4669 results found
New invoicing | Copy to same contact - auto apply defaults
Thanks for allowing the contact to remain when copying an invoice over - but please can you allow the defaults for the contact e.g. Tax rate to pull through as well?
I have found when changing the account, or just adding a new item, that it is not bringing this in (as the little warning states when you are copying) but this is a real pain as you have to keep checking the Tax rate and amending when it isn't correct for that contact.
Please can this be fixed as it was not an issue in the previous version of…24 votesThanks for your feedback here, everyone. We appreciate our customers use Xero in different ways.
In new invoicing when you copy an existing invoice to a new draft invoice while you can copy to the existing contact the reason that defaults aren't automatically applied in the new invoice is because the line item fields of the new invoice are taken from the invoice you are copying from.
We'll continue to track the interest in this here, but want to be open that we don't have any immediate plans for changign this behaviour.
New Invoicing - Alert if the contact has available credit
In the "classic invoicing" interface an alert is displayed at the bottom of approved invoices when the contact being invoiced has existing credit that can potentially be applied to the new invoice. This is a very important feature and strangely it's missing from the new invoicing interface. With the "classic invoicing" now being officially retired this basic feature must definitely carry over to the new invoicing interface.
Without this alert, every time we create an invoice we would need to manually check if the contact has previous credit with us, which makes the process unnecessarily inefficient and unpleasant.
104 votes -
Manual Journals - Ability to post journal entries to bank/cash accounts
Remove the limitation on posting manual journal entries to bank/cash accounts. I end up spending way too much time on manual workarounds (payroll entries for example, you have to use a "bill" to replace the functionality of a journal entry). It ends up taking way more time working around the limitation than its worth. As a new user of Xero, I'm incredulous. I've worked with multiple accounting software platforms over the years, and never been exposed to such a massive limitation like this. It's almost a dealbreaker, and for some clients it certainly is. I've been looking for a viable…
76 votesThanks for the added detail, everyone. It's good to be able to share this detail back with our teams.
Appreciate why Bank Rules won't help for cash accounts and where you don't have a bank feed coming into the account.
Being open, this isn't something we have plans for changing in the short-term. We'll leave the idea open for our product team to continue considering how we could improve efficiency in some of the situations you've described. If there are any updates we'll share this with you all here.
UK Payroll - Leave Transactions report
A report that provides details of employees leave to be able to see the leave accruals and leave taken for the pay period.
This would help as an audit trail and when preparing a salary budget or during a salary review.50 votes -
Reflect Income Tax Expense under the Net Profit/Loss line as a separate Account Type (COA)
Reflect Income Tax Expense under the Net Profit/Loss line as a separate Account Type (COA). The tax expense is included with the Operating Expenses which is technically incorrect.
A percentage tax rate under the line would also be really useful to users.
26 votes -
New invoicing - Emailing Invoice where invoice date in locked period
Do NOT display an error message and update the history and notes.
Sending Receipt to Client43 votesAppreciate the feedback and including a screenshot of the notifications you're getting on the invoice, Andrew. Just to make sure I fully understand your idea here - Are you saying that rather than seeing the pop up you'd like to have these added as history events to the invoice?
Remittance advice: more email address options
PO and Remittance advice - separate email address - ability to select different email address for sending PO and remittance advice to supplier. Currently able to add mutiple email addresses to contact, but then required to remove the unwanted email address when sending a PO or remittance advice. This can be labourious when creating a batch payment.
17 votes -
New Invoicing - Improve History to show when emails are sent
Previously if you emailed an invoice or statemt to a client it showed up as such in History for that client. Recently this appears to have changed and all that shows in History is "Updated". Not very helpful as it is important to know when one last emailed an invoice or statement.
Please fix.
8 votes -
Payroll - Add pay run comparative to prior pay run
When processing payroll, be able to see a comparative between current pay run and previous pay run before completion/filing to identify any discrepancies.
76 votes -
Bank Reconcile- Allow editing of one line item of a batch deposit
Currently there is the inability to edit one payment in a batch deposit that was created from the Reconcile screen without dismantling the entire batch (with Unreconcile, and then Remove and Redo). If the batch Deposit is created from the Invoice screen and one line item needs adjusting, we have and option to Edit Batch. This allows for removing one line item of the batch but preserves the remainder of the batch (less the removed line item). Please add the Edit Batch function to batch deposits created in the Reconcile screen too! It is a big pain point when you…
26 votes -
New Fixed Assets - Access for AU organisations that use pooling
Ability for AU orgs that use pooling in Fixed Assets to access the new Fixed Assets experience and make use of features like being able to attach a file to an asset.
7 votes -
NZ Payroll - Annual Leave option to add in Days instead of hours
Would be easier for employees & team leaders approving leave if annual leave is able to be requested in days and half days. Or to have the option to select either days or hours when requesting annual leave through the Xero Me app.
It's the most common complaint I hear from our employees that it would be way easier if they could just put in 1 day instead of working out the hours they want to take off.
13 votes -
E-invoice - New e-invoice notification
e-invoicing notification
It would be great if we could get some kind of notification when an e-invoice was received into draft. Without going into our process, not knowing when a e-invoice was received will cause delays in processing as well as paying it.
18 votes -
Contacts - Bulk Archive option if inactive for an extended time
Bulk archive option for any contact either supplier and customer with no activity after 2 years or at least being able to run a report for the same inactivity (Smart list does not offer the options needed)
9 votes -
New invoicing - View full account name
New Invoicing: Auto adjust the account column width (or wrap text) so that the full account name can be seen when creating an invoice in New Invoicing. Currently users have to click on the account within each line to see the full account name. In Classic invoicing the account box automatically adjusts so that the full account name can be seen.
54 votesAppreciate your feedback, everyone. Currently our team are doing some work on improving the line item grid (where you enter details of your invoice) this also involves providing the ability to view the full account name both when editing and viewing the invoice. For now we'll shift this idea to working on it and I'll share more news when this goes live. Thanks
Subscription - Annual Xero Subscription option
Allow subscribers to pay their Xero subscription annually, not just monthly
31 votes -
New invoicing - Make manual tax adjustment to total invoice amount
Retain the This Make manual tax adjustments from the invoice subtotal in New Invoicing. This is a feature that I use as I have to import sales figures from an external program and the VAT figure is different by a small amount But I don't want to have to alter each line on the invoice.
24 votesCan see what you're meaning here, John. I've made a slight adjustment to the title of your idea that I think might help others identify with. We'll start to feel the interest out here and let you know if there's any change planned.
Subscriptions - Rewards program for loyal customers.
Pretty simple.
I would have thought it is easier to hold onto existing customers, rather then lose them in favour of new customers.
Xero, please look after your current customers.
23 votes -
Email Settings - customise style
I would like to be able to customise the styling on the invoice emails sent to customers. Changing the colour of the buttons etc.
47 votes -
Bills - Flag a Bill as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag individual bills as in dispute
Purpose | To enable review and ensure the business does not make payment for a bill when it's currently 'under query'
1,099 votesWe appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product…
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