4664 results found
Inventory - Create a purchase order from the Item List
It would be an idea to be able to add to a purchase order by simply ticking the item from the stock list while you are checking stock levels. This would save time typing in every item after you have checked it.
3 votes -
Branding - Ability to customise bill template
Invoice templates are editable, but bill templates are not.
Would like to be able to add searchable fields to a bill without removing those that are already there.28 votes -
Invoices - Ability to apply a vendor credit note to a customer invoice
Ability to apply a vendor credit note to a customer invoice. Currently need to code to a clearing account than go to the customer invoice and apply to the same clearing account to clear. Would be nice to have the ability to apply directly to the customer invoice.
3 votes -
Expense Claim Report - By Contact spent with
We need to be able to run a report of historical Expense Claims, by Customer contact in order to see what Expenses were entered for a certain time period. The Expense Claims Detail report does not show anything when I run it. I need the Expense Claim Report to be able to be sorted by our Customers names, not sorted by our employees.
8 votes -
Expenses - View draft expense claims before submission
ability to view and edit the whole teams draft expenses where all members can upload there expenses from devises and the one admin member can edit and submit for approval by the approver.
5 votes -
History and Notes - Time Range Search Field
In History and Notes, that current 1000 transaction search you have is too restrictive given the limited search fields you have available.
Due to performing more than 1000 specific transactions (e.g., deletions), I can't see the ones performed in the earlier part of the day.
So obviously by being able to isolate a particular time period in any given day (e.g., 9am to 11am), that would solve the issue.
In all honesty, limiting the search to 1000 transactions was ridiculous in the first place. Who came up with that number??!!!
2 votes -
Xero Files - Archive/Consolidate files by year
I love the Xero filing cabinet as I can put files in there for the accountant and owner to view. However I have been using this cabinet for over 7 years and would like the ability to archive / consolidate by year.
2 votes -
Bank Reconciliation Report - Version without trial balance, AP, AR, journals etc.
Create a Bank Reconciliation Report only which would be the current Reconciliation report without trial balance, AP, AR, Fixed assets, general ledger exemptions and journal entries.
I know you could custom create the report but xero generated would be more professional and would also includes any additional bank accounts .2 votes -
UK Payroll - Reducible balance on employee loan items
Employee loans and advances should have the ability to add the gross amount starting date deduction amount this should then be reduced by each payment so the amount still owe can be seen at any time.
7 votes -
Reports - Do not show unfiled amounts for previous financial years
The change if made in prior quarter should be made either available in amended Activity statement report or should carry forward till that particular financial year. Unfiled amount shouldn't be carried forward for infinite period of time.
2 votes -
Bank statements - Option to import separate Debit and Credit columns
Add an option to import a single column with positive and negative values, or 2 columns with debits and credits would be a massive help. I've attached how Zoho handles this.
2 votes -
Settings - Ability to lock bank Reconciliation Period
To be able to lock the bank once reconciled, so no more transactions can be entered or manually forced through the bank
28 votesHi Melissa, this is essentially what 'Lock dates' enable at an organisational level - Or is there a reason this wouldn't suit for your business here?
Bank Reconciliation - Remove 'Great Job!' messages
There should be a way to remove unnecessary motivational responses like "Great Job!" when finishing a bank reconciliation.
I do the bank reconciliation every day and don't consider the task difficult or special, so the "Great Job!" just seems patronising. A simple "You've reconciled all the transactions for this account" is all that is necessary for a business application like Xero. Some people might like it but I'd prefer my accounting software to not pretend to have a personality like that.
3 votes -
Quotes - Restrict users to send quotes but not invoices
Currently, due to the lack of an approval option for a quote (which is a different product idea), I will need to provide the quote creator the right to send quotes directly to customer without reviewing (to avoid having another user to have to login, after being notified per email/whatsapp about the draft created, to review the drafted quote and send to client - very inefficient process). Once I provide an user the right to send quotes, they also have the immediate right to send sale invoices although the approval for a invoice is a non-negotiable. It creates the risk…
1 vote -
Xero Analytics - Projection date to be customised
Re Xero analytics - AI uses the previous 3 months data to project data. In seasonal industries like agriculture or tourism, that is irrelevant. It would be much more useful to base projections on the same period 12 months ago.
1 vote -
UK Payroll - Ability to re-instate an employee
A single button click to re-instate a previous employee, rather than having to re-enter all the information. Particularly useful for example when employing students in college holidays
6 votes -
Expenses | Ability to copy an existing expense
Expenses - Clone or Copy an Existing Expense
My team have asked if we can make a 'copy to new Expense feature' from an existing Expense. Most of the expenses they enter are similar and just have a different amount and different receipt image. It would save them a lot of time if they could clone an existing Expense. Thank you.
12 votes -
Stripe - enforce autopay
Would like to be able to enforce Stripe Autopay instead of this being optional.
6 votes -
Inventory - Include supplier’s name and link back to supplier contact list
Ability to have a supplier name and link back to supplier contact list from the inventory.
Purpose: Users can easily have information from which suppliers that they’ve purchased their inventory from, and can easily update any changes within inventory and supplier.
68 votesHi team, while we don't have plans for adding a field for supplier to Inventory items, right now you could run the Payable invoice Detail report to see the purchases of items, and which supplier(s) they've been bought from.
You can also Group/Summarise the report by Item Code or Contact, depending on which you want to see together.
Canadian Payroll - Annual maximums for pay items such as CPP and EI
Provide fields for the user (or Xero) to input annual maximums for payroll deductions, including Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI), such that when an individual employee reaches or exceeds the maximum, Xero would provide a notification that the maximum has been exceeded. Canada Revenue Agency sets these thresholds annually.
2 votes
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