New Invoicing - Option to switch Autosave off
I don't want autosave on for invoicing - I use third party software to copy invoice details to a Trello Card, this is triggered when the invoice is saved.
Auto saving will send the invoice info through to Trello before the invoice is complete, meaning not all the info will be sent to Trello.
Are we able to turn off the auto save function in new invoicing?

AK Caust commented
Completely lost on the thinking behind this one. NONE of my clients want it, nor do many other people as per below and feedback elsewhere.
At least make it optional because, for now, it is just causing more "Classic invoicing will be retired on 27 February" headaches and possibly providing nothing to anyone?
It should be off by default, and those who want it (if anyone) can switch it on if they so desire.
Dave Pink commented
auto save is a fat waste of time , forever getting job cards with the wrong names or invoice numbers on them ,,,, very frustrating !!
Lorraine White commented
I hate the autosave function. We are forever getting drafts created and abandoned, meaning I have to sort them all out. It especially seems to happen when people are copying from a previous invoice - from the 10 I had to sort out the other day, 6 of them were from copying previous invoices. I vote for an option to switch it off, or just don't have the feature in the first place. I have advised all my users to switch back to classic invoicing while they still can, which feels counter-productive.
Bob Anderson commented
+1 I'm now reverting to using a spreadsheet to avoid the very slow and buggy autosave. Xero has become a productivity killer. Fix it.
Sonya Lees commented
Unnecessary invoices are being created regardless of whether I chose to select save options, very frustrating.
Same is happening with contacts.
Autosaving should be an optional feature ideally.
Bec Baldwin commented
Auto save is ridiculous. Ive had to re-do so many invoices due to it being slow and not saving. Its beyond frustrating
Amanda Gregg commented
The user should have the rights to save a DRAFT invoice it shouldnt be done automatically based on the examples listed here. If Xero are intent on keeping this new feature can you please at least have an option to revert back to previous. Thank you.
Andrew Greenwood commented
The new invoicing interface has an autosave feature but it doesn't save quick enough and overrides information like the invoice number in between the saves. Please can the auto-save function be togglable off as invoicing now feels clunky and slow. Also means you have to delete the invoice every time you open up the invoicing.
Sigmatech Accounts commented
Xero's response doesn't address this concern directly at all. It's simply kicking the can down the road.
If Xero don't plan to offer the option to turn off autosave, or, add versioning along with autosave, we are guaranteed to lose money due to line items being accidentally deleted or edited.
If Xero do add versioning, it's important that there's an at-a-glance view of the 'last edit date/time' in list view, so we can quickly check that no invoices have been erroneously modified prior to sending them to customers. Otherwise, there's still no way of knowing whether an employee's mis-click has changed an invoice.
My preference is to simply have an option to disable autosave.
In the current state, new invoicing is dangerous and cannot be trusted as an accurate and true system.
Selwyn Cook commented
Or at least a cancel option in case you make an error on the invoice and need to go back into it to correct it. Autosave has no ability to cancel a stuff up.
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Claire Parker commented
Thank you, Scott Leonard. This is indeed a huge relief for those of us that cannot use New Invoicing in its current state. I'm not sure if Xero realise how much stress and anxiety this bungled rollout has caused. Why on earth have you dragged your feet for so long when it was clear that the New Invoicing was not ready or fit for purpose? As individuals dealing with this, Xero has caused an immense amount of both personal worry and business stress. Do you think an apology might be in order?
Scott Leonard commented
Some light at the end of the tunnel, perhaps?
Earlier this year we announced the farewell of our classic invoicing product to pave the way for something new, and to allow us to build more of the invoicing features you and your clients have been asking for, on a single platform going forward. We’re confident that this change is the right move longer term for you and your clients to gain more invoicing features faster.
That said, we’re approaching a really busy time of the year and want to make this transition as smooth as possible. That’s why we’re extending the availability of classic invoicing to 27 February 2025.
We’ve integrated many of the features you love from classic invoicing and have been taking the feedback you've provided into the development of new invoicing, and we will continue to add more features to our new platform, before the end of February.
There will be new workflows for you and your clients to familiarise yourself with so if you need help along the way, our new invoicing education hub is the best place to get started.
As always, your feedback is essential, so please share your thoughts on Xero Product Ideas. Your input ensures new invoicing can continue to meet and we hope, exceed you and your clients' expectations as we evolve it. Please check out Xero Central for the latest updates and helpful resources.
Thanks for your continued support.
Karryn Williams commented
Option to turn Autosave off & Bring Back Drag & drop option- Autosave is actually a pain as you have to wait before you can upload files and then just when you think its safe to upload it does an auto save again. And you have to wait. Frustrating. Also if you can bring back the drag and drop option for the invoices that would be amazing.
Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Gemma Livings commented
The autosave option is already becoming a headache for me. I often begin an invoice and realise i need to do it at a later date or when i have more information. I never used the option 'save as draft' because it tended to just over-complicate the situation, preferring to just raise a fresh invoice when i was ready. Now we have one department that raises their own invoices on top of this. We now end up with a bunch of random 'draft' invoices sat there, which ultimate results in time wasting, making sure whether they're genuine or have been duplicated. Fingers crossed we'll be able to turn it off in the future!
Olga O'Keefe commented
I deleted the attachment in my below post.
It will be great to spread your amended post to the wider community!
Jim Morris commented
@Olga, @Paul, in Xero's defence they didn't delete my post, I did.
It was in direct reaction to seeing what Sigmatech had posted. However, I wasn't happy with the way I had worded it and wanted to include some helpful links before reposting it to other threads for the wider community.
Nice to know that we are all looking out for one another here though, so thanks for jumping in.
Paul Howlett commented
EDIT: I stand corrected, Jim deleted his own post.
Ha! I also have an email containing a post from Jim Morris which, suspiciously, doesn't appear here.
Olga O'Keefe commented
Hi All,
few minutes ago I received two messages with the links to two latest posts in this thread. Those were from Sigmatech (you can see it below) and another one from Jim Morris. I can't see Jim's post though. I guess, it was removed somehow.
Anyway, I attached his reply as a PDF file. I added ACCC's reply I received in July 2024 when I reported Xero Australia.
Maybe, if we submit such reports to ACCC en masse they will notice the issue.
PS. Jim's PDFed reply was deleted.