4646 results found
Reflect Income Tax Expense under the Net Profit/Loss line as a separate Account Type (COA)
Reflect Income Tax Expense under the Net Profit/Loss line as a separate Account Type (COA). The tax expense is included with the Operating Expenses which is technically incorrect.
A percentage tax rate under the line would also be really useful to users.
29 votes -
New invoicing - Keep the send button
On the classic invoicing there is a send button at the top by email, print pdf etc that you can use to send to another xero customer. This feature is no longer on the new invoicing version. It would be good to have the send button back
9 votesHi Samantha, when referring to send would this be the 'Email' button in classic?
If so this is actually still available in new invoicing, you'll find the option in the 3 dot menu at the top of the page 🙂
New invoicing - Emailing Invoice where invoice date in locked period
Do NOT display an error message and update the history and notes.
Sending Receipt to Client48 votesAppreciate the feedback and including a screenshot of the notifications you're getting on the invoice, Andrew. Just to make sure I fully understand your idea here - Are you saying that rather than seeing the pop up you'd like to have these added as history events to the invoice?
NZ Payroll - Annual Leave option to add in Days instead of hours
Would be easier for employees & team leaders approving leave if annual leave is able to be requested in days and half days. Or to have the option to select either days or hours when requesting annual leave through the Xero Me app.
It's the most common complaint I hear from our employees that it would be way easier if they could just put in 1 day instead of working out the hours they want to take off.
17 votes -
Payroll: add more reports
The choice of payroll reports is so limited on Xero. Can the suite of reports be expanded so that they can give us the information we need to do analysis on?
17 votes -
UK Payroll - Leave Transactions report
A report that provides details of employees leave to be able to see the leave accruals and leave taken for the pay period.
This would help as an audit trail and when preparing a salary budget or during a salary review.51 votes -
New Invoicing - Allow blank lines to make groups of invoice lines
It would be great to be able to group certain lines of an invoice together (for example by adding some spacing between groups), to make long invoices more readable and logically coherent.
It used to be possible to add spacing on the Classic invoicing page by pressing Enter a few times on the description field, but this no longer works on the New invoicing.
78 votesHi team, thank you for all your feedback. We're in the process of developing the edit view of the line item grid within new invoicing and will be incorporating the ability to manually add a row and the ability to move blank rows within the invoice. Once released blank lines will be able to be saved within the invoice so you can separate lines or groups of lines as you need. I'll keep you updated on when this goes live.
AU Payroll - Naming Convention Payroll ABA
As I am an external accountant to several client, each with several pay-calendars across numerous entities, I would much appreciate if the ABA files (much like pdf reports) could be given a naming convention that ties the ABA clearly to entity, and pay-calendar when I screen through my downloads.
8 votes -
Bills - Assign planned date when entering bill
Please add the option to assign a planned payment date when entering bills / within the individual bill, not just from the overview tabs.
13 votes -
Payroll - Add pay run comparative to prior pay run
When processing payroll, be able to see a comparative between current pay run and previous pay run before completion/filing to identify any discrepancies.
84 votes -
Lock Dates - Allow old bills/invoices to fall into current accounting period
Once you close a period, pulled all the accounts and happy with the financial position, you close the period to stop posting to that period. But when you receive a old supplier invoice, which has been accrued in, Xero does not allow you to post the invoice without re-opening the period date. This means, you either reverse your accrual journal to post the older invoice, changing the financial position or manully altering the invoice date, to post it into current period. Increases workload and hassle. It also means your supplier account does not mirror with their accounts with dates. Xero…
11 votes -
New Fixed Assets - Access for AU organisations that use pooling
Ability for AU orgs that use pooling in Fixed Assets to access the new Fixed Assets experience and make use of features like being able to attach a file to an asset.
7 votes -
E-invoice - New e-invoice notification
e-invoicing notification
It would be great if we could get some kind of notification when an e-invoice was received into draft. Without going into our process, not knowing when a e-invoice was received will cause delays in processing as well as paying it.
21 votes -
Bank Reconcile- Allow editing of one line item of a batch deposit
Currently there is the inability to edit one payment in a batch deposit that was created from the Reconcile screen without dismantling the entire batch (with Unreconcile, and then Remove and Redo). If the batch Deposit is created from the Invoice screen and one line item needs adjusting, we have and option to Edit Batch. This allows for removing one line item of the batch but preserves the remainder of the batch (less the removed line item). Please add the Edit Batch function to batch deposits created in the Reconcile screen too! It is a big pain point when you…
29 votes -
New invoicing - Make manual tax adjustment to total invoice amount
Retain the This Make manual tax adjustments from the invoice subtotal in New Invoicing. This is a feature that I use as I have to import sales figures from an external program and the VAT figure is different by a small amount But I don't want to have to alter each line on the invoice.
28 votesCan see what you're meaning here, John. I've made a slight adjustment to the title of your idea that I think might help others identify with. We'll start to feel the interest out here and let you know if there's any change planned.
New Invoicing - Allow us to have Negative quantities on invoice
In the Classic Invoicing, we could set a negative item amount which was useful to make it clear to clients that we had refunded something. It also corrected the stock levels in the inventory. In new Invoicing, you can set a negative financial amount but you are not allowed negative quantities, as such it is not clear and it messes up the stock inventory levels. You can do it via credit notes but this requires more things to be issued to clients etc.
9 votes -
AU Payroll - Option to select/deselect 'Other Previous Earnings' feature on payslips
AU currently require an option to de-select this feature under payrol settings (preferred option) or employee pay template.
"Other previous earnings" showing on payslips is creating issues for our employees.8 votes -
New invoicing - Show amounts with commas
Classic view invoicng compared to the new view invoicing. The new version shows figures entered as 123456789.00 but Classic View correctly shows 123,456,789.00. All figures should be shown in 123,456,789.00 format. It's accounting after all! This is not a suggestion, this should be a bug fix, especially before new invoicing is enforced.
17 votes -
New invoicing - Page loading slow
New invoicing...Very slow page load speeds to both open/create a new invoice on the new invoicing platform...and also to add a payment.
Current wait time is 15-20 seconds per page load.
Ive cleared cache and cookies to no avail
I have uploaded some shorts on you tube for you to see the problem.
18 votesAppreciate the short videos and can see what you're saying, Chris - Have you raised a case with our Xero Support team about the slowness in loading?
Actual slowness in the page loading are issues that we'd like to dig into deeper as they aren't occurring for all users so it'd be good to be able to investigate one on one with our Xero Support team who can escalate if needed. Thanks
MFA - Move cursor to code field automatically
When I login to Xero, I enter my email address and password and am taken to the second page (MFA).
I'm then asked for the authenticator code, but I have to click into the field to enter the code.
Xero knows that there is an almost 100% likelihood that the first (and only) thing I am going to do on that page is enter the MFA code.
Xero should automatically have the cursor in that field so that I can type the code without clicking into the field.
25 votes
- Don't see your idea?