4664 results found
Xero for personal use
My main business uses a Xero subscription moderated by a by a book-keeper.
Is there are means to add personal non-business expense bank feeds into Xero under the same licence so they can be separately and privately monitored?
24 votes -
Reporting - 'Select all' option on the Account Transactions Report when Search is used
It would be great if when you use the search field to search for a name/description, if there was an option to 'select all' of the searched items. I often search for a description and then have 10-15 account codes I want to view, but i have to tick them all individually. A select all button would be amazing!
There is already a select all / deselect all option but only when there is no description searched.11 votes -
Expenses - Specify approver for expenses
Ability to specify a set approver for a specific employee when they submit expenses
210 votes -
UK Payroll - Employee Details export in bulk with correct date format
Purpose: to be able to move payroll from one Xero company to another quickly and without errors.
When exporting employee details from payroll in order to bulk upload them onto another company's payroll, it is not possible to do a bulk export. You have to instead individually download each employee. This is fine if there are only 10-20 employees, but any bigger and you are opening yourself up to missing employees and making mistakes. Any other exports currently available do not give all the information needed to then import directly into a new payroll.
Perhaps the main frustration, however, is…
9 votes -
Purchase Order - Report that shows invoice against PO and remaining balance
A report that shows all purchase orders with invoices against them and balance remaining.
49 votesHi community, we want to update you that we've recently released the ability to include Purchase Orders (PO) through Payable Invoice Summary report. If you expand the side panel on the left of the report and select the 'Outstanding purchase orders summary' report, this will automatically display all Bills, Credit Notes and Purchase Orders and group them by Contact for you. You can use the total row of each contact to infer the remaining balance.
We're aware this may not directly show the information that you’re asking for here, so we'll keep the status idea as it is and we’ll let you know if there’s any further updates.
AU Payroll - Historical Payslip Report (bulk download)
Create a report to show all payslips for an employee for a given time period. Currently these have to be downloaded one by one.
531 votesHey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I’m pleased to let you know that this has been delivered for UK Payroll initially! It includes the ability to select the date range you’re interested in, and check boxes to either select all results or multiple. Then you can download your selection as a single PDF of multiple payslips.
For users in AU and NZ we know this is a highly anticipated feature, however to be open this is not any immediate plans for those teams so we’ll leave this idea open. While we appreciate it doesn’t help employers needing bulk downloads, employees can be invited into the Xero Me portal to self-serve payslip collection.
Reconciliation - Xero subscription invoice to be added automatically to xero for reconciliation
This should be automatically added to your account, rather than having to save to Xero manually each month
608 votesHi everyone, leading on from my last update we have now released improvements to eInvoicing for those in the UK! With the latest change you'll now find we've made it easier for you to opt-in to receive your Xero subscription bill via eInvoicing. You can now do this from your online invoice (My Bills page) instead of through the Billing contact page. Helping save you time and reduce manual data entry every month.😁
We understand there are other regions that'd still like to see this functionality developed and we'll shift back to submitted and share when there is news of moving this further afield.
We also wanted to address the recent comment of data sharing - We'd like to confirm that Xero do not share data with Peppol.com. We use the Peppol network and the subscription invoices are sent using our wholly owned provider, Tickstar. -
Xero Network - Ability to share Xero to Xero key link
Ability to share a link to share Xero to Xero key
8 votes -
CIS - Ability to add CIS Codes
Have the option to create nominal codes and assign them to CIS returns to allow for more granular review of costs. E.g. Bricklayer expense, Plumber expense etc.
51 votes -
Remittance Advice - Ability to include attachments when sending a remittance advice
Allowing attachments to be included when sending a remittance advice so we don't have to send them manually via email
65 votes -
Cheques: Voucher - Show tax amount on each line item
Ability to format a cheque voucher so that the tax amount shows on each line item and not just in the total below or even better so that sales tax automatically shows within the line item amount.
28 votes -
Customer Statement - Send an overdue invoice statement
The option to manually or automatically create an overdue statement for late paying customers
289 votes -
Customer Statement - Show in a foreign currency
Statement of Account able to toggle difference currency since we have set a exchange rate should be able to tabulate base on the exchange rate
16 votesHi everyone,
Reiterating what Kelly Munro shared previously, if you're using multi-currency in Xero, invoices issued to a contact in a foreign currency will be shown in the currency it was issued - example attached.
I see there's been new voters over the last couple of months and was hoping some of you could add a comment to describe more specifically what you're looking for, if the example above is not suitable. Let me know if it is though!
For example, do you want to see the ability to show the Customer Statement in a single foreign currency only?
Reporting: Reconciliation Reports - Ability to upload bank/credit card statement
ability to add/upload the bank statement/credit card statement to reconciliation report for future cross checking by accountant
251 votes -
AU Payroll - Include date range in exported version of Payment Summary Details report
When running the Payment Summary Details report for a previous financial year, the report does not show the dates of the financial year the data belongs to. The report is titled Payment Summary Details as at Today's Date. For example: it should show Payment Summary Details reporting period 1st July 2017 - 30th June 2018. For audit purposes, there is no way of determining the date range the reported data relates to.
23 votes -
Branding - Add DOCX merge fields for the organisation's Phone Number and Email Address
DOCX - Add merge fields for the organisation's Phone number and Email Address in all templates
4 votes -
Reconciliation: Find and Match - add filters for date ranges
In the Find and Match screen, add a filter for a date range rather than having to scroll thru all the outstanding transactions.
46 votes -
Branding - Merge field for invoice tax total on DOCX Statement templates
If the Total Tax amount per invoice was available for statements, then the Statement could be used as a periodic Tax Invoice.
6 votes -
Repeating Invoices - Schedule a specific time for repeating invoices to be generated and sent
Ability to schedule time for repeating invoices to be generated and sent.
Purpose: To make repeating invoices are generated and sent to the contact/supplier/customer’s preferred time.
81 votes -
Inventory: Photos for inventory items
Ability to upload pictures for inventory items into Xero.
Purpose: To easily identify each inventory that was inputted in Xero.
153 votes
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