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  1. Can the New Invoicing Template have a the original way to change the date instead of opening the date dropdown to then have to open the "Pick another Date" option if it's not today or yesterday.. If it was today it would already have that day selected, so why is it an option? just added extra steps to select the correct date..

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    Hi team, the improvements to the date selector are now live to everyone! Thank you again, for all your feedback.

    Along with this change, we also recently released an update to date entry shortcuts so you can now enter the same shortcuts that you had with classic invoicing such as +0 or 't' for today's date.

    With copy and paste you'll find you can copy and paste dates however these will currently need to contain a '/' or '-' between the day-month-year to appear correctly.

    We appreciate there are other options when selecting dates that our customers would like to see and there are other ideas that you may also like to vote and join for updates.

  2. For when creating an re-occuring invoice, there is occasions, where invoices must be sent at specific times of the month, for example...

    • Last Day of the month
    • Every 2nd Tuesday
    • Last Thursday of the month

    The reason behind this, is because some companies who you are invoicing operate specific payment cycles, and in order for a small business to get paid within the terms of their invoice ( Late Payment Act 1998 & your own article on [ ] - Payments terms are getting shorter )

    More tools we Small businesses have, there better equipped we are in order…

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  3. In New Invoicing can the Date field be left blank when in draft status as per previously. Regularly I create draft invoices and want to continue to be able to leave the date blank or to put tentative dates in before moving forwards int he process.

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  4. New Invoicing - Due Date: entering +0 currently records the due date as 7 days from invoice date. This feature is useful when due date is same as invoice date. All other numbers work (eg +5, +6, +7 etc) but +0 does not. Please fix this.

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    Hi everyone, we appreciate your patience while we worked on developing shortcuts into new invoicing.

    We have now released an update and you'll find you can use the same shortcuts you used to in classic such as +0 or 't'. Thanks for all your feedback on this here.

  5. It would be really useful to have a way of typing the date without having to use a / in between the numbers, like you could on classic invoicing

    e.g. 20012024 used to convert automatically to 20th January 2024 on classic invoicing

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    Thanks for your interest in this idea, everyone. We understand there are different ways our customers find useful when entering dates for invoices in Xero.

    Based on feedback our team are looking at improvements to the date pickers in new invoicing. While I can't confirm exactly what these will entail atm, we'll shift the idea to working on it and I'll be back to confirm when we have more of the detail.

  6. New invoicing is missing the ability to select the default due date that is against the customer. I had to change the invoice date for a customer with set payment terms of 30 days from the invoice date and there were several suggestions listed but the old option to reset to default date was missing.

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    Quick roll out here 😊 the improvements for the date selector are now live to all users including the ability to Reset to default due date.

    Just remember the default will be based on the setting in the contacts record, or if there is none saved this will default to the options set in your Invoice Settings.

    Appreciate all your feedback and sharing with us through the idea here.

  7. In new invoicing the drop down issue date is today or tomorrow. I suspect "Yesterday" and "end of last month" would be helpful for lots of businesses who bill the day or month after a job is finished.

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  8. For setting dates on new invoicing:
    - when using the "copy to draft invoice" function, keep original date from copied invoice and not default to current date.
    - be able to type date using all numbers and not having to type month name (slows me down)

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    Hi Rebecca, I've just amended the title of your idea for your first request. In terms of the second when you're mentioning the input of dates. You should find you can currently enter dates in number format, however you'll need to make sure you keep the '/' or '.' to separate day month and year, alternatively you may find shortcuts help you cut down the time needed to enter your dates here.

  9. Invoice and bill due dates to default to issue date.

    As above. Basically when you enter the initial date of an invoice or a bill, the due date defaults to the date you have entered. This will save additional data entry if your dates are the same.

    In the case of a franchise where Remits are sent via a supporting booking software, the invoice/bill due date is always the same as the issue date.

    Please default the due date to the invoice date once selected. but still obviously give the option to change the due date

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    Hi Adam, there are a couple of options here including the suggestion that Geoff's provided. 🙂

    Right now, within Invoice Settings you can set a default for the Due Date, this could be based on the invoice issue date if you choose.

    It's also possible to set a due date for an individual contact within their contact record.

  10. Old invoicing you used to select your "to" contact, then tab across to the date where the date would be highlighted so you could start typing a new date straight away. New invoicing no longer selects the date & takes longer if you want to manually type a date rather than having to use the mouse.

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    Hi Shannon, we made some changes toward end of 2024 to improve the entry and selection of dates in new invoicing. Having just done a test I can see that when you tab from the To field it'll move across to the Issue date field with the date highlighted and you can easily start typing the date you need just like you've mentioned.

  11. On the old invoices/bills I could type "18/2/23" and it would auto fill 18th February 2023. Now I have to scroll back multiple months to get there. It would be good if I could type in the date field boxes again. Specifically on "Add Payment"

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    Hi team, as you may have noticed we've made a change to the Invoice Date and Due Date fields that now allows you to type in these fields rather than having to select a date from the calendar drop down. It does still require entering delimiters between day month and year such as a '.' or '/' (we understand there are a few situations when entering US date formats and are continuing to look into this).

    We're working on also adding this functionality to the Payment date, and I'll keep you in the know of when this is made available, here.

  12. It would be nice when entering transactions, for the date field to remain as the last entered date, at least while staying on the transaction page. It is frustrating having to enter the date each and every time when entering transactions. I understand a lot of people are working in there, in real time, and that it is beneficial that the date is always "todays" date, however, when entering stuff for a client from the previous month, this gets annoying.

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  13. When you are entering in date ranges, you used to be able to press tab once and it would jump from the first date to the second date. Now it takes like 7-8 times. This is an inefficiency that seems to have only started a few days ago.

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  14. Hello,

    When you go to add in a 'add payment' in new invoicing, today's date auto populates. If you click on this field to change the date, you HAVE to use the calendar and arrows, it won't let you type in a date.

    Can you please add this feature, like is available in most other areas of Xero?

    If you could also please allow any date format to be entered in his field this would be preferred, (yes like bank reconciliation dates, not like fixed assets dates which only allow 1 format of date to…

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    We appreciate the importance of being able to manually enter dates in new invoicing, and thank you for sharing your interest in being able to do this specifically in the payment date field here.

    I want to confirm that this is something our team are working on. While you'll be able to still use the date picker if you choose, we'll enable the ability to manually enter a date using / or - delimiters, or alternatively using date entry shortcuts - same capabilities that are available with the Issue and Due date atm.

    I'll be back to share when it's released and you can start to make use.

  15. When creating an invoice and adding a due date, it would be handy to have the option of end of this month, so you don't need to click into pick another date.

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    Hi team, while there's not a preset option for end of this month you'll find you can simply type the number e.g '31' into the due date field to populate the date for the current month.

    Toward the end of 2024 we also made some improvements to the calendar picker within new invoicing so you can now easily access the calendar without having to click 'pick another date' which may also help some in the idea here.

  16. Can no longer add an expected payment date when viewing an invoice, you now have to go to the 'awaiting payment' section of invoices. Meaning more steps involved and lost functionality.

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  17. When selecting the date, why only have today and tomorrow, not the calendar. A lot of the time when entering an invoice, it will be dated to a previous day. Why not have the calendar and these options? Or have yesterday as an option.

    So far, this new invoicing is a mess and definitely doesn't make life easier. Improvements are needed.

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    Hi community, appreciate things are a little different between classic invoicing and new. While we've created common date selections when entering dates using new invoicing you can still pick any date you need. 

    From the date field, under Today and Tomorrow, is 'Pick another date', clicking this will open a calendar popup so you can select the date you need. You may also find some of our date entry shortcuts useful when entering this information in Xero.

  18. Ability to have separate fields for posting date and invoice date.

    Purpose: To make users can ensure the expense is recorded in the appropriate month (posting date), and the due date is properly calculated (invoice date).

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    Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of interest which has all been shared with and reviewed by the product team.

    While this isn't currently being worked on there are other ideas this team are working on right now, including a bulk void feature and highlighting rows when selected. Although these features are still under development process and we don't have confirmed release dates yet.

    With regards to having a separate field for the posting date and invoice date, our team is interested in better understanding this idea as it may be something they look to develop down the track. They really appreciate and encourage you to continue to share your experiences, pain points and insights. This will help them understand how this feature can benefit you and other customers, as well as gauge demand for it.

    As always, if there's any change we will…

  19. In the new invoicing, invoice date, drop down has tomorrow as an option, but in the drop down for due date this is not an option and have to go in to manually select the date which is time consuming this is something we use for most of our invoices.

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    Hi team, returning to the idea here we're going to shift this to delivered with the existing ability to enter the keyboard shortcut 'T+1' that'll auto select Tomorrows date in the Due Date field.

  20. With the old invoice format—when you edit the invoice issue date, the due date doesn't change. When you edit the issue date with the NEW invoice format, the due date automatically changes. Not sure about others, but I don't want it to do that. I'll often issue an invoice in the first couple of days of the month but then immediately backdate it to the end of the previous month. I don't want the customer's due date to change. I change the due date back, manually, but again—it's more clicks.

    Changing the issue date (and undoing the change…

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    Thanks for the feedback on the behaviour of the dues date, community. Our product team have implemented a change to this as of today, so now if you update the issue date after you've set a specific due date, it will not automatically update the due date when you make issue date changes.

    We appreciate our customers have different expectations of the behaviour between issue and due dates in new invoicing - Along with other changes we're developing for the due date picker, we'll soon release the option to 'Reset to default due date' which will let you intentionally update the due date based on your invoice's contact's default due date (if set) or your organisations default due date, just by clicking this option.

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