New Invoicing - Reduce number of steps and clicks
New invoicing has introduced more clicks, taps, steps at almost every level.
Please remove the added friction as it increases processing time.
The "new invoicing" messages are full of comments regarding where these pressure points have been added.
We are paid subscribers, and beta testing/seeking feedback is wonderful, but being forced onto an inferior model is.. suboptimal.

Hi team, now in 2025 and many here will have received our recent communication leading up to the retirement of classic invoicing on 27 Feb this year.
We’re continuing to work hard on delivering more features within new invoicing that’ll help most in your workflow.
Thanks for staying engaged with us on changes that’ll help you through the idea here.
To give an update on recent deliveries that positively impact some of you that have shared on the idea here. Late last year we released improvements to the issue and due date fields so you can now use all the date entry shortcuts that were available in classic, and we made it simpler to access the date picker. We also updated the Files attachment modal so you can now drag & drop files anywhere on the page, and when you use tracked inventory you can see the number of items you have on hand to sell.
This year we’ve made updates to bring more actions into the body of the invoice, so you can now add tracking options on the fly, or set or edit the exchange rate on foreign currency invoices. And, as of this week we’ve released a whole set of new shortcuts to save clicks and help you quickly perform common actions like being able to Approve an invoice which we know is valuable to our customers! While you get used to the combinations of shortcuts our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
We have more updates in store like changes to the Contact ‘To’ field that I mentioned in my last update and improvements to the line item grid within the body of your invoice. You can read more of what’s to come on Xero Central.
Tristan Smith commented
@Andrew Syme, Back End can change, functionality can change but massively changing the button layout to something that is not intuitive is not necessary.
Tristan Smith commented
The new invoicing has added way too much time to the invoicing and approval process , having to recheck boxes on every invoice and especially the new approve and send buttons on the top corner, I use an ultrawide monitor and the approve button seems like it is a mile away... let us keep the classic invoicing, it just plain works perfectly as it should!
As they say: Don't fix what's not broken!
Chris Curlett commented
Claire is correct -If it is not broken why break it?
Classic Invoices work, so leave it alone and gradually introduce changes in a cooperative way - do not be doctorial as this is not the way to treat your customers.
I would suggest you add under SETTINGS the ability to turn Classic Invoicing on/off by the user rather than the current Starlenistic approach you are adopting>
XERO, there are so many features' Users want that you have not implemented. Please get on with these and listen to your users, who pay your wages.Do not force a change that users do not want on the user! Fix what needs fixing first.
Claire Parker commented
Andrew Syme, I get what you're saying, but think we all just want the functionality of Classic. No one cares if we migrate to the new tech as long as it's behind the scenes and not front and center of the changes.
Andrew Syme commented
Ust a quick note to all those that want the Classic version to continue. I'm sure that Xero would be happy to consider this as long as you agree that any errors or bugs will not be fixed.
The first function to fail, I suspect will be the Xero to Xero Network as it is decommisioned.
The second failure will be with Contacts as the changes for Multiple Delivery Addresses is rolled out.
The Third function to fail, will be repeating Invoices being accessible in Classic, as the changes to contacts are rolled thru.
and on and on it goes.So Please, Be careful what you wish for !!
Lloyd Preston commented
Lots of comments and I agree with most of them - Classic works fine so why try to fix it - however, Classic has been built on an old platform and Xero needs to move to a new platform, hence the reason for the new invoicing layout - however again, they should have taken the classic and mirrored on the new platform and then added any enhancements to improve classic rather than developers trying to re-invent the wheel and making a big botch of it. So my suggestion to Xero - listen to your customers/users, deploy classic on the new platform and then add any enhance that would make classic even better - this way you won't annoy the heck out of your customers nor lose customers or get bad publicity - this whole development of new invoicing is a nightmare - and I don't know of any software provider that has or would make this kind of PR and development mistake.
Debbie Jeffrey commented
There is no need to make changes to invoicing, the Classic Version is perfect as it is.
The new version has too many steps which takes longer to invoice. Time is money, and my time is wasted on all these extra steps.
Let users make the choice if they want to stay with Classic Version or not.
I have a lot of the same invoices daily for my clients and the Copy button is
a fantastic feature, the new version does not bring the client details forward,
so that is a waste of my time.
The Classic Version is not broke so why are you trying to fix it. -
Lana Marshall commented
Please just let it be our choice if we want to remain on the Classic version or switch to the new version. And the problem will be solved.
Jackie Townsend commented
Please just let it be our choice if we want to remain on the Classic version or switch to the new version. Problem solved. I used to highly recommend Xero because of the "user friendliness" of the accounting software... this new invoicing version is NOT user friendly ~ it does not flow, too may clicks, Approvals are at top versus bottom, it's ridiculous! Another pet peeve - I use "copy" a lot as we have a lot of the same invoices monthly... now it does not bring forward the same vendor name like it used to, so there is one more additional step we have to take! Again, you are adding to our workflow not making it better.
