish like the contact screen.Its time xero worked on critical on functionality that save people time and money and make us want to stay with you.
If your database schema is so complex it cannot add some simple custom field objects you may need to look at your development team and their skill level
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
57 votes
Hi everyone, I appreciate feelings shared in not seeing traction as fast as you'd like to ideas you're interested across Xero Product Ideas.
Our community team are pure advocates for our customers ideas internally, making sure these are shared and highlighted to the teams and individuals that can make a difference, and doing our best to get ideas reviewed and into our teams planning wherever possible.
We receive ideas for incremental, and large changes to existing products, as well as for new features entirely. With so many customers the range of ideas coming from our users is large, and we cannot action all things at once.
We try to be transparent in our communication and updates to ideas across the site, even if this means there is no current development planned for a feature.
I can assure you the site here is a tool that all our product teams find…
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
103 votes
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
102 votes
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
284 votes
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
331 votes
Hi everyone, we thoroughly appreciate your input and letting us know your appetite for being able to set the Reply to address for your Xero organisation, here in the idea. As many will have seen with new invoicing, our team have begun testing and making small change to the send experience. While we've been able to make these changes when developing other areas of Xero, we want to be upfront that we don't have a timeframe of when we'll upgrade the email settings page just yet, but this is something we will get to in time - when we do our team will also review the Reply to address options as part of this. So, though there is no movement to share on this just yet please know we will let you know here as soon as there is.
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
250 votes
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
607 votes
Hi everyone, leading on from my last update we have now released improvements to eInvoicing for those in the UK! With the latest change you'll now find we've made it easier for you to opt-in to receive your Xero subscription bill via eInvoicing. You can now do this from your online invoice (My Bills page) instead of through the Billing contact page. Helping save you time and reduce manual data entry every month.😁
We understand there are other regions that'd still like to see this functionality developed and we'll shift back to submitted and share when there is news of moving this further afield.
We also wanted to address the recent comment of data sharing - We'd like to confirm that Xero do not share data with We use the Peppol network and the subscription invoices are sent using our wholly owned provider, Tickstar.Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
1,174 votes
Hi community, we understand your needs in this feature and want to assure you were taking on board all your feedback.
As many of you accustom to this idea will know, multiple addresses requires a complex solution. It's been something we’ve been moving towards for some time and we’ve done a lot of back end work that will allow us to bring it to you in the future.
We have 12 different products within Xero that rely on contact data, as well as many of our app partners. This means that contacts need to seamlessly flow across technology, products and all connections on Xero. And that’s exactly what we’ve been working on.
One of the reasons we announced the retirement of classic invoicing is because many of the features being asked for, just can’t be brought into classic invoicing. The old technology has too many technology limitations to enable this.…
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
79 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for feeding back to us here. Understand the rationale for wanting to be able to apply discounts on bills in Xero, similar to how you can with Sales invoices. This is something our team would like to develop into bills, however there are a few other important pieces of work that need attention first. So, for the time being we'll leave this as Submitted but as soon as there's movement we'll update you of any change through the idea here. Thanks!
Dean Richardson supported this idea ·
This is a must have.
For businesses who have to pay commission on particular products this is essential as at the moment we have to manually run reports and then do the work in excel which is time consuming. I should be able to just pull a report with tracking categories on a line level