Account Transactions - Pop up calculator
New idea - In Reckon there is a little drop-down calculator you can use in the amounts field. So if for example you claim 60% business/40% personal for a vehicle expense, you can work it out in the box of a split transaction in the bookkeeping program rather than having to open a separate calculator. Likewise if you have a docket with both personal and business transactions on it, you can add them up within the transaction instead of opening a separate calculator.
Sally Sullivan commented
Ah - thank you Robert Laird
Robert Laird commented
"Xero's inbuilt calculator" is very useful, but could always be improved.
Robert Laird commented
You should check this out under "Xero's inbuilt calculator" (see link below). IMHO this is better and faster than a "pop up" once you learn how to use it. See these examples (there is also a bunch of useful date shortcuts).
Add + 495.12+56.89
Subtract - 112.33-16
Multiply * 49.95*1.15
Divide / 560/.33
Group ( ) (25.95*.75)+10