Paul Rosser commented
Have you any interest in returning your product to one that can be used by your paying customers' accounts team over what their customers might want to see?
Why do we have to go through more clicks to see the functionality of classic invoicing via the edit button, which uses another click more...
To see the box 'not planned' against the previous Comments requesting this is something that needs to be remedied. If you can provide it on the edit page means you can have the option to give it as a default for showing the initial view, as you make it doubly hard for those of us who take advantage of being able to use the 2 tracking categories, therefore have more information to check.
Will you get the hint from the 2 attached screenshots?
Karen Webster commented
So many more steps, even adding a file needs extra work. Picking a date is extra work. They have not discussed this with users and it is the most terrible update which does not work. so many changes that were not required. Classic was 100% better. You should be improving not making things worse.
Adrian Keeling commented
It defeats me why you are changing the invoicing screen at all..? The classic invoicing is fast to use and works very well. When I try to use the "New" invoicing it literally takes twice as long to use this clunky system which has at least twice as many mouse clicks and is far less intuitive. I am not against change, but why not simply develop the existing invoicing rather than trashing it and starting again? It smacks of change for changes sake driven by technical people who dont need to use the system to run their business. Why?
Tanya Spence commented
I am a fairly basic user in our organisation Xero file and I have had yet another attempt at the new invoicing:
Firstly the positives
- When you select 'approve and next' it flags that there is a credit for the client
- it shows the credit in the awaiting approval stage - this has been there for a while but it's still a plus as it wasn't in classic
- when the invoice is emailed it now shows the date/time and email address (the main reason I went back to classic)The negatives:
- please please please reduce the white space. I have had to reduce the resolution on the screen to make it in anyway usable
- If I approve and next, then realise there is a credit, I apply that credit and then can't email the invoice unless I go back. very clunky. If I approve so that I can apply the credit, then email the paid invoice, I have to get right out to go back to the invoices to approve. This is similar to classic but something that I was hoping would work smoother, particularly when we are triggered to apply credit on "apply and next"all in all, sorry Xero, it is still an absolute dogs breakfast and I hope to see it flow better soon.
- this layout is so flippin ugly, lines the line doesn't show on the description column, it is ridiculously hard to read and follow
- the email (from the invoice) is not in an obvious spot and too man clicks to get there. -
Michelle Larkin commented
Hi there,
I have just been in to try the new and improved version of the new invoicing product for the 4th time and there have been many improvements but in the new Invoice when you go back to the contact via the contact name from the invoice it creates a new tab to do so instead of just going back to the original contact page as in the classic version. Creating more tabs everytime you go into an invoice is a waste of time. Can this be fixed?
Thanks Michelle
Glen Nairn commented
Hi Team,
Can I ask why copying a previous invoice (which I do nearly every time) now in the new invoicing forgets the Client name, and so you have to select/enter it? We have multiple clients associated with the same company, which introduces mistakes.
Plus the old fault of forgetting the Account Codes used with the original invoice is lost and uses defaults code which if you are in a hurry you may not notice.
Plus, why does the total column become only partially visible as it is rolled over?
The worst feature is that the History now does not list the full date and time when an Invoice has been emailed. This is extremely important when trying to tell a client where to look in their inbox for the Invoice.The upgrade is not helping us to become faster and more accurate. I would prefer the classic version.
Glen N
De-Anne Sills commented
I agree, the new invoicing is not an improvement, too much space on the page, lots more clicking and scrolling making entering extremely time consuming!
Switching is not an improvement
Admin Coates commented
Seems to have removed the "add last items" tab which is critical when doing long complicated bills that involve variable gst amount.
Also, the invoicing doesnt seem to remember email addresses that went together when sending them out. Often when emailing invoices these will go to a head office as well as a certain person.
At this point old invoicing is still far superior to new invoicing and I hope they keep extending it out until everyone is happy. OR leave the classic invoicing in place please.
Andrew Syme commented
@Rae Stanton. Can you please explain how this is a bug ? It behaves as I would expect. Once a Contact has been entered, the Invoice is auto saved and the Invoice number control is progressed by 1. Until a Contact is entered, the invoice cannot be saved, therefore the invoice number control is NOT updated.
Sharon Buchanan commented
It is ridiculous that you have to add a contact before uploading a file. We don't know the contact until it's been uploaded. This seriously has to change, as it was in the old version.
Rae Stanton commented
You still haven't fixed the bug where when I delete an incorrect invoice number, it doesn't then update to the next sequential invoice number, it just puts the one I deleted back in. This is an absolute dealbreaker!! When will it be fixed?? We're getting too close to this becoming a real problem for me, and I presume others!