New Invoicing - Reduce number of steps and clicks
New invoicing has introduced more clicks, taps, steps at almost every level.
Please remove the added friction as it increases processing time.
The "new invoicing" messages are full of comments regarding where these pressure points have been added.
We are paid subscribers, and beta testing/seeking feedback is wonderful, but being forced onto an inferior model is.. suboptimal.

Hi community, we value there are many different aspects within new invoicing where our invoicing users can see small changes to flows and actions could make a big difference to your workflow and experience.
I can assure you we’re engaged, we’re listening and we’re taking all your feedback into consideration as we keep building on new invoicing.
While we’ll continue to keep you updated on specific releases that relate to things that’ve been mentioned in this idea, our teams have also begun some research to get a deepened sense of our invoicing users for future improvements. We’d like to connect with you all in this idea, and invite you to share further feedback through our survey. Your insights will be invaluable to the team as they continue to plan and prioritise in this space.
Keith Poole commented
Why is this new invoicing so **** bloated and slow?
Everyone please make sure you leave reviews about your experience on TrustPilot so it's not just paid/curated positive reviews.
Luke Armstrong commented
Why does the focus no longer go to "Contact" when "Save and add another"?
Claire Barning commented
After mouse clicking Create Another Invoice why does it not default to the cursor in the Contact box to start creating your next invoice. The same situation happens when you click Business, Invoices, Create an Invoice again no cursor another mouse click and also when you click on the + Invoice option.
Please save us more clicks and have the cursor then default into Customer -
Ross Persson commented
I have to do about 25 unnecessary mouse movements per invoice.
The first two are moving the cursor to the "contacts box" and clicking; this should be the default position for the mouse when you open a new invoice, I should be able to simply start typing. There are so many basic issues with this, it is obvious that those who have been at the forefront of designing this "new improved invoicing" have never processed invoices as a job before, it's a complete mess.
Samuel Adair commented
Couldn't agree more. The new style is dreadful. Takes longer to process and more clicks / selections required. It would be nice to have the option to go back to the classic style. There was no need to fix what wasn't broken!
Paul Curry commented
New style invoice is awful and not user friendly, takes longer and makes no sense. No option to change it back so may switch back to Sage accounts.
Annie Thorne commented
Thanks, Maria, for sharing the response you received.
I don't buy it! I keep seeing the same platitudes -
"We understand your frustration with the recent changes to the invoicing platform. Since the retirement of Classic Invoicing was announced, our Product Team have been actively listening to the feedback out customers have provided.
We have some exciting enhancements coming soon based on customer feedback, including easier row additions, reduced scrolling, drag-and-drop functionality, and real-time validation which should be introduced in coming weeks."And can't help but wonder what the heck they have all been up to for the past year (and then some). We've been asking for the various features, that were inexplicably removed, to be reinstated for over a YEAR.
When are we going to see them? Why are they not here already, working on go live day??
It's madness. Absolute madness.
Rachel Osborn commented
Hi Maria, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to share the information you received.
It's actually the first feedback from Xero that I might even actually believe.
Maria McAdam commented
When I get terribly frustrated with these Xero pain points I review other bookeeping software and to be fair, Xero is consistently the best of a bad bunch. All of them have difficulties, changing goalposts and workarounds. Every change to their software requires processes and procedures for businesses to be changed.
Anyway, I complained about the new invoicing on TrustPilot (I hate that the date requires mouse in and clicking around to backdate invoices - especially for accrual accounting, most of our invoicing is after the fact). This was their response (which to me points to improving the product for use by the mobile-holding business owner, and not for anyone else (accountants, office managers etc)):
16 hours ago
Hello, thank you for sharing your feedback. We understand your frustration with the recent changes to the invoicing platform. Since the retirement of Classic Invoicing was announced, our Product Team have been actively listening to the feedback out customers have provided.
We have some exciting enhancements coming soon based on customer feedback, including easier row additions, reduced scrolling, drag-and-drop functionality, and real-time validation which should be introduced in coming weeks.
We’re committed to making New Invoicing even more powerful and efficient for you and when you think about the future invoicing features, none of this would be possible on our old technology. - ED -
ANIBT Accounts 1 commented
New invoicing is really disappointing. Compared to the previous version, the workflow is much more complicated and wastes a lot of time. Why try to change other people's work habits? For example, now when I input payment details, I can't directly use the keyboard to enter the date and account and use the tab key. I have to click with the mouse, which is a complete waste of time.
Jisel Fernandez commented
Xero has forced the new invoicing without taking into account anyting said here, very frustrating!
Dara Bailey commented
Agree with Angela Collins. Not all of your clients 'approve & send'. Give us an easy option to just 'approve'. Please and thank you.
Jacqueline TRIMBLE commented
David Aurora commented
Given they've chosen to do this mid-financial year and make switching software more difficult than it could have been (probably not an accident), I've just asked them for a 1 month credit to be used at my convenience so I can reactivate at EOFY and let my accountant do his thing. I'd suggest anyone else who needs to now change software demands the same
Angela Collins commented
Another thing, not everyone emails their invoices. Have an approve button next to the approve and send button, another thing that is causing us to use more clicks.
Angela Collins commented
Let me just type the date and tab to the next. I dont want to have to constantly be going between the keyboard and mouse. Why have you made the program so much more labour intensive? Listen to those who pay you wages. We pay to use a program that is supposed to make our book keeping simple and easy yet here you are forcing us to use a program that has gone back in time. You state it is making it better but there are thousands of comments on thousands of threads from those who actual use the program stating otherwise.
Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
I encourage you to rate Xero on Trustpilot, expressing your disappointment about the retirement of Classic Invoicing and warning** new users about how Xero actually treats its users.
Heather Bamfield commented
Its so irritating not being able to manually enter the invoice date and due dates and having to stop and click the actual dates you want. My invoices are 99% backdated and i don't often use the date I'm creating the invoice, so this is very very annoying. I used the old invoicing right up until they took it away, I DO NOT like the new invoicing. Its so much more time consuming and harder to navigate. We should be given the choice to use whichever version of invoicing we prefer. We are the ones paying for it after all!
Sandhub CFO commented
Been reviewing the Easy Business App. 20% of the price of Xero. Sydney based support team.
I can't believe they kicked this new invoicing off or, more importantly, stopped Classic Invoicing. Might be time to sign up for an Easy Business App Demo.
I would have had Classic Invoicing as the basic package (we all know it works) and then the new features (which are unnecessary or helpful) as options we can turn on.
For the most Classic Invoicing worked, new invoicing doesn't over so many varied industries and uses based on all the responses on here over the passed few months.
Why send a survey two days ago? That is taking the PI55.
Stop telling me you are listening, if you were we would be using Classic Invoicing this morning.
Kathy Skinner commented
@Accounts - I moved one of my small sole traders to Reckon as she was on Xero starter and it was an issue with being able to enter bills after 5 were received. She didn't invoice from Xero so it was not worth moving her to the Standard/Grow Plan just to get more bill entry. I moved her over to the Reckon one for that reason plus we got a 6 mth discount so it was NZ$10.00 month incl GST but gave us basically what the Xero Standard Plan gave. It's now NZ$22 incl GST but still better than Xero's starter plan.
Will admit it takes a bit of getting used to after having used Xero since it pretty much launched but I'm looking to move some more of mine over to it after further discussions.