4689 results found
Invoices/Bills - Feature to 'write off' as bad debt
At the moment, you need to raise a credit note to write off a bad debt, which then records the invoice as "paid" which is extremely irksome, and factually incorrect. There needs to be an actual "write off" option so that the debts don't show up constantly in your reports and you can claim a tax deduction for them, but they don't get recorded as paid.
675 votesHi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been feedback and taken seriously by our product teams.
Currently, there are ways to record a bad debt in Xero, depending on your tax registration status and how you want the transactions to be recorded in your reports - We have help for this on Xero Central you can draw into.
We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality to develop a button to write off invoices or bills as 'bad debt'. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Automatic write-off for bad debts
Option to automatically write off bad debts that are over a certain number of days outstanding.
2 votesHi Sean, interested to know if you're interested in this for just Sales invoices or would you be looking for similar in the Bills side of things too?
Files - Ability to have sub files
Files is a great feature to use, to make it even more user-friendly it would be really useful to have a high level folder e.g. for the current FY, with the info sitting in sub-folders under it. that way you hold multiple years worth of info there, keeping it well-organised, easy to find and manageable.
106 votesThank you for all sharing and adding your vote for the idea, here. We know our customers find great use in Xero Files and developing the ability to create sub folders in Xero Files is something the team are planning to take a deeper dive into in the coming months. For now, we'll move the idea to Under review and I'll come back with more news when this picks up. 😊
Projects - Create Draft invoice in a new browser window
Automatically opens a new window when preparing Draft invoice from Projects Screen. This means the project screen stays open to do your next invoice rather than having to navigate back after you have approved your invoice.
5 votesHi team, just having a little play in Projects - while it won't work for Deposit or Project Amount creation, if you're creating an invoice from a Project for Tasks & Expenses you'll be able to hold down 'ctrl' while clicking on this option and should find this opens the Tasks and expenses screen in a separate browser tab.
Totally get this doesn't resolve the idea here, but wanted to share for those it helps 🙂
Projects | Sales invoice - Option to choose Task Total or Timesheet entry for each task
Choosing bill Task total or Time sheet entries for each task in a project when preparing a customer invoice.
12 votes -
Sales | Invoices - Contact selection rather than search
Invoices page, Please add a "Customer Dropdown Box" so we can just scroll and select a client from the list when looking for a clients older invoices.
The current search box is outdated.3 votes -
Payroll - Long Service Leave for Casual Victorian employees
Requirement to have flexibility in how Long Service Leave is recorded for Victoria for casual employees who have taken multiple periods of parental leave and unpaid leave so small business is able to record number of weeks and entitlement due date and be able to accrue the entitlement of .80 weeks per year of service (and have that show on their pay). At the moment we are unable to show the employee the entitlement in weeks - only hours. The hours paid per week will be variable depending on when they take the leave so having this flexibility in Xero…
7 votes -
Payroll | Employees - Roster Board for Shift Management
Roster Board for Employee Shift Management.
A scheduling /roster to show employee shifts. That then can be reconciled against the timesheets submitted. The ability to also send the weekly/fortnighly schedule roster to each employee - or have them be able to view it on the Xero Me app. Have a clock in clock out feature on the Xero Me App to record when a shift starts and ends.
21 votes -
Invoices | Single click back to drafts
I would LOVE a link back to draft bills & invoices from the approved bill or invoice. When using email to bill and repeating invoices, after approval there is a link to add a new 'whatever'. But there is no single-click option to go straight to drafts to keep processing these. Instead you must click twice to purchases overview and then drafts.
When processing a large queue of draft bills and invoices, this would be a huge time-saver for me, and I'm sure many others.
11 votes -
UK Payroll - Pension calculation pre rti submission
Payroll doesn’t calculate pension until after you submit the payroll/RTI, so you don’t know what the actual net payments are until submitted. Try explaining to a client that what they signed off isn’t what they actual pay.
21 votes -
Batch Payment | Remittance Advice - Create for batches that include an overpayment hin there
Please allow remittance advices to be sent to clients from a batch payment even if it contains an overpayment. There is something fundamentally wrong for there not to be an option for this. A batch payment of 100 invoices with an overpayment of 1 is not cause for there not being an option to send a remittance advice to my clients. I've had to search the page and manually extract it onto an excel file and then send to suppliers. Very time consuming especially if you make large batch payments for over 50 different suppliers.
47 votes -
Bank accounts - Export list of unreconciled items from Account Transactions screen
Be able to export to Excel the Account Transactions screen from the bank that shows the unreconciled items
9 votesHi all, I wanted to share that while there's no export option on the Account Transactions screen itself, it is possible to export a list of unreconciled Account Transactions with the Business Bank Account Reconciliation Summary report. If you export a copy of this to Excel you'll find the sections for Plus Outstanding Payments and Less Outstanding Receipts which are the unreconciled account transactions. Hope that helps 😊
Invoices/Bills - Sorting Invoice number to be sequential
Invoice numbers to be sorted in sequential order so when you get past 9999 the invoices going to 10000 upwards don't then end up at the bottom of the list and out of order.
28 votes -
UK Payroll - Export payment file in CSV format
UK Payroll: Payment file csv format
Lloyds bank doesn't accept .txt format. It would be great if we could download a csv payment file to upload the employee pays to the bank.56 votesHi team, we have an exciting opportunity for a few customers to meet some of our Xero team who are working hard to improve payroll for you.
You'd get a chance to tell us your honest experience with using Xero for payroll, as well as get a tour of the Xero London office!
If you're interested and are available on Monday Sept 30, 1:45 - 3:15pm, and could come meet the team at our Xero London office - Share your details with us through the form here.
We have a limited amount of spaces, but if you don't manage to get invited this round our team may reach out when our n ext opportunity arises.
Sales Invoice - Ability to translate to other languages
I would like Xero to create as sales invoice worded in English and then be able to click a button and Xero then translates all details (including hard coded items) into the language selected and visa versa.
9 votes -
Manual Journals - Import as tax inclusive
The template for importing journals is setup tax inclusive, but once imported, Xero defaults to tax exclusive and a journal including tax transactions therefore doesn't balance until you go into the draft journal itself and change back to tax inclusive!
Would be useful to be able to globally set whether imported journals are tax inclusive or exclusive. Presumably in the "Tax Defaults" section of Financial Settings.
17 votes -
Inventory - Record Quantity on Hand for untracked items
we work in wine retail & record our product &service on xero (we have moved from sage 50 2 years now)
we cannot use track inventory option as this doest work with our current setup
please can we simply have like a small box under each inventory saying quantity on hand for e.g 2 or if its negative like - 2 ( as this is really trouble some for me to all the time go to report & manually set my filters all the time with dates,& other details.
) please like on sage50 we had always a number…8 votes -
Manual Journals - Extend import limit
The 300 line cap for importing journals is completely pointless and shortsighted. With MTD rules requiring digital links, importing of journals/transactions has become vital, yet Xero still retains this nonsensical limit. We are forced to manually intervene and adjust where journals are too long (makes a mockery of MTD). Excel can handle over a million lines (and has done for ~20 years now). Sage manages 999 (still limited in this day in age). Somewhere between the two would be great!
Keep up Xero.21 votes -
Quote - Ability to view previous iterations of a quote
Being able to view previous versions of a quotation to see any changes that have been made.
18 votes -
Detailed GST Reconciliation Report
Ability to dive into the total amounts on the GST Reconciliation Report.
11 votes
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