Contacts - Show information on one page
The edit contact format has recently been changed and I now have to click through multiple tabs to edit and view contact info. This is much more time consuming. I would like to be able to edit and view all contact info on one page.

Hi all, returning now a few weeks on from our last update, we’re going to move this idea to Delivered! ✅
You'll now find a single page for editing contact details, with the added benefit of using the tab selections on the left panel to go directly to your chosen section on the contacts add/edit page.
Again, thank you for all your comments here - we know this has been a highly anticipated feature for community. Your feedback helps us to continue to shape the future of contacts at Xero.
Eugenia Skelly commented
We add new customers daily - data imported from simpro s/ware & data entry done by engineers on the field or sales people. It is embarrassing sending out documents and seen to mispell names, addresses, post codes. Please fix ASAP.
Bianca Davitt commented
There are 33 comments, but only 18 votes..... don't forget to also click the "VOTE" button and mark it as "CRITICAL" at the top of this feature request to make sure that your vote is counted!
Diana Holstein commented
Please change it back!
Jonny Buchanan commented
Yes I vote for changing it back or at least have a 'classic' mode which displays it how it was. This has broken our Chrome Plugin.
Hilary Hann commented
Adding a new contact has just become twice as time consuming for our business. So annoying and unnecessary. If I could just have a 'classic' mode I could switch back and leave everyone wanting the new layout to enjoy it without me.
Christine Ashton commented
I very much second the suggestion of ABN lookup as part of the Contact functionality!
Colleen Barnett commented
Being able to search contacts by address or phone number. With our business, people often give us an address to look them up, and it's very frustrating not being able to do that. Takes forever because we often have to search our downloaded contact list to find a previous tenant or account. Searching by address would be VERY helpful! (Once it has been restored to it's previous layout!!)
Charles Klvana commented
Also add additional functionality like looking up the ABN or ACN
Adela Albornoz commented
The new contact format is so awful, now it takes me longer to add a new contact because it saves & closes after each section. Why implement something no one asked to change!
Timothy Borgas commented
Please revert to the previous format. The new format is very inefficient in terms of screen space and keystrokes. Please also restore the Skype field as I was using that and I would like to continue using it.
Sarah Jacobs commented
The new add/amend contact screen is not as user-friendly as the previous version. In the previous version I could
1. tab across the fields to enter data
2. complete all details before savingNow there are the following issues:
1. the increase in white space means that there's barely any information contained on one screen - in particular the address screen, which barely contains any information! I want all the information on one screen so I am not forced to do extra clicks to find information.
2. Xero is forcing me to save and close, rather than save and go to the new section, which means more mouse clicks and inefficiency. I want to be able to enter all contact information before clicking save
3. When I tab to go to the Address section, I can't enter that screen using the keyboard, I have to click with my mouse, which is inefficient. I want to be able to use my keyboard to access all menu options, as moving my hand to click the mouse is inefficient
4. The sales default page doesn't even fit on one screen, causing me again to have to scroll and is inefficientXero really needs to consider user requirements when making these changes. Most users who do a lot of data entry want to do so in a way that is as efficient as possible with as few clicks, tabs and scrolls as possible. Does Xero not untertake any user consultation when redesigning screens?
Please reduce the white space between the fields, and revert back to all data being on one screen.
Also, if you are going to tell me to increase the amount of data seen on one screen by using the browser zoom functionality, then Xero needs to reduce the difference in font sizes so that when I zoom out, I can still read the smallest font sizes.
Lisa Gaudie commented
I can't even view all of the contact information such as name AND address on the same screen without clicking. I don't understand why Xero continues to spend time making things more difficult to work with rather than FIXING things that have been requested for YEARS such as allowing more than one service/delivery address for a single contact, OR allowing more than one contact with the same name such as John Williams and John Williams. Instead forcing us to create a work around of adding punctuation following a name in order to create the two accounts.
Toni Butler commented
Please change it back - its too time consuming changing tabs and this set up doesn't work. It is riddled with errors and no explanation as to what the errors are and Xero does not respond to cases quick enough to sort this out.
Lydia Whiteoak commented
Pls Change it back. It is not as user friendly.
Eliza Taranto commented
CHANGE IT BACK, nothing wrong with the way it was before.
The new format is leaving nothing but issues for everyone!
To technical for their own good. -
Ann Jones commented
Agree, I find the new Contacts format much more time consuming to use. I have not found any benefits to the change.
Tom Prater commented
Absolutely nothing wrong with the old layout, this just add more clicks and makes entry more time consuming. Not to mention the massive layout. Should at least have the option of the old way too please.
Shane Arthur commented
This change has done nothing but add more steps into creating new contacts, there was nothing wrong with scrolling down to add information. Having to now click through multiple tabs is more admin. My company not long moved over so we are adding multiple clients daily and this has been a painful change.
Joris Veraart commented
Can live with the new lay-out but not with the fact that the ability to enter IBAN is removed and will effect most probably a lot of European customers. Please revert to the old bank account field where IBAN can be entered.
Sandra O'Callaghan commented
Need the ability to enter IBAN into Bank Account Number for our Batch Payment file that we download from Xero. The ability to enter IBAN as Bank Account Number has been removed with this latest update, as only digits can be entered into field, and no characters... which IBAN requires